Chapter 8

Winning Their Hearts

Mina laughed as she walked around the school.

The students stared at her as if she was crazy, but the girl paid them no heed. She had never felt so satisfied with herself, and another wave of laughter bubbled up as she thought about the events earlier.

After she dumped a whole bottle of orange juice over Areum's head, she had to admit, she felt a little worried for her life. The bully was a supernatural after all, a strong one with abilities that could burn her to a crisp if she wanted. She almost did just that, with her friends retracting their hands from helping to wipe off the liquid upon feeling how the temperature around her had immediately raised a few degrees.

Realising the situation a little late, Mina hightailed out of there as fast as she could, trying to supress a giggle upon hearing her friends scramble to calm the girl down. Mina might as well have dug her own grave, but she didn't regret it one bit. 

Mina still had about half an hour left for her break, and she couldn't exactly go back to the cafeteria to buy a new meal. So she settled with just walking wherever her feet took her, since she had a rough idea of the school grounds thanks to Sehun's help.

The eighteen year old didn't know how long she walked for, but she found herself in front of the rooftop door. Not knowing whether it was open or not, the girl gave it a soft push, and the strong wind from outside immediately blew at her face. Mina stepped outside.

The wind feels nice.

Mina took a deep breath of the fresh air, her feet automatically taking her to the edge of the roof. She placed her elbows on the edge as she looked up at the blue sky, her mind instantly feeling refreshed. She wouldn't mind coming here everyday.

"You're not supposed to be here."

The girl almost jumped out of her skin, startled by the sudden intrusion of a deep voice. Mina turned around only to see one of her housemates staring at her from his spot on the ground, his eyes blank. His uniform was untucked as one of his arms was propped on his knee, his back against the wall.

"I'm pretty sure you aren't either," Chanyeol squinted his eyes at her answer, a little peeved that she talked back.

"Let me rephrase myself," Chanyeol's eyes never leaving her. "You don't belong here."

It was Mina's turn to squint her eyes at the rude werewolf. She knew very well that she wasn't exactly welcomed in school or in her new house, but it wasn't like she wanted to be here either. She took a deep breath to control her emotions, her head repeatedly chanting that this was for her family.

"If you guys weren't such sob-stories then maybe I wouldn't have to be here."

A vein popped in the werewolf's forehead, and Mina flinched when she felt her body slightly lift off the ground, the tips of her shoes just brushing the ground. Her hands wrapped around the werewolf's wrist, trying to pull his grip off her collar.

"You don't know what its like to see someone you love slowly die before your eyes, while you just sit there completely helpless," Mina was met with Chanyeol's furious eyes, although his voice almost cracked as he talked. He was a whirlpool of emotions, but Mina could still see the sadness behind his anger. 

"I know very well how that feels like," Mina almost shouted, her own anger bubbling at the thought of the werewolf thinking as if he knew everything about her. She could relate to what he said too well.

Chanyeol's fury died down a little upon hearing what she said, his eyes widening a fraction at what Mina said. What did she mean?

"But I don't let that ruin me," Mina's voice dropped to a whisper, but Chanyeol heard her loud and clear. Her grip on his wrist tightened as she stared straight into the boy's eyes, her eyes hardening to hide her emotions. "At least you still have someone that worries about you."

The boy's grip on her collar loosened then, and Mina felt her feet touch the ground. Chanyeol's eyes were still trained on her, slight curiosity hiding behind his shock and anger. Mina could tell that he was still a little pissed, but at least she wasn't dangling away from the ground anymore.

This boy definitely has anger issues.

Mina dusted herself off, her hands stopping over the wet patch on her shirt. She glared at it, as if the intensity of her stare could make the shirt dry. It was uncomfortable, but she had nothing else to wear. She groaned.

"First I wasted lunch, and now this."

Upon hearing her groan, Chanyeol looked down to see Mina fiddling with her shirt, a very large and obvious patch covering the area over her stomach.

"You didn't have lunch?"

"You're looking at it," Mina raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of the boy's tone. She continued to fiddle with her shirt, ignoring the movement from the corner of her eye. She heard the shuffling of feet and the zipping of a bag before Chanyeol's voice was heard again.


Mina peeked up only to be met with a shirt flying her way. Her hands instantly flew out on instinct, catching the soft material clumsily. She spared a curious glance at the boy, who was now throwing his bag over his shoulder. He shared eye contact with her for a while, before he pulled open the door to the rooftop and stepped out.


"Worst day ever."

Mina slammed her forehead on the table in front of her. She was only halfway through the day, and she already felt like going home. 

Sehun and Jongin had stared at her in shock when she dragged herself to her classroom after lunch, which was no surprise because she appeared in an entirely different attire. Chanyeol's shirt was way too big on her, and she felt as if she was swimming in it with how the sleeves almost reached her elbows. His shirt also came all the way down to her mid-thigh, and if she hadn't tucked it in, she would've looked like a clown.

She sighed at all the unwanted attention. She was already attracting enough by just being a human, and she didn't need more by wearing a werewolf's shirt. But she had no choice, considering how her uniform was ruined. Sehun had tried to ask why the hell she was wearing his brother's shirt, while Jongin pretended like he was uninterested. He wasn't the only one, as Mina could see the entire class looking at her in curiosity and bewilderment as soon as she stepped into the room. The girl ignored the boy's burning questions, much to his displeasure, and escaped the classroom as soon as break started.

Thankfully Sehun didn't bother to run after her, and Mina sighed in relief. She wanted a quiet place to just rest her head, and therefore found herself faceplanting a table in the library.

In her hurry to just find a table to sit and rest quietly, Mina unfortunately didn't notice that there already was another occupant beside her.

The quiet boy's eyes had followed Mina's every movement once she stepped into the library, his eyes widening in curiosity at her sudden appearance. She had instantly occupied the seat beside him and closed her eyes, and he wondered if she even noticed that she was sitting beside him. His nose scrunched as he noticed the entirely too big shirt on her tiny form. It felt weird catching her scent on his brother's shirt, Chanyeol's scent overpowering hers in a strange combination. 

Its even weirder that she is wearing his shirt.

His ears had picked up the annoyed tone in her voice before she slammed her head on the table, and he wondered what happened to her. Whatever it was, it would definitely explain why Chanyeol was even willing to lend her his shirt. It was like she was being swallowed by the huge clothing, and Junmyeon pried his eyes away from her collarbone that was fully exposed by the shirt.

A few minutes passed just like that, before the boy caught the girl fluttering her eyelids open, her head turning to face him. Upon seeing him, Mina groaned, a scowl on her face.

"I swear you guys are everywhere," Mina mumbled under her breath, fully knowing that he could hear her. Junmyeon raised an amused eyebrow at her annoyance. "I don't need another one of you annoying me and ruining my day even more."

"Chanyeol annoyed you?"

Mina flushed in embarrassment upon seeing the werewolf's gaze on her shirt. Of course he knew.

Curse their stupid werewolf nose.

"Sehun and Jongin too."

Junmyeon chuckled a little at that. It was like she was ratting on her siblings.

"Not funny," Mina gave Junmyeon a glare, although non-malicious. "You should teach your brother how to control his emotions."

"Chanyeol can be a little hot-headed," Junmyeon replied, and Mina was slightly impressed that he knew who she was talking about. "Although I take it that he already apologised with that."

Mina gave an embarrassed cough when the boy nodded to her shirt. He had wanted to inquire more about what happened between the both of them, but he decided to keep his mouth shut. They barely knew each other enough to ask about each other's day.

Silence came over them after that, and Junmyeon had gone back to reading when Mina's stomach growled lowly. The girl instantly wrapped her arms over her stomach, her cheeks dusting red. How much more was she going to embarrass herself?

"You haven't eaten?"

"It's a long story," Mina wanted wipe his amused smirk off his face. "And I don't want to go back to the cafeteria."

Junmyeon's eyebrow twitched with curiosity yet again, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he found himself reaching into his bag, his fingers closing around the object.

Mina watched with interest as the werewolf pulled out a nicely wrapped sandwich and placed it in front of her. Her eyes twinkled with happiness, and Junmyeon resisted the urge to smile at the way her eyes went wide. She was kinda cute.

"You're giving this to me?"

At the sight of him nodding his head, Mina gave him a cute smile and thanked him before swiping up the sandwich. Junmyeon watched as she practically skipped out of the library, the large shirt bouncing up and down on her shoulders.

The corners of his lips flicked upwards unconsciously.


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Chapter 11: I love this story.. Finally caught up.. I really want to know more about Hyorin and how the boys used to be with her.. Maybe Mina is also their mate but bcz she is human it is hard for them to know.. But still they can smell her.. She effect them in a good way.. She is healing their past wound without them realizing and creating her own place.. But Soyeon.. I feel she has some other motives or maybe she want the boys.. If she betray Mina after this then it will really break her.. And I feel boys will be hard to convince too as Soyeon is related to Hyorin.. Will wait for the next chapter..
AiiSoo #2
Chapter 11: Ahh. I miss reading a werewolfau. And I miss exo too. Thank you for this. It is a good read. And it’s really suspicious how Hyorin died of sickness. She was a freaking werewolf and young too at that. It is weird if no one suspect anything of her sudden sickness and death. Soyeon is definitely a red flag. I hope Mina will be fine and stay strong as ever.
Thank you for this story..!
overdosedbyexo9339 #3
Chapter 11: I have a feeling Soyeon might have a crush on the boys too and did something to cause Hyorin’s death. I’m kinda worried for what’ll happen to our Mina but I’m sure our girl will hold out with her own strength!
Chapter 11: Update soon please
Chapter 11: Update soon please
Chapter 11: Update soon please
Chapter 11: I'm still curious with Hyorin's death, tho.. suddenly sick? Hmm.. So suspicious.. and was she really their mate?? Shouldn't they die too when their mate died? Idk..
Anyway, thank you for the update!!
Chapter 11: Nice to have you back
Daliance #9
Chapter 11: Oh my goodnesss Hi Hello authornim thank you so much for the update, hope everything is going well, staying healthy and lively.

Awww cuteness, I love how they all just slowly letting her in. I was surprised to read about how close Soyeon and Mina are getting but she does clearly have another motive, she is really subtle about it though as if testing out how much she can claim as hers or something. Awww Lay’s music, just another thing that will bring the boys back to liveliness and happiness and all things beautifully positive.

Thanks again authornim for the update, stay safe and healthy. I cannot wait to read moreeeee…..
Chapter 10: I'm so happy to see how their relationship grow!! There are so many interactions that never fail to make me smile ;; from chanyeol scene in the rooftop (yes! how the brothers were curious about THE uniform!! they could smell chanyeol's scent on her but hey! we could smell jealousy over there! ), minseok midnight talk, and sehun-jongin protectiveness. Lastly, seoyeon as their mate's bff.. and how mina felt excluded from their interaction :((. It's such a cute and great fic! please stay safe and healthy <3