Epilogue (part II)


do you guys still remember me.... anyway, enjoy the last part of the epilogue! 

Here Youngjae is, dressing up with a fancy black tuxedo and great leather shoes, looking so nice and awesomely stunning. Maybe people can even think that he’s the one getting married. He immediately goes to the groom 1’s room – this case it is Mark’s room and meets Jackson in the hallway – who greets him the second he sees him.

“Look who we got here!” Jackson still greets him with some English that Youngjae already can fully understand now he is so proud of it. “Choi Youngjae, the most famous actor in South Korea these days, my god. You know what, Jae, I actually watch your dramas. Like I am feeling so proud, my baby brother who only thinks of singing changed his career field like that. And succeed on doing that. The dramas worth my precious times too!”

Hyung, it’s not like that. My world still revolves around singing, you know I sing the main soundtracks too,” Youngjae argues, but Jackson just twitches up one of his eyebrows in amusement. “It’s just that at some points I realize that I love acting and have some talents in it.”

“I know,” Jackson says, and opens the room.

There is Mark who is chatting comfortably with Yugyeom and looks absolutely hot in those expensive tuxedo. He is a model after all, and his body is still awesome as hell. When Jackson gets in, he literally runs and hugs his bestfriend for a long time. Youngjae smiles at the view – well, they rarely saw each other.

He sits beside Yugyeom and greets him. “So radio DJ-ssi, I listen to your radio every night. Thanks for the really good review for my last drama, though, I appreciate it. It makes our last episode’s rating went up. The night playlist is always great too, it accompanies my lonely nights,”

“Aw, hyung, so cheesy,” Yugyeom purrs. “Sorry to know you’re lonely when the night strikes, though,”

Youngjae just rolls his eyes when Yugyeom laughs at the statement he himself makes. Then he observes Yugyeom’s figure after some time – not seeing the maknae. His face is still cute, but the babyfat is totally gone and he really looks like a mature gentleman. The news states that he has a girlfriend, and next month, he will engage with her.

“You’ll invite me to your engagement, right? Despite me never seeing the lucky girl.” Yugyeom blushes when Youngjae never really intend to like that. “Or you’ll hold it like a really, really private party between families?”

“GOT7 is my family and you know that. Want to tell you guys today but turns out the news already leaked it,” Yugyeom chuckles.

Before Youngjae can ask where is Kunpimook – that aegyo kid from Thailand who became really mature when GOT7 disbanded – Mark already calls him cheerily and Youngjae runs to hug him. He really misses Mark, as Mark can be considered as one of his bestfriends in GOT7.

“You know, last night Jinyoung and I talked about you,” Mark starts after all the hugging time is done, “when we really thought that you and you-know-who will be married together first and we’ll be the one to attend it.”

Youngjae shows some discomfort expressions, because Mark brings up his former relationship with Jaebum that he has tried so hard to forget about it.

“You said Jaebum hyung’s name like it’s a taboo word,” Youngjae remarks and gives a smile, despite that he just showed discomfort expression. “It’s not really taboo, and fate already turned out to be like this. So maybe we’re not meant to be, hyung.”

“What are you saying,” Mark laughs, “If you guys aren’t meant to be, then Jinyoung and I are definitely not fated together, ,”

Youngjae just throws a bitter smile and says to Yugyeom and Jackson that he’ll head out first.

“Before you sit and wait ‘til the ceremony starts, you have to greet Jinyoung, okay? He really, really misses you. And he’s the most loyal audience of your drama, you know that?” Mark shouts before Youngjae completely leaves his room.

Youngjae just chuckles loudly responding to Mark. Well Jinyoung will never really change.

Youngjae walks with a half heart towards Jinyoung’s room – afraid of the certain someone’s presence. But then a thought strikes him, why should he be afraid of jaebum’s existence when he has done nothing that harm him. So he walks confidenly and erases all the negative thoughts in the head.


Jinyoung immediately looks at the mirror when the door creakes open, showing a stunning Choi Youngjae steps in his room.

“Woah Choi Youngjae,” he quickly greets Youngjae who is momentarily shocked – seeing a very fabulous Park Jinyoung in front of the mirror. “You’re so good-looking today! People should think that you’re the one getting married seeing you with those fancy tux and expensive leather shoes,”

“, hyung,” Youngjae just sticks in that position, not moving anywhere, but then manages a hold of himself and continued, “you look so amazing.”

“I know,” Jinyoung chuckled seeing the Youngjae – who holds his breath. “Come on, breath. Here, sit next to me. I miss you so much.”

Youngjae complies and sits next to Jinyoung – but looks at the mirror to fix his hairstyle and his outfit once again. “I am feeling like I am going to be judged with my fashion style while you’re looking so ing great, hyung. I’ll admit that Mark-hyung loses this time. Like so much points gap between both of your fashion styles.”

“Aw, thanks,” Jinyoung wipes his non-existent tears, then asked, “so how’s life?”

“Or maybe you want to precisely ask me how is life without Jaebum, hyung,” Youngjae chuckles lightly and continues, “life is pretty much good, great even. I have more challenging dramas with some cool plots – as you know, because Mark said you’re my dramas’ loyal audience, and I sing a song that I composed myself for comebacks. I still have the fans and I act on cool dramas, so life is great. Maybe the cons are just no one will kiss you in home, no one will tuck you to sleep, no one will give you a good night kiss and no one to have romantic with. Well, simply no one to love and just miss the feeling being loved.”

“Wow, your talking skills have improved so much,” Jinyoung comments and then the door opens.

Youngjae and Jinyoung just look at the mirror – not too bothered to actually see the door.

The mirror reflects a very cool-looking Im Jaebum – his hair styled up like when he’s still around 20s – and Youngjae looks at the real person instead of the reflection. An uncomfortable silence suddenly exists in there and Jinyoung just stands up from his chair and chuckles. “You finally come to South Korea, hyung. Welcome! And by the way, I have not finished my hair styling, even though I look like perfection already, so I’ll go to my staff. Bye!”

Youngjae and Jaebum just stay there like idiots – no one dares to break the precious eye-contact. But then Youngjae breaks it though, to scan how Jaebum looks from head to toe. Jaebum is so stunning. He wants to say it out loud, really, so he does.

“You look so amazing, hyung, no joke,” Youngjae compliments Jaebum, and he can actually see Jaebum’s cheeks turn red.

“You look great yourself,” Jaebum manages to say after becomes shy at the moment – looking at Youngjae from head to toe. “Are you coming by yourself, or maybe you come with a partner?”

“What partner, hyung,” Youngjae chuckles, but then his lips purse into a straight line. He’s quite curious, maybe, just maybe, does Jaebum bring partner to this wedding ceremony? “Do you come with someone?”

“Well yes, I come with someone,” Jaebum smiles, Youngjae’s still curious or maybe it’s just part of polite chit chat.

Youngjae’s eyebrow twitched up in amusement, and finally asks, “Wow, who? Your partner? You got yourself another lover, hyung?”

Jaebum didn’t hear any jealous tone in Youngjae’s voice and it startles him a bit. Maybe Youngjae already succeeds fully in moving on with his life and totally forgets about his feeling for Jaebum. He sighs, and smiles while shaking his head.

“No. I am still working hard, still no time to date,” Jaebum says truthfully, earning Youngjae’s concerned look.

“Ah, hyung, come on,” Youngjae says in English, “you’re already in your 30s, go find someone to date and marry! Do you want to spend the rest of your life marrying music and your career? But your projects and movies are awesome, though,”

“Do you watch my movies well?” Jaebum replies with another question, reading through the lines between Youngjae’s statements.

Youngjae blushes like he’s caught off guard by Jaebum’s question, which triggers Jaebum’s laughter. Youngjae can’t help but to join, and eventually, the laughters die down and they just smile to each other.

“Why are you smiling?”

“I don’t know, why are you smiling?”

And then they’re laughing again – but got cut off out of a sudden because Jackson knocks on the door saying hey both of you stop flirting and come out because the wedding will start soon, you lovebirds. Jaebum wants to whine how they’re not lovebirds, but seeing the color red on Youngjae’s cheeks make Jaebum purses his lips again and stays silent.

They shout an okay in sync after that, and go out together from Jinyoung’s room.


The wedding ceremony is so beautiful and sweet, just like how Mark and Jinyoung are, and the guests are watching them with awe and congratulating the couple with so many happy and warm wishes because they really deserve them.

GOT7 members are all present, and sitting together while chit-chatting happily and catching up with each other. Youngjae hugs Bambam who becomes a big Asian star and a variety show king in both Thailand and Korea taking over Jackson’s position (which Jackson cuts off and said no, i’m still the king. My name is Wang Jackson, guys, Wang means king.)

The atmosphere is so warm and happy, and Yugyeom tells everyone that he will be engaged with a girl who casts in the same drama with him some months ago. This time he’s really serious, and already buys the ring and stuffs. The members start to – how come our maknae will be the second (or technically third) one to be married amongst us, you kid.

:Jackson then reveals that he is mustering up his courage to ask Youngji to marry him, which immediately causes him to be teased. The others are teasing like oh my god our Jackson is afraid to ask Youngji which Jackson just shrugs with come on stop it, man! and ends up happily with laughter. Jackson and Youngji already reveal to the public that they’re dating, though, so sometimes they’re roaming in the South Korea’s streets freely, hands in hands.

Bambam says he’s falling in love with her co-star in Thailand’s famous variety show – taking their time slowly to enjoy the dating phase until they find the right time to marry.

“So, how about our Youngjae’s love life?”

“I have no one in my heart, it’s just blank space,” he says slightly honest, since he still has someone’s name craved deep in his heart, but what’s the point on saying that out loud? They’re nothing, anyway.

“Ah, come on, hyung, no fun,” Yugyeom and Bambam tease Youngjae together, but Youngjae just shrugs anyway. He’s not really into someone except Jaebum, so he’s somewhat partly honest.

“How about our leader? Any lover in US?”

Jaebum then says some girls started hitting on him the time he’s just landed there. But then they found out that he is in US just to be a well-known performer and a man who works hard, they left him. He rarely goes to club too, since he spends his time too much on the studio working on new music, dancing in his dancing studio, or on a movie set.

“No fun, both of you,” Jackson says, pointing at Jaebum and Youngjae. “If the guilt is still there, forget it, come on. With or without GOT7, we are doing fine. Well, no offense.”

Mark, Jinyoung, Yugyeom and Bambam chuckle together, agreeing with Jackson’s statement. After that all GOT7 members clink their glasses of wine together and say cheers, while asking a photographer to capture this moment.


Before they all leave the site to their next upcoming schedules, Jaebum confesses that he has a flight to catch quickly because he leaves US without leaving an announcement to his management in there. The members , except Youngjae who becomes quiet all of the sudden.


Jaebum catches up to Youngjae who just walks slowly to where he parked his expensive black car.

“Oh, why, hyung? Do you want to tell somethin—”

Youngjae is obviously taken aback by Jaebum  who is just kissing him agressively, but a second after that, he kisses Jaebum as passionately as how Jaebum kisses him. The pain, frustration, loneliness, and longingness can be felt by that long, passionate kiss until Jaebum realizes Youngjae is crying.

They break the kiss slowly, catching their breath. Jaebum sticks his forehead with Youngjae’s forehead and they’re looking into each other’s eyes.

Youngjae then invites Jaebum to go in his car, since Jaebum said earlier that he has a flight to catch on, which Jaebum just goes in and sits in the seat beside driver.

“Why are you crying,” it’s not exactly a question hearing the tone, but to Youngjae it’s still sounded like a question.

“I miss you so much,” Youngjae just confesses shamelessly, piercing into Jaebum’s eyes with sincerity.

“You know, when I’m drunk by myself, I always end up texting you some rubbish texts or i miss you hyung or where are you L to are you doing fine hyung.. i am not.. type of texts. But then I heard from Jinyoung that you changed your cellphone. I’m partly grateful partly annoyed, though, because in one side I want my texts to actually received by you and in other side I am embarrassed to death if you received them.”

“It’s not only you, Jae,” Jaebum says, chuckles after hearing Youngjae’s confession. “I called you several times when midnight comes. Like I don’t even drink and the longingness just strikes me hard and I have this urge to call you. But you have this other habit to never accept a stranger’s call, because you’re afraid that it’s from a sasaeng,”

“So that unknown number is you?”

“Yes, you . I even called you like last week to ask if you’re coming to Jinyoung and Mark’s wedding or not.

Youngjae just chuckles realizing his dumbness.

“But I still have to go to the airport, to the US. Maybe I’ll end the contract with the management there and come out to the public that I’m homoual too?”

“We should. I made enough money for us to survive. Well I know you too.”

“Since our scandal leaked out, we actually should. I don’t even ing know why did we agree to say that we’re not gay for each other when in the end GOT7 disbanded too.”

“Yes. I lost GOT7, and I lost you. What’s with the US, anyway?”

“To forget you. But I failed miserably.”

“Of course, I’m unforgettable. And hyung, I will buy a ticket to US in the airport so we go together. Okay?”



“But who are you coming with anyway?”

“Oh, Bambam. We met at the airport and we came together. Testing you if you’re jealous. I didn’t hear any jealous tone earlier, though.”

“But you know I am, anyway.”

Jaebum pecked Youngjae’s cheek – which dusts into the color red a second later, but still driving and looking straight to the road, while his right hand is intertwined with Jaebum’s left hand.


oh my god i just- don't want to say goodbye yet.

sorry if you are quite unsatisfied by this part II but what do you expect anyway, since Youngjae and Jaebum can't run from each other. they still love each other deeply, and yeah, despite being in different countries and never meet again after Jaebum's depart, they still love each other in silence. 

thoughts on this last part of epilogue, and thank you thank you very much for staying with Disgusting (what) and sorry for the boring epilogue. 

have a really, really, really wonderful weekend!,


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PikaBow2 #1
Chapter 17: Still a great story~!
eulutas #2
Chapter 13: I unconsciously started doing the choreo in i like you part i can not *facepalms*
Chapter 16: Awwwe.. what a happy ending <3
Chapter 14: aww I love this <3
Chapter 8: HAHHAHAHAA I feel bad for laughing but JYP did a biiiig mistake-

aigoo, poor those guys.
__wmingg #6
Hiiiiiiii, I really like your story because of the way youngjae stands by jaebum when they are getting into trouble. Can I translate it into Vietnamese for other fans to read with me?? I will give a link leading to your original fic for sure :D
Thank you!
NO omg i haven't even started reading chapter one and i can already know how much i'm going to cry over this
AAAAAAa goodbye
KirraTelf #8
Chapter 17: Aww omg this is one of the few fics I really loved to read and actually I was craving for a plot like this, it's just perfect. Though it's really sad that you'll delete it, I hope you can continue writing and bringing happiness to us readers ^^
thunderbaek921 #9
Chapter 1: thank you for this story. this has gotten me hooked. i love the concept, the title, the meaning, heck even the relevancy. This is amazing and your should write more stories <3
Chapter 17: Thank you for sharing Disgusting with us. I enjoyed the story very much, wishing you can continue 2jae story line. (fingers cross) but good things have to come to a end. Wish you well and never give up writing, maybe we'll see a story again on asianfanfics. Bid you Peace