When Reality Hits....

I love you, Nerd.


FINALLY Putting up another chapter after what seemed like forever. Well, the long wait is over, and I promise you guys won't have to wait fior another month for another as I would update frequently. Can I get a "Yey!!" There? Lol. Please, enjoy this chapter. <3 





After a long walk along the trail, they reached the highest point where there was a Buddha under a large stone cave. Kevin breathed in excitement and looked at her. She couldn’t help herself but to smile back. Still hand-in-hand, they both walk towards the popular statue.

Kevin held up the flower he’s holding, “Just like what ahjumma said.” Cherrie nodded and they tied the two flowers together. “Now wish for something,” he said.

She looked at him in confusion, “Huh?”

He half-smiled, “Well, we’re not really lovers, right? Wish for something else instead.” He said without emotion.

“Oh,” she replied, right. Everything isn’t real. How could it be? Cherrie disappointedly let go of his hand, closed her eyes and prayed. I know it’s impossible for him to love me back again but all I could hope for is for him to forgive me.She sighed and opened her eyes.

She glanced at Kevin who still had his eyes closed. She smiled, realizing how crazily she’d fallen for this guy. Kevin Woo, the guy she used to protect from the bullies, the one who loved her, but she hurt him and she deserves being hated by the new Kevin today. How Cherrie desperately wishes she could turn back the time. Maybe, just maybe.. “But I guess it’s too late to hope for that.” She whispered to herself bitterly.

“Too late for what?” He suddenly spoke, making her glance at him. He’s wearing a confused expression as he examines her face. “Cherrie, are you crying?” he asked and reached to touch her face. She moved away and wiped her tears. How long has she been crying? “I—I’m fine.” She sniffed.

“A-are you okay?” he tries to reach to hold her again but then again, she moved again. “I said I’m fine.” She said and started running.

 She doesn’t know why she ran and where she’d go. She felt confused and hurt. She loves Kevin but he doesn’t, he never will, that’s the sad truth she has to accept and live with.

She stopped running when she reached the farthest place of the trail. She looked around and realized it was already getting dark. How long has she been running? She stood in front of a gate blocking the trail leading to a forest. A signage says, “Do not enter.” Without thinking, she removed her wedge shoes and started to climb the tall gate, not minding if the dress she’s wearing might rip. When she was about to step her left foot so she could reach the ground, she accidentally slipped.

With a loud thud, she landed on the ground on her feet but she lost her balance and stumbled to a nearby tree and hit her head. She groaned in pain and felt blood dripping from her forehead, the next thing she knew, she was unconscious.


This is the end..

Maybe I deserve to die for hurting him. I’m sorry, Kevin. I wish I could apologize personally but I think this is the better way to do it. To wait for myself to die.. In pain, in vain, in regret.. I wish I could say I love you, but I guess it wouldn’t matter now.


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How about I post a chapter today? It's been so long since I did. I'M SORRY. T.T


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keyseopie #1
TT___TT Kevin needs to get to her!!! AUTHOR~
Chapter 25: Eyy.... Author-nim, u make me weep.
erialc #3
Chapter 25: Now Kevin is avoiding her? :( Please Kevin, go to Yeonsuuuu
Chapter 24: I can feel the emotions of the characters. It makes me feel mixed emotions. ahaha I'm looking forward for the nxt chapters. kevin... do something! hahahaha. <3
HeXm1_Park #5
Chapter 24: I almost started crying at the end of the chapter :( that's so sad!
starlightdust #6
Chapter 24: HAAAA I WAS RIGHT!! XD ok im sorry authornim
erialc #7
Chapter 24: New reader :D hehe :D can't believe I read all 24 chapters in like, 30 minutes, :P You made em squeal so much! Please update soon :D I hate to see Them apart :(
starlightdust #8
HeXm1_Park #9
Chapter 23: Wow this story is amazing I just started reading this a few days ago and loved the first chapter instantly(:

Please udate when you have time!(: