food is love, but love is you

the food devotee


A food devotee.

That is what most people will describe Kim Jongin as.

His love for food had come to a point whereby it has become ridiculous. No one – and I mean no one, not even his favourite idol group, exo – can take his mind off food.


“So, remember how I mentioned that exo might be having their first concert in Seoul?” his best friend, Kyungsoo, says from opposite him.

Jongin nods his head enthusiastically, his mouth looping around a straw as he slurps the vanilla milkshake. Luxurious vanilla cream cuddled his tongue as he desperately tries not to waste a drop of it.

They are currently in a small café, situated at the corner of Hongdae. Kyungsoo had called him at 9 in the morning, demanding for them to meet-up because it had been a while. At that, Jongin whined about how he was lazy and all he wanted to do was have a Cake Boss (his favourite tv show) marathon. Of course, Kyungsoo being Kyungsoo, he persisted and eventually bribed Jongin into meeting him, saying that he would get the younger boy his favourite strawberry cheesecake from their usual cafe.

It has been 30 minutes into their meeting and Jongin still has not mentioned anything about the strawberry cheesecake.

This is good, Kyungsoo thought to himself, Baekhyun owes me 30 bucks now.

“So, what about the concert?” the younger of the two prompt Kyungsoo to continue what he initially wanted to tell Jongin.

“Oh, right. They just released more information regarding it yesterday and the concert will be held on-“

All attention on Kyungsoo disappears as soons as Jongin spots a lady standing at the counter, purchasing a slice of the smooth and creamy piece of heaven – his favourite strawberry cheesecake. Gulping, he chastised himself internally for having forgotten about the strawberry cheesecake Kyungsoo owed him.

Jongin’s eyes follow the strawberry cheesecake as the lady walks to her table. Not taking his eyes off the strawberry cheesecake, he his bottom lip slowly and asks, “Say…when do I get that strawberry cheesecake that you bribed me into going out with you?”

“W-What? Strawberry cheesecake?”

Averting his eyes from the cheesecake to Kyungsoo, though it took him much effort, Jongin replies, “Yeah, you promised me a slice. Remember?”

Of course I remember, you idiot, Kyungsoo curses and sighs internally, there goes my 40 bucks.

“But I was talking about exo and you know how you love exo,” Kyungsoo added the last bit, emphasizing on it through gritted teeth.

“Yeah, well. I. Want. My. Strawberry. Cheesecake,” Jongin says stubbornly.

Shaking his head, Kyungsoo only mutters under his breath, “Hopeless. Utterly hopeless. Even your number one idol group can’t stop you from your love for food.”

Beaming widely in respond, Jongin says, “You know how I am with food. Food more than anything else, hyung!”

“And oh. Thanks, hyung, for the cheesecake!” Jongin adds before ushering Kyungsoo off to get his beloved cake.


For Jongin, nothing in life has ever made him sparkly eyed, his heart race, his thoughts jumbled up like food does. Until Oh Sehun, that is.

He knows something is wrong with him the moment his heart thumped at the sight of the tall boy with milky skin and platinum blonde hair.

The first time Sehun talked to Jongin, it happened when he was on his way to the stall that sells the best fried chicken on campus.


“Oooff!” Jongin lets out when someone bumps into him.

He grumbles when all of his belongings drop to the ground and curses the stranger who obstructed his path in getting the fried chicken.

“I’m so sorry,” a deep voice coming from his right says.

Jongin glances to his right, only to see the side-view of the owner of said voice. High nose, defined jawline, platinum blonde hair. Before he knows it, his heart flutters a little at the sight.

I must be going crazy, he thought. Jongin clears his throat, pulling his attention back to the fried chicken stall that was only a few metres away from him.

Fried chicken is good.

Boy who obstructed my path in getting the chicken is not good.

Juicy chicken is good.

Boy with platinum blonde hair is not good.

Chicken is –

When the stranger looks up to pass Jongin his belongings, all of Jongin’s initial thoughts about chicken vanish.

“Boy with hair colour just like vanilla ice-cream,” Jongin whispers out when he sees the way the eyes of his saviour turn into crescents when he smiles, “is good.”

“What did you say?” the stranger asks Jongin in an amused tone. “Something about vanilla ice-cream?”

“Your hair reminds me of vanilla ice-cream,” Jongin mumbles under his breath.


“Nothing. Bye!”

Little did Jongin know, Sehun purposely bumped into him earlier because he had wanted to ask the tan boy out. However, even before he could do so, Jongin had already left.


The second time Sehun tried to ask Jongin out, he was too busy with the cup of frozen yogurt in hand to actually pay attention to him.


“Oh hey, Jongin, right?”

Surprised at an unknown voice talking to him, Jongin looks up from his cup of frozen yogurt and utters, “Whauh?”

He had actually wanted to say ‘what’ and ‘huh’ but it came out jumbled.

Sehun notices the bit of frozen yogurt on Jongin’s upper lip and it takes everything inside of him to stop himself from leaning forward and kissing Jongin’s upper lip clean.

Clearing his throat, Sehun introduces himself, “I’m Sehun. We have the same Chemistry class.”

Jongin stares back, eyes blinking – once, twice, thrice.


And then he turns back to his frozen yogurt and continues reading his manga, leaving Sehun hanging.


The third time, Sehun finally did it right.


“Why is the weather so hot, my God,” Jongin mumbles while pulling onto his white v-neck shirt that is sticking to his sweaty chest.

He is sitting under a tree, sheltering himself from the glaring hot sun, while he waits for Kyungsoo. His stomach grumbles loudly as he thinks about how he could be having some ice-cream right now to cool himself down.

“Some ice-cream would be great right now,” he sighs.

Just as he says that, a cone of vanilla ice-cream appears in front of him, hands with milky white skin holding it. Jongin’s eyes widen slightly at the sight in front of him and he his bottom lip, hands extending out slowly to grab the ice-cream from its owner.

“My saviour,” he whispers out.

However, the hand pulls back slightly and Jongin frowns at that. He looks up only to see Oh Sehun with a huge grin on his face.

“Nu uh,” Sehun says teasingly.

“Why?” he whines in response.

“Go out on a date with me,” Sehun says. It wasn’t even a question for Jongin.

Jongin snorts, “No.”

“Okay then,” Sehun replies nonchalantly with a shrug and brings the ice-cream to his lips.

No no no no. My ice-cream.

“Wait!” Jongin exclaims, putting his hand in between the ice-cream and Sehun’s lips. He grumbles out, “Fine, I will go out with you.”

“Nope, I don’t want you to go out with me. I want you to go on a date with me.”

“Idiot, just give me the ice-cream already.”

Sehun lets out a chuckle and proceeds to give the already melted ice-cream to Jongin, but not before pecking Jongin’s cheeks – because who can resist adorable, whiny Jongin.


Their date turned out good. In fact, it turned out to be great. Jongin never knew he could enjoy the company of someone as much as food. Soon, Jongin’s thoughts change too. From ‘hmm what should I eat for lunch’ to ‘is Sehun going eat lunch with me'. He used to prefer the smell of fried chicken but now, he prefers the smell of fresh laundry each time Sehun hugs him.  He used to prefer tasting chocolates and strawberry cheesecakes but now, he prefers the taste of Sehun’s lips when they kiss.

It used to be just Jongin and food. Food was his one and only love. But now, it has become Jongin, food and Sehun. This thought scares Jongin.


“Er, hi,” Jongin greets Sehun as soon as the boy with the platinum blonde hair sits opposite from him in the café where they had their first date.

Sehun chuckles and grabs onto Jongin’s hand that is on the table, “Why are you being so awkward?”

“Erm…” Jongin trails, slowly dragging his hand from under Sehun’s because he knows Sehun's touch would distract his thoughts and that is the last thing he wants.

Jongin does not miss the slight frown on Sehun’s beautiful face and it bothers him that he is the reason behind it.

Clearing his throat and thoughts, Jongin goes for the kill. “I think we should break up, Sehun.”

Jongin would have laughed at Sehun’s surprised face because it looked comical if they weren’t in a serious situation.

“Wha- huh?” was all Sehun could utter.

“We should break up,” Jongin says slowly this time, as though speaking to a toddler.

“No, no. I know what you said. I mean, why?” a baffled Sehun replies.

“I just- I just don’t think this could work anymore,” Jongin says in a small voice, suddenly finding the table to be interesting.

Sehun barks out a humourless laugh and tilts Jongin’s chin with his index finger so that they are looking at each other. Jongin bites down the inside of his cheeks as he stares at Sehun’s beautiful face.

“So you’re going to let this all go – whatever we had – without giving me a proper reason?” Sehun asks, a tinge of hurt in his voice.


Sehun sits up straighter and intertwines his fingers together in front of him. Determined to find out the reason behind Jongin’s sudden decision to break up, Sehun says, “Then tell me why.”

Always saying, never asking, Jongin thought. 

“You’re going to find it ridiculous,” Jongin mumbles and sighs, feeling embarrassed.

“No, I won’t,” Sehun says reassuringly while grabbing Jongin’s hand, his thumb drawing slow circles on his boyfriend’s palm.

Looking at Sehun once for assurance, Jongin lets out a long breath and begins, “It’s just that, all my life I’ve ever only love one thing and that is food. Family aside, of course.”

“And then you came along and everything changed. I start to think about you more than I think of food. I start to want your presence more than food. If everything were to be an equation, it would be you more than anything else, including food.”

“Do you see how weird that is, for me?” Jongin finally asks, eyes blinking innocently.

Sehun worry that he might laugh but holds it in when he sees Jongin’s chocolate brown orbs him in. He knows his boyfriend is being serious.

Jongin swallows the bile forming in his throat. His legs start to shake when Sehun does not respond even after a minute. Only drinking his hot chocolate slowly.

Finally done drinking his hot chocolate, Sehun gestures for Jongin to lean forward and says, “Jongin, come here."

With a slight frown on his face, Jongin leans forward and is surprised when he feels a pair of soft lips on his own. His eyes automatically shut close as he revels in the feel of Sehun’s thin but soft lips moving against his own. At that, Jongin begins to move his lips and he cannot help but let out a soft moan when Sehun’s tongue enters his hot cavern. Jongin can taste chocolate and he feels as though he might become drowsy from it because chocolate. Too soon, Sehun pulls away from him and Jongin nearly pouts at that.

“Do you see what I’m trying to prove to you?” Sehun asks, albeit breathless.

Jongin opens his mouth, lips slightly swollen from the hot kiss, but then closes them when he finally realizes what Sehun is trying to prove.

The kiss was hot and Jongin loved it. He loved it when he could taste chocolate while they were kissing but he loved it even more because it was Sehun that he was kissing.


Food is love, but love is Oh Sehun.



[A/N] okay, so i'm not sure if the last part made sense but i hope it did?? ahah. but anyway, thanks for reading my first ever sekai fic even though it was pretty lame. thanks for reading and comment please! ^_^


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Chapter 1: Omooo, how sweet! ^-^
Chapter 1: Hahahaha this is sooo jhegwjh i'm not into fluff but this is really funny and cute
Chapter 1: This is so cute hahah
JongIn you fool <3
Glad SeHun understand you~~
dulce_soledad #4
Chapter 1: Yay sekai! Yay that sehun was so determined and thank you for writing such a cute story and for the feels ^-^
raqueensha #5
Chapter 1: jongin is so cute
such an adorable story :D
Onepenny #6
Chapter 1: Hungry for Hun! Cute story :)
soonyngs #7
Chapter 1: oh my god, this is so adorable! └(^o^)┘
Chapter 1: hahahahah silly jongin, good story tho <3
deeragon93 #9
So cute omg!!!! >_<
Thanks for sharing, short but nice...
im not even a big fan of exo but this story seems good
sekai's not my otp either but it doesnt hurt to try, right?
update soon!

i subscribed <3