Feelings (daejae)

B.A.P Drabble Collection


YoungJae never understood when he had started feeling the way he did. Daehyun had always been his best friend but recently he seemed to be emerging out to be very beautiful and YoungJae couldn't help but find the boy somewhat.. how should he say it.. attractive.. Yes, he felt that Daehyun was attractive. Honestly the thought made him want to hang his head low and go jump in a river. YoungJae wondered if he should really feel this way.. So to test his theory that it was probably nothing and his heart didn't beat as fast as did when the other was around and just that he was sticking probably too close to Dae for a bit too long that he had started to notice and know about even the slightest of detail about the boy. He decided to try to be around new people for once or the friends that he had been ignoring because maybe.. he had been too engulfed in his best friend. and besides Dae wasn't even that attractive.. yes he wasn't.. maybe alittle but no. 

YoungJae had stuck around with the maknae line, trying to blend in with them which was not easy because JongUp and Zelo together were just.. insane. He even kissed Zelo but even though it felt cute to kiss the maknae and he smelled nice. It was nothing compared to the way YoungJae felt when he was standing next to Daehyun and the scent of the older that would drive him insane. When Daehyun would playfully jump or lay down in his bed and how those night not matter how many times YoungJae would change the side of his pillow the alluring smell would still fill his nostrils making him want to go crazy.

YoungJae tried to hang around the Hyung line or better yet the omma&appa line but he quickly found out that he should probably stay away from that line because Yong guk hyung was indeed a scary person when it came to Himchan hyung and yes he will send you death glares, which by the way are very intense and scary.. , when you would casually hug the pretty visual.. maybe he should have believed Daehyun when Dae said that Yong guk hyung was scary when he was not pleased.

But still even though hugs from Himchan hyung were warm and comforting, the death glares from Yong guk hyung were not. But they were nothing compared to the way Daehyun would casually put his hand around his waist and even though YoungJae had tried to believe that it was his imagination.. YoungJae had found out after much denying that it wasn't and the older indeed would slowly make circle or draw patterns around his back. He forced himself to believe that it was normal. 

YoungJae sighed as he jumped on the sofa and sat down, grabbing the remote control of the television. His heart didn't beat the same way when he was around other people. His cheeks wouldn't heat up when someone else would touch his face. He wouldn't hold his breath or tense up when some one else would walk towards him or would put their arm around his shoulder. And he didn't easily miss people but even though Daehyun was just around him, standing next to him, looking at him with anticipation or possibly want and YoungJae didn't talk to him. YoungJae had started to miss his best friend that made him want to pull his hair out and jump off a cliff because he made him want to do weird things. YoungJae wanted to talk to the pabo.. YoungJae pouted before kniting his brows and shouting "Yah! Jung Daehyun Where are you?!!"

Maybe he should explore the feelings that Daehyun made him feel.. just maybe.. because it can't possibly be what YoungJae thinks it is..

It can't possibly be love..


Hi! ^^ So... I had written this DaeJae for my sister after she made very happy with BangHim <3

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cattia #1
What happened to the daejae?
LoveBabyCass #2
Chapter 9: Omg!!! I so love all your BangHim fluff! Why is there too many angst on the BangHim tag anyway?
Wah updateeee ^^
nyamsas #4
Chapter 9: It's so cute!! I just found your story today. Read it in one whole swoop. Hehe.. You wrote the best fluff,no kidding.
Mihomikko #5
Chapter 9: Omg at first I thought they were going to suicide together XD Cute shot
MissFanfiktion #6
Chapter 4: I am addicted right now!
MissFanfiktion #7
Chapter 3: AW that was so cute I can't even!
I love Banghim so much.
sue_erin #8
Chapter 7: soo cute...i miss banghim so much T_T
notes_of_hell #9
Chapter 7: sooo damn cute
aegyo-chan #10
Chapter 6: This is so cute! I'm giggling here. I love it!! :D