King Chen's Drabble Compilation

An Idiot's Graphics Portfolio~




Another poster that was requested by my desire customer! You guys should visit her fic!

King Chen's Drabble Compilation

Oh yeah! I finally open a shop of my own! You should stop by and request! XD I'm dying of boredom! T^T

An Idiot's Graphic Shop

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Chapter 1: Hello there, you have a great first artwork here for a beginner. Mind if I give you some pointers? I'm not going to say my posters are any good but I have taken advice from some great graphic artists so I'd like to share some with you regarding this poster.

Alright, so the girl's background should be blended away or you could add some sort of texture on top so it would match with the overall grayness of the poster. It isn't quite coherent now. You could experiment with other fonts and typography too to improve how it looks now. I would suggest adding some more textures too.

That's all, really. And as I said, I'm no professional but I think this advice could work well with your future artworks. Good luck and have fun!