The first day

A Better Life???

*Blue color is Hana's thought*

*Red color is Kris' Thought*

enjoy, sorry for such a long time to update.




"Agasshi, the taxi has come." Aunt Yoo yelled when Hana was on her way from her old bedroom.

"Ne.. Auntieee" Hana yelled back. She carried her luggage taht full of her belongings.

"Oh.. Aunt Yoo. Mrs. Kim child is a boy or a girl? I forget to ask you yesterday." Hana ask Aunt Yoo while she move her luggage to the taxi.

"Just see about it later." Aunt Yoo said and she wink to Hana. That makes hana frowned her forehead.

"Arraso. Take care Aunt. I'm so thankful for everything that you give to me. I'll miss you. I love you so much Aunt." Hana saying her goodbye to Aunt Yoo who already cry. She hugs Aunt Yoo. "I'll make sure to visit you when i have a time. Okay?" Hana hold her teasrs but she can't hold it any longer, and then she cried with Aunt Yoo. Hana release their hug, "Take care, Agasshi. I'm sure you'll have a better life. Don't forget to call me, arraso?" Aunt Yoo said her last goodbye to Hana. Hana enter the taxi and she open the window then waving at Aunt Yoo.


Now Aunt Yoo will life alone. I feel bad for her. I'm such a burden back than and now i leave her all alone. But don't worry Auntie, i'll come back and change your life. I love you, and Thank You so much.


In a big house -or we can say it a mansion-

The door is open and a young-handsome boy come in. His hair a bit mess but it makes he looks really cool.His body is a bit thin (a/n: i make Kris a bit skinny), but it didn't mean a thing because he is awesome.

He great his mother and said "You'll go again Mom? Where's that now?"

Yeah, his mother is such a busy single-woman. Single woman? Yep. His father passed out when he was six. But Mr. Kim left load of money and many branches of company that located in Korea and also other country.

"Yes Honey. I'm going to Indonesia in just a few minutes." Mrs. Kim said

"Kris. I need to tell you something. Really~~ important" Mrs. Kim continued her words. But it makes Kris smells something weird.

Kris frowned his forehead. "What is it mom?"

"Today, our new maid will come. You must treat her well. And also~~~ she'll sleep upstairs." She said happily, because finally someone will help her to take care of her one and only son.

"WHATTT?? UPSTAIRS?? Mom pleasee. You know that is my private zone. You can't do this to your one and only handsome son, Mom.." Kris whined to his Mom.

"No. No. No. My decision is already fix. So.. don't dare to do something bad to her. Okay?" She said.

"Oh.. And then, she'll be your tutor. because she just one year older than you. If she still studying at school, now she must attend university. She's smart, unlike somebody here~~" Mrs. Kim own son.

"Who is stupid here???!" Kris raised his voice. I know her mother just said that he's stupid.

Fortunately, you are my lovely mother, Omma.

"Okay. Okay.. Forget it. I need to go now. Take care son. She'll come soon."

"You also take care Omma, and~~ i don;t care when the hell she'll come." Kris said

"Yah! Don;t talk harsly infornt of your own mom." Mrs. Kim pinch his son cheeks.

Kris touched the part that his mom pinched. It HURTS.

"Omma. It hurts~~" Kris whine again. But, Kris is not a person who like to act cute infront of everyone. He just do it infront of his lovely Mom.

"Nah, don't act like a Baby, Honey. You've grown up already. I gotta go. Bye sweetie." Mrs. Kim kissed her son cheeks with full of love. She loves Kris so much.

"Bye~" Kris waved to his mom. When his mom already gone with her car, kris decide to change his highschool uniform and sleep. But, when he about to leave the door, the bell is ringing.

"Who the heck is that?" Kris mumble.

He open the door and he looks at a tiny girl who looks so ordinary. But, her smile not disappeared from his plump lips.

On the other hand. Hana gawk when she looks at that guy damn handsome face. He is so mesmerize. Hana can feel her heart thump thump like crazy.

Kris Just look at her and give a face -will-you-tell-me-who-are-you. And then

"Oh.. Ha..Hai.. I'm Hana. Lee Hana. I'm new maid in this-" Her words cut off buy Kris.

"Yeah. I know. Come in."

What the heck. Is he that stupid son whom Auntie talking about? He's not just stupid, but he's so rude. Darn it. I really need to learn how to take care of his character.



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