- oo1


Awaken by soft footsteps dragging along the ground, Haera was suddenly aware of a presence looming over her. 

What on earth?

She squeezed her eyes shut as tightly as possible and willed her breathing to not be fast. Though it was only mere moments, to Haera it felt like hours before her observer stopped watching her. Holding her breath to be able to hear, she was able to notice that there was a rummage in bed sheets beside her as someone climbed in, 

Oh god... Am I sharing a room with a e?

Haera forced herself to believe it was a dream and it wasn't long before she fell back asleep, snoring quietly and forgetting about the person in the next bed.

The next morning, sun flittered into the room through open curtains and Haera groaned as she woke up.

Odd... I always leave the curtains closed...

Haera slowly opened her eyes and blinked away last night's sleep. Immediately, she sat up and searched her surroundings. She was sure that she wasn't the one to let the sun in and she was also sure that all her nurses knew better than to open the curtains, either. 

Turning her head from side to side, it didn't take long for Haera to register the fact that the one who let the sun in was no longer in the room. Strangely okay with the fact that the curtains weren't shut like usual, Haera let the rays engulf her body. She stretched her arms, yawned and lay back down.

The person will probably be back sooner or later.

And she was right. In a mere five minutes from the time she had woken up, a boy barged into the room with a nurse. "So the T.V works?" He was asking his companion. "Yes, it works perfectly fine but all the channels you have at home may not be available here because, as a hospital, we can't risk too much radiation," the nurse replied. The boy shrugged and flopped onto the other bed in the room.

"Haera, are you awake?" the nurse asked to the girl who was lying down. It was only then that Haera realised who she was. It was in fact, her nurse. Nurse Kang. 

"Yes," Haera mumbled tiredly in reply. 

"Good. You get to meet the person who'll be staying in the same room as you, now. Get up, girl." 

Sighing, Haera did as she was told and was instantly greeted with a friendly grin from the most gorgeous guy in the world. He was literally like those kpop idol you'd see on T.V. Or a model that came straight from a magazine. 

"I'm Oh Sehun. Nice to meet you!" He introduced himself cheerfully. "Nurse Kang told me when I arrived yesterday that your name is Lee Haera."

Haera nodded silently, still dumbfounded by his beauty.

"I wanted to introduce myself then but you were asleep."

So he was the one looking over me...

"OH! She also told me that it was your birthday so I asked if she could take me to the hospital shops to get you something," the boy, Sehun, suddenly rummaged through his pockets and ermerged triumphantly with a beautiful, plain silver bracelet. 

He held it out to Haera. "Sorry if its not something you would've wanted. If I knew eariler about your birthday, I would've gotten you something better," he said sheepishly.

Haera didn't know what to say. Her so called 'friends' hadn't given anything to her for the past few years and before her stood a stranger with a present. Slowly, she reached out her hand to take it. Sehun smiled. "Hold out your wrist," he said and she did as instructed. In a flash, he fastened the plain bracelet to her wrist.

"Thank you," Haera breathed and gave a genuine smile. 

Sehun grinned. "No problem!" 

Nurse Kang cleared and it took Haera a moment to remember that she was still there. "Other nurses will be here shortly with your breakfast. In the meantime, I'd say you two kiddos should get to know each other." Her tone was light and playful with a hint of teasing, but then she gravely added. "I'd recommend that, actually. You guys are going to be with each other until one of you dies so it'll be better if you have last moments that are happy."

She left the room and the two teenagers to echo what she had just said in their minds. It wasn't necessarily nice to talk about death or even think about the possiblities of it. 

Sehun broke the ice. "So, what's the problem with you?" But, seeing Haera shuffle under her blankets uncomfortably, he quickly added. "Oh, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but I guess since we'll be together for some time, I thought it'd be a nice way to get to know each other."

With a look of interest exiting Haera's eyes, Sehun continued, "I only found out that I had lung cancer a few weeks ago. By then, the doctors told me it was too late to completely rid my system of it. So... Now I only have about a year left at most. They said I probably won't even reach my eig--" He stopped suddenly and now it was his turn to be uncomfortable. 

Clearly, even the most cheerful guy didn't like the thought of death. He looked down at his hands. "Well, just gotta live life to the fullest, right?"

Haera nodded and then she herself began to share. "I have a weak heart. I can't exactly recall the name for my condition so I'll just say a weak heart. Its been that way since birth. I was born with it and I'll die with it. Doctors say seventeen will be my last full year."

When she spoke freely about her problems, Sehun looked up. "That's right... I forgot to ask how old you turned today," he said.

"Me? Seventeen."

"Seventeen, eh? Same here. You know, we should do something special before we die."

"What do you mean?" Haera asked uncertainly.

"A thought just came to me. We're going to die around the same time, it would seem... So why not make a bucketlist of stuff to do before then?" Sehun suggested.

Haera considered it for a moment. "That's not actually a bad idea."

"A bucketlist it is, then."

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