

“Jesus Min, when you’re done admiring Captain Canada, can you get off so I can finish copying this? And put your tongue in would you, you’re drooling.”

Luhan smacked the small amount of uncovered forehead on his friend’s head with his pencil, elbowing the redhead off the maths homework he was trying to copy as the victim of all this abuse grabbed onto the side of the desk to avoid falling off his chair and sat up, taking his head off his arms and frowning at Luhan.

“I’m not drooling,” Minseok protested, swivelling round to face Luhan and nudging the latter back. “And it isn’t Captain Canada, it’s Kris,” he added, lowering his voice on the last part and glancing back towards the tall blonde on the other side of the room, cheeks tinting with a faint rosy shade as the subject of his admiration laughed loudly, throwing back his head at something one of his friends had said.

Luhan scoffed, also looking up at the laughter and shaking his head in mock disappointment. “Of all the people to have a crush on, you choose Kris Wu,” he sighed. “The Captain of the basketball team and the King of the in-crowd has never even acknowledged either of us before and here you are thinking you have a chance. I would help you at least confess, but seeing as you choke on air when blondie so much as breathes, I have a feeling that it wouldn’t go very well. The violet haired student turned back to his maths, clicking his tongue in impatience. “Maybe you should write him a letter to confess,” he added as an afterthought, smiling faintly.

The redhead next to him however straightened up, staring at his best friend as he contemplated this suggestion. “That’s genius,” Minseok breathed reaching down to his bag to pull out some paper and a pen.

“I was joking,” Luhan replied hastily, forgetting about the homework and grabbing onto Minseok’s hand frantically. “Please don’t do this, Minseok ah. Consider the consequences.”

“But I can’t actually speak to him in person without having a panic attack, Lu, so this is perfect!” The older replied, already a sentence into the letter, pen flying across the paper as his cheeks flushed once more.

“What are you writing?” Luhan squinted at the paper. “What the heck is this? When I see you my heart becomes enflamed with the joyful agony of just being in your presence…? What are you – the president of his fan club? And why are you telling him he gives you heartburn?”

“Is it too much?” Minseok asked anxiously, pausing.

“Just a tad,” Luhan said, ripping the page off the notepad. “Listen, Minseok ah. I know you like him, but this is sheer madness. If you do this, I want absolutely no part in it.”



“I can’t believe you pulled me into this,” Luhan hissed, tossing his head in disbelief as his friend dragged him through the corridors to where the lockers were, stopping in front of the row that contained the basketball captain’s.  

“It’s this one, right?” Minseok asked him, tapping the red cubicle uncertainly.

“Yeah,” Luhan replied. “I think so.”

“Alright," Minseok grimaced. "As of tomorrow morning, my feelings won’t be secret anymore. Here goes nothing!” Taking a deep breath, the redhead slipped the letter into the crack of the door and listened to it drop to the bottom of the locker. “Wait, I take it back.”


“Luhan, help me get this thing open!” Minseok cried frantically, pressing his face into the door to look through the grates at the top and digging his fingers into the sides of the locker. The Chinese student merely popped his bubble-gum and unfolded his crossed arms, taking a hold of his friend’s wrist and prying him away from the locked door.

“What have I done?!” The older of the two wailed, fighting against the younger’s deceptively strong grip in vain as he was dragged towards the main entrance

“Don’t you dare blame me for anything that happens tomorrow,” Luhan warned, slinging an arm around Minseok’s shoulders as they stepped out into the already empty car park.

“You suggested it,” Minseok mumbled quietly.

“Don’t even think about it.”

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Chapter 4: seok is absolutely adorable and so is Luhan and oh my god, I love how you described Minseok's first impression of Jongdae. I wouldn't be surprised if his heart skipped a beat there already.
Also I love Yixing in this fanfiction here.
He's awesome and I've been laughing way too loudly at this message ;D
Can't wait for the following chapters and I'm curious of Jongdae's side.Like... are Minseok and Luhan really that invisible and how was Jongdae's first impression of Minseok? :3

(I hope I don't post this comment two times now since my phone was being a the first time I tried)
--babystar #2
This is so cute hElP!
Chapter 4: Jongdae is too cute in this. I wonder what his past trauma is. Minseok is also a cutie. Ugh, Everyone's just too cute. I really like this. There needs to be more chenmin in the world. Update soon:)
Fulmileciu #4
Chapter 4: Oh gosh, thank you so much for making this chenmin story ^^ It's so interesting, I can't wait for the next chapter:D
Chapter 4: Oh, wow. I love your style of writing. So detailed and clear. I can picture everything vividly. I'm really enjoying this. My two favorite couples and XiuHan friendship is a plus. HunHan! :)
Chapter 4: I really don't know what say about chapter besides is really good :)
Chapter 3: Short,but I still love it :) Jongdae is nice :) I think I know how it'll end but still I want to read it ^^
Hwaiting author-nim! :)
Chapter 2: Omo,It's so interesting.Why do you end in that moment? ;;;;;;;
Wait for next chapter =^ͺ^=
It's really good :) I can't wait for next chapter.

Hwaiting! ^^
starlightdust #10
Chapter 1: surprisingly this is pretty good so far. not trying to be mean but when people say a fic is their first fic i kind of dread it because it usually doesnt mean good grammar or spelling. but so far i think this is going well. i'll keep an eye on this fic ^^