Watching stars

        The doorbell had become my wake up song for every Saturday morning, and I learnt how to ignore it the hard way. Measures such as turning up the tv to maximum volume and turning on the shower helped do the trick.  However,  there was no ringing today.

        I heard a few soft knocks on my door as I stood in front of the basin brushing my teeth. I frowned, funny the only visitors I ever had this early would either be the ahjumma from upstairs( who doesn't show often ) or Wonshik whose greetings I'd gotten so used to now. I opened the door and poked my head outside like I always do and sighed when I saw a certain blue haired man standing outside. " Werr guh mor-uing tho oo Wousihh " I said with the toothbrush still stuffed inside my mouth. Wonshik stared at me in disgust and said " Ew ". I pulled the toothbrush out of my mouth " What's up? " I asked. " Well I've been wanting you to get that pink stuff off my bike for quite a while now " he said crossing his arms over his chest. " Aah " I said in understanding. He rolled his eyes " But that doesn't really matter now, you've been missing for quite a while now, whats up? " he asked. 

    I looked around the place and behind Wonshik " Are you okay? " I asked. " Uh..yeah? " he answered liklike I had just asked him what his name was. " Come on Wonshik what is it? I know you've got some ' trick up your sleeve ' " I said emphasizing with air quotes. " I was just wondering where you've been for 2 weeks " he said angrily " and no, I don't have any tricks up my sleeve, atleast not today ". He then turned to go towards Hongbins apartment, just before he could ring the doorbell he turned to me, " You don't have many friends do you? " he asked. I looked up at him in surprise , he actually looked genuinely concerned, I shook my head. He gave a small smile, the first one I'd ever seen on his face " Y'know Yunhee, your okay " he said. Wonshikbeing nice, as strange as it seemed I found it nice, heartwarming even. I smiled " Your pretty okay yourself " I said. He then pointed to my feet " Lizard! " " GAAAH!! " I yelled jumping up before I realized there was nothing there. " Wonshik!! " I yelled pouting, that was when he laughed. His laughing sounded like music to my ears and I observed the way his eyes turned to slits and his left eyebrow rose just a little bit. It was beautiful, really beautiful to see him laugh. He then turned to smile at me " I'll see you around Yunhee " . " Yeah...you too ".


     " There is no way I'm attending this party " I said as I made my wato the copier with Sanghyuk following closely behind. " Oh come on noona! It's gonna be so much fun! " he said " I mean, theres dancing, singing, drinking , more dancing and hot girls ". " Sanghyuk you do realize that I am the least bit interested in people of the same gender as me right? " I said raising an eyebrow. " Obviously! But thats not the point, the problem is my mum..." he hinted. Realization struck me and I frowned " Oh nooo " I grumbled.  " Pleeease Yunhee noona? Omma trusts only you and I really really wanna go " he said as he pouted while clinging onto my arm.

      Our companys annual party wasfor us miserable engineers who worked under Chrome group. Think of it as our mini Las Vegas, only way cheaper. " Besides " Sanghyuk said coming up in front of me " Think of it as a chance to dress up, girls like that don't they? " he asked. I recalled the last time I wore a dress, I was bullied by all the boys jn my class. They insulted me saying that I was ugly or tried too hard or I should just go back to my room and study. " Not me.." I said blankly. " Noona jebal~ " Sanghyuk pleaded pouting " I'll even be your date for the night! " he said grinning.  " Ewww no! " I yelled. Just the Jaehwan walked into the copier room " What is up homies?! " heyelled. Sanghyuk and I stared at our bespectacled friend weirdly " What? " he asked. " Why do you guys want me to come along so badly anyway? I didn't come last year " I pointed out. " Exactly why you missed seeing our drunk boss " Jaehwan said as - a matter-of fact ly. " Ok I admit I do regret that " I said crossing my arms over my chest. " Noona please?? " Sanghyuk pleaded again " Lets just have fun together ". " Sanghyuk-ah don't push her " Jaehwan said. I sighed " You want me to come along? " " DUH" Sanghyuk said. I smiled " Okay then, I'll do it for your sake ". At that instant the boys face lit up " NOONA YOUR THE BEST!! " he yelled.  However I faked a laugh and patted his head. I was secretly crying in my head

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Hello! just a heads up 'Watching stars' is coming to an end :( 3 more chapters to go


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chaglutinous #1
Chapter 14: Why'd i just found this but well i cried :O this is too sweet. You ended this amazingly. Your well written. Your words. Everything is perfect. I love wonhee couple a lot now i hope wonshik gets girlfriend/wife like this in real life lool TT
starboiceN #2
Chapter 14: I love it!
mysoulisstarving #3
Chapter 8: gahh~ LOL this is making me blush and Hyuk here is hella endearing..,^^
Chapter 14: Wait what?! I was so into the story that i didnt even notice that i was reading the final chapter xD
xoxosenshine #5
Chapter 14: This is cute . Its to sweeetttt !!! I cant handle woonshik being to sweet here . Kekekeke , love it , good jobbb !
Chapter 14: Oh my really . I could die from sweetness that you pour on this story towards me . Hahaha . Heyy really a great story . Goodjob ..
LennyV #7
Chapter 14: Oh my! I love everything about this story! I love the plot, the fluffiness(?), the ending, everything! Thanks for the story! It is well-written! Love u byulbit-nim♥
Quite nice this story
Chapter 14: I loved the epilogue! Thank you author-nim!
I will support you forever!
Chapter 13: Wah~ I feel amazed of this story!!!
And yes, please do an epilogue!