
It had become a routine for Wonshik to visit the old coffee shop that was approximately 10 minutes away from his apartment complex. Every day was a repeat: write, drink, sleep, repeat. On a regular Thursday, the coffee shop was unusually busy and Wonshik felt thrown off. The most crowded the place would be would only be about five or even ten people. Today it was packed, everyone squeezed together like sardines. Thankfully, Wonshik wasn't too far back in the packed line; hopefully he could hear what all the ruckus was about. 


As he stepped up to the counter, he didn't need to hear what the ruckus was about, he saw it. He saw him, a tall brunette with piercing eyes. His features resembled one of a wild cat, his lips seeming to form a small heart. It was hard for Wonshik not to gawk at him. He was so beyond beautiful that he was breathtaking. 


".....Sir, please tell me your order, you're holding up the line." 


The voice that left those lips surprised Wonshik, something so soft but at the same time laced with authority. Wonshik nodded quickly before ordering and almost running away from the beautiful man, hoping to spare himself from the embarrassment of just by looking at him.  




Time moved way too quickly. The beautiful boy at the counter had called his order and he hesitated standing up to receive it. Slowly he dragged himself out of his seat and to the other man offering a small smile. Something was off with the man as his eyes met Wonshik's. It was most defiantly frightening at first. A few minutes went by and he saw a glimmer of something he couldn't quite describe. 


".... Why were you watching me..?" 


. Wonshik had been caught, the godlike man probably thought he was some kind of freak now. 


"I-I'm sorry... Thank you for getting this ready so quickly!" Wonshik grabbed his coffee quickly and hoped to retreat and never return. Unfortunately, the other had different plans, his hand grabbing Wonshik's before almost yanking him back. 


"Meet me at 7:30, here." 


Before Wonshik could disagree the man moved back to the cash register, continuing his work with a small smile on his face. 



7:30 had rolled by agonizingly slow and Wonshik had arrived at the coffee shop with shaking hands. He didn't know why exactly he was here, maybe the other wanted to beat him to a pulp for staring at him. The thought made Wonshik tremble, although if anyone would ask what happened he would probably say he fell down the stairs. 


So many emotions and thoughts ran through Wonshik's head as he waited for the godlike man to come outside. By the time he did, Wonshik was absolutely terrified, and it showed on his face. His bottom lip slowly trembled as his eyes were wide with both confusion and fear. 


"Why were you staring at me?" 


With his hands shaking Wonshik tried to explain his actions. 


"I didn't mean to be rude, I just thought you were attractive." His heart and stomach both dropped as his brain slowly registered what he had said. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to stare, please don't-" 


He was silenced when the man's lips met his, the other's hands cradling his cheeks as he kissed him before slowly pulling back. 


"I'm Taekwoon, and you are?" 


"I'm Wonshik." 


Taekwoon smiled at Wonshik, a shy and hopeful smile. 


"Well Wonshik, since you like staring at me, why don't you stare at me over dinner?" 


For the first time in his life, Wonshik felt exhilarated and maybe just maybe..He had found someone to break his routine.  

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Chapter 1: Whoa! That was smooth af Taek! I wonder how their date went...hmm
Chapter 1: It's so g*dd*mn CUTE!!! I so love WonTaek!
jazzy_1711 #3
Chapter 1: I love this story it's just so cute @.@
jasminemaki #4
Chapter 1: So cute! Good writing!
jasminemaki #5
Chapter 1: So cute! Good writing!
Chapter 1: awkward ravi is cute ravi ♥
thanks for sharing this~
Chapter 1: haha oh maih XD Wonshik kissed a stranger :PP haha this story is cute, Wontaek is cute... everybody should love this couple (??) haha
realistic_soulistic1 #8
Chapter 1: Nice story
realistic_soulistic1 #9
Chapter 1: Nice story