Present : The Black Mask and Rejection

Secretly Imprinted

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Eighteen year old Hana screamed. 



"I can explain, it was nothing, it was just.. I was just.." Luhan blabbered while he reached for the black face mask and a plastic gun that Hana's holding. 

"It was you all along wasn't it!" Hana furious voice blasts around the house. 

"Well.. yeah.. but, I was just.. I was just..."

"DON'T EVEN TRY TO GET THIS AWAY FROM ME!" Hana screamed when Luhan successfully hold the other end of the black mask. Luhan flinched and slowly put both of his hands behind his back.

"Explain yourself." Hana stern voice met his ears. Luhan brought his head down and gave Hana his puppy eyes. The method that he always use whenever he got himself in trouble.

Hana scoffed and rolled her eyes at him.

"Don't even try to act cute on me."

"I'm not acting cute."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not.."

"You're going to drool if you keep on giving me that dog face"

Luhan gasped and stared at her in disbelief, 


Hana rolled her eyes even more seeing the bewildered werewolf in front of her who's currently pointing to his so called 'cute puppy face.'

"This is the second time that I'm asking you. Explain yourself." 

Luhan slumped his shoulder. Damn it, he can't believe that his diversion method didn't work. Of course it was supposed to work, he was acting cute for god sake! 

"I dont want to..."

Hana closed her eyes. Inhale, exhale, inhale. Think about unicorns, rainbows, and kitten. Cupcakes. Chocolate. Ice cream. Inhale..

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!!" Hana shouted furiously. 

"You weren't supposed to find out!" Luhan tried to defend himself. 

"I wasn't supposed to find out about what?! About why my first dates has been wrecked for a couple of years?! About why I never got myself a boyfriend?!" 

"Um.. yeah.."  Luhan awkwadly grin at her.

"Don't even smile at me. Don't you get how weird this is?! Luhan you scared all of my dates pretending to be a terrorist! You got them at gun point!" 

"It wasn't a real gun.." 

"Shut up!"

"I've been so scared and confused! Every single time! Every single date! Someone always came up with a gun in his hands, scaring my dates off by telling them that he's gonna kill them if they didn't run?! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THE MAN IN THE BLACK MASK  IS YOU!!" Hana furiously shouted.

"Do you know how scared I've been? I thought I was cursed for god sake!"

Luhan gasped when he saw tears starting to fill his Hana's eyes. He slowly walked up to her and gathered her in his arms. Hana refused at first, hitting him on his chest trying to get off him, but Luhan tightened his hold even more and Hana's defense crumbled. She dropped the face mask and the gun on the floor and hugged the werewolf back, sobbing in anger and dissapointment. 

"I didn't mean to scare you. It was merely a warning. I'm sorry" Luhan softly said, soothing the angry little girl in his arm.

"What kind of warning?" 

"I know it sounds stupid but I just wanted to warn you that you shouldn't waste your time on them. If a guy really loves you, he won't run and leave you alone in the hands of the so-called terrorists Hana."

"It's ironic that the 'terrorist' always dissapear after my date run don't you think? You should've shoot me to create a more realistic warning."

"Of course I wouldn't hurt you! I told you it was only a signal!" He snapped.

"Don't raise your voice at me."

"How can you even think for one second that I'll hurt or even worse, shoot you?" Luhan voice cracked. 

"That was not what I meant. I was just.. You know what forget it."

"I would never hurt you Hana, you know that" Luhan whispered.

"I know! Okay! I told you, that was not what I was implying, forget it." 


Sensing the pain in his voice Hana lift her head up and his cheek. 

"I know you won't hurt me okay Luhan? I was angry,I'm sorry I didn't know what I was saying...But you have to understand Luhan, of course they'll run. They weren't in love with me, it was only the first date."

"I'll throw myself in front of a bullet the first time I set my eyes on you, Hana." Luhan gazed at the blue eyes girl and knocked his forehead on hers.

 I was in love with you the first time I set my eyes on you love. 

"That's different."

"How is that different?" Luhan asked, a tinge of anger splashed in his eyes. 

"It just is...come on Luhan, don't do that." Hana whispered and shook her head in dismay. 

"Don't do what?"

"You rejected me Luhan." Hana said a matter of factly, "I confessed to you two years ago and you told me that we're better off as 'family'.You told me that you're going to find your mate soon. So don't say things that could imply you being in love with me just to rob that hope the next. That's cruel, even for you." Hana burried her face on his chest to hide the pain in her voice.

Luhan took a sharp intake of breath. God Hana, you don't know. You don't know how long I've waited for that moment. You don't know how my heart stopped Hana. You don't know how hard it was for me to reject you. You're my mate. I've loved you for so long and to hear that you loved me, as your boyfriend.... was indescribable. Hana you telling me that you loved me was both heaven and hell.

But I can't be with you little girl, I love you too much. 

"Luhan, I know that you don't want me to get hurt in any ways. I know that you love me as your little sister. But you have to cut some slacks and loosen up some knots. You can't do that to every boy that I met. You have to let me go.."

Luhan tightened his arms around her and shut his eyes in pain. 


I can't...





Author's Note:

Hi Guys! Sorry for the long wait I was busy this couple of weeks.

Thank you for all who subscribed and upvoted my story (I'll write the usernames in the next chapter)

Anway, you guys are the best and I am a very lucky girl. 

Welcome to the new readers I hope you enjoyed this story!

Lots of Love <3












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sonachi #1
Chapter 12: Please update soon, I totally love it
jojolove122 #2
Chapter 12: Please Update soon
Chapter 3: I read this last year and lately I couldn't stop thinking about it. I tried looking and looking and finally I found it! Gonna re-read it! :) ♥
AmberLow5555 #4
Chapter 12: Hi I'm a new reader here,I actually cried while reading this chapter...pls update soon,I really love this story ^^
kpop_zr #5
please please pleaseee update soon
suliman #6
Chapter 12: Please update soon
seohan_irish #7
Chapter 12: New reader is such a great story!! Authornim,please update soon!! Loving it <3 <3 <3
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh! Your story is incridible awsome ~! I love it so much. Please update this soon. I can't wait any longer ~ you're a great authour. wish can write a story like you. It's really awsome ♡
coolestgirl #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh this is so sad why luhan why
coolestgirl #10
Chapter 6: OMG tears doe