Like the rain.

Time Boils the Rain.

It was always on a rainy day.


Mihyun was supposed to be sipping her cup of hot green tea and just about ready to take a well deserved nap, but not on this rainy day. This rainy day was rather frightening and a bit stinky. Mihyun's body flew into her shoe closet the moment she heard someone- or something- rummaging through her kitchen and the only thing from opening and screaming, is the awful stench of feet piercing her nose.


After the endless debate of whether or not she should try calling the police, Mihyun tip-toed out her closet and dialed 9-1-1 faster than the speed of light. 


"Hello, yes," she whispered, silently making her way down the stairs. "I'd like to report a robb-" She stopped mid-sentence when she peeked one eye into the kitchen and saw the biggest yeti-like man eating the new greek yogurt her mom had bought just that morning. The yeti-like man, wasn't even a man. He was a boy. The most annoying, disturbing, vexatious human being to ever live, and her redundancy was totally necessary. Kris. She didn't hate him, she didn't like him, but he was just there. In her life in the most unpleasant of ways. In her life, and in her kitchen. With her yogurt.


"Hello? I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." said the woman on the other side of the device.


Mihyun hung up the phone as she stepped out to view Kris' full body. He sat on her kitchen counter, one leg crossed over the other to be exact, and the pleasant expression on his face was obviously because the yogurt was delicious and he was eating it instead of her.


"What in the very depths of hell. Are. You. doing. In my house. Eating my damn yogurt." Mihyun said each word with a harsh tone and snapped Kris out of his creamy daydream.


"Oh, I knew you were home. I was about to go up to your room, but I sort of got hungry on the way. Hope you don't mind." He said with a wink.


"Get the out." Mihyun took off one of her shoes and flung it at Kris, who did a horrible job at dodging it. "How did you even get in?"


Rubbing his chest, where the shoe had hit, Kris tossed the empty jug of yogurt in the trash and smiled wide at Mihyun. "That hurt! And I asked your mom if I could come and she gladly left the door unlocked." 


"In what universe does a mother leave her child alone with a complete stranger." 


"Stranger? But we're best friends. That's why I'm here. It was raining and the rain reminded me of you, so I came over." He replied.


"I don't even know you, so get the hell out of my house, Please and thank you. I would gladly appreciate it if you would buy me more yogurt." 


"We've known each other since ninth grade. Oh? Your yogurt? I'm sorry, come with me and we'll buy it together." 


"Please fall into an endless hole and rot on your way down." Mihyun said as she shoved Kris out of her house and he actually looked disappointed, but Mihyun gave no s and would love to get back to her hot green tea and she could seriously use that nap right about now. 


She remembered why he came over and the curiosity bit away at her, causing her to open the door to a sad Kris again and asking him "How does the rain remind you of me?"


"It's dull and boring," he started and as he noticed her now pissed off facial expression, he laughed, grabbed her wrist and pulled her out to her front porch "I'm kidding. The rain is pretty and relaxing, and that's how I picture you."




It was in the hallway,


when Mihyun tried to avoid the Yeti, but her perfect hiding spot, Park Chanyeol, the only guy as tall as Kris, left home early and Mihyun resulted to speed walking down the hallway at the sound of the last bell. And just as she was about to release the breath she didn't know she was holding in, Kris jumped in right next to her.


"It's raining again." He said


"Yeah, so?"


"Let me walk you home." Kris said as he watched Mihyun pull out a white umbrella with pink polka dots dancing around the edges.


"It seems you're not prepared for the rain and I'm not sharing my umbrella." Mihyun said as she walked towards the door.


"Wait, I don't need an umbrella! Just let me walk home with you, since we're best friends."


"I hate you."


"You enjoy my company. And I enjoy yours." He argued. He then reached a hand for Mihyun's hair and she slapped it away.


"You touch me, you die."


"Why do you hate the people around you?" Kris asked, his tone serious.


Mihyun never stood out. And when she did, it was during her Middle School days where everything was peachy and great and fun. For her.


She thought she was the life of the party, the one people go to when they're sad or have a problem, she thought being weird and different were great. Until she realized she was the only one having fun. At the end of her 8th grade year, when everyone was signing "Have a nice summer!" and "I'll miss you!" on the backs of eachother's shirts, she changed. Mihyun got a few, most were forced. And the one on her back was visibly embarassing. "You're a loser." it said in big bold letters, with a permanent marker. She still doesn't understand why she keeps that old shirt anyways. She's an 11th grader now and she was different. She was no longer the weird one in the group or outcasted. She was alone because she wanted to be, not because others pushed her away. She never realized that her desire for friends to accept her led her to pushing away others too.


"I don't hate anyone." She said before popping open her white and pink umbrella and into the rain, leaving Kris behind.




It rained again the day after. The forecast predicted rain for the entire week. 


Mihyun had just woken up from a nap and didn't realize someone was knocking on the door.


She rushed down, in jammies and hair messily pinned in every direction. she opened the door, one eye open. "I'm sorry, it was raining and the tapping on the window sounded like the knocking."


"The rain is coming down fast. I'm suprised we're not all drowning." Kris said, before chuckling at the way Mihyun's Pajama's were a cute light blue, plastered with yellow angry duckies and raindrops. 


"Cute." He snorted.


"God, or whoever is up there, what have I done to deserve this?" she muttered, eyes glancing to the ceiling. Kris slapped a hand over his chest and feigned a hurt expression.


"Excuse me, but I brought snacks this time." Kris held up a bag and smiled when Mihyun's ear  perked up at the word snacks. She eyed the bag and then glared at Kris.


"What did you bring?"




"Why didn't you start with that? Hey best friend, come on in." She waved a hand over to her living room, but instead she was pulled out into the rain with Kris and they both ran through endless puddles befofe Mihyun could shake her hand out from her grip. 


"You idiot! You left my door open!" 


"Don't worry about it. Let's eat these cookies."


"We're in the rain. I'm not eating crap with you." Mihyun desperately wanted the cookies, but her jammies were soaking wet and she was in the middle of the rain with a wild yeti.


"You look cute." Kris said. His hand reached for Mihyun's again and she was in a bit of an awkward shock to really do anything. She didn't want to be mean to him, or to anyone, but getting herself inolved with other people only cause trouble and heartaches.


"Please, just take me home." She begged.


"No. Do you like the rain?"


"Of course, whatever, can I go home now?" She replied, trying to squeeze her hand out of his. He yanked her closer and shot a look right through her eyes.


"Then stay. The rain is so much more amazing when you're in it." Kris slowly released Mihyun's hand and she didn't walk away from him. She felt the rain shower down on her, it felt warm and Kris was sort of right. Mihyun always loved the rain, but because she could cry as loud as she wanted to and no one could hear it over the sound pounding drops of water. She could waste away the hours watching the storm pass by, but running in the rain was different. 

"Some people feel the rain, others just get wet."

Kris grabbed Mihyun by the hand, slowly twirled her as she took a closer look at all the rain. If she were at home she'd hear the tapping on the window, but right now she hears buzzing. The rain was singing and she was now dancing in it.

Kris smiled as she continued twirling and a smile he has never seen before on her, lit up her face. 

Maybe it was because she was alone with Kris in the rain, or the fact that her house door was still open, but Mihyun felt something stir in her stomach and she couldn't just shake the feeling away. But she didn't want to.


"Please come over." Kris' voice was weak over the phone.

"Why should I?"

"I'm sick. I feel horrible. Comfort me." He begged.

"Now who's fault is that?"

"Yours. Now comfort me." Kris said, and Mihyun might regret it, but she got dressed and made her way to Kris' house.


"Feed me."


"Sing me a song."


"You're so mean." he stuck his tongue out at her. 

"Real mature. Maybe if you're sick, you should sleep and shouldn't have anyone over."

Besides Mihyun's desire to go home, she watched Kris groan and moan and twist and kick in bed until he was finally comfortable. He pulled out a box from his drawer and handed it to Mihyun.

"These are the cookies we couldn't eat yesterday. I made them myself. Just for you." Mihyun couldn't refuse food and she also couldn't refuse the cute smile plastered on Kris' face. He might be a pain in the , but he was a nice guy.

She did enjoy his company, but didn't enjoy when he spoke. 

"Thank you." was all she muttered and they both split all the cookies between themselves. The very last cookie as a problem though. 

"You can have it." They both said.

"No, I insist." they said again.

"Look, just take it." Mihyun shoved the box with the cookie into Kris' face and he shoved it back to her.

"Don't be a head. Let's split it." He cut the cookie in half and they both ate in silent.

"Thank you."

"It's just a cookie."

"No. For being annoying."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't have anyone, but you stick around for some reason."

"You're amazing, I like being with you. You're like the rain."

"Dull and boring?"

"No, soothing and beauitful."

Kris had to help Mihyun, because she was choking on her half of the cookie.



"It's raining again." Mihyun says to Kris as they leave the school.

"Aren't you prepared for it? Where's your umbrella?"

"Who needs and umbrella when we can dance in the rain?" Mihyun grabbed Kris by hand and ran and ran and ran until her feet couldn't squish and squash any longer.

Her smile had never been wider, more full of life than when she was with Kris.They had known eachother for three years, but he was just too weird for her. She hated being the center of attention and he basically screamed "Look at me!". But now, she didn't care. She wanted to dance and frolic and scream and be wild and crazy. She wanted to have fun and not care what other people said about her. Before she knew it, the rain had stopped and time slowed down for them both. Time might have stopped the rain, but it will never keep her from dancing on forever. 

"Kris, you're just like the rain." she says.

"Beautiful and breathtaking?"

"No. warm and unpredictable." 





A/N: IDK WHAT THIS IS. It was supposed to be romance/angst, but IDK WHAT HAPPENED. If it's horrible, please don't hurt me. This is my first one-shot and I'm still practicing my writing. Enjoy? :3 Please leave a comment !




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farane #1
Chapter 1: Awww this is soooo sweet!! The sick Kris is just adorable <3 only if he would come knocking on my door...
Chapter 1: aww this is so cuteeeee and fluffy ><
valeriemillenia #3
Chapter 1: Awww they're cute :D
Kimchi32 #4
Chapter 1: This is actually cute. I love it <3