KimSuyun14 // Kim Suyun ( Lee Jinhyun )

PRINCES ~~ New Boy Group (Application Closed)

AFF Username: KimSuyun14
Profile Link




Full Name: *Fake name Lee Jinhyun* (Real name, Kim Suyun)

Stage Name: L.E.D (Like those L.E.D lights, Little Evil Doll)

Nickname: Jinny, Suyunnie

Persona: Strong-hearted agyeo queen

Position: Main Vocal/Dancer

Birthday(M/D/Y): 5-4-1992

Age(17-23): 19

Blood Type: A

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 51 kg


A girl who still acts like a child. Her whole life she's been considered a tomboy. She's stubborn, but at all times, she carries a bright smile with a cute personality. She's cute and bubbly, but because of this, she's clueless and oblivious, and rarely pays attention. She daydreams a LOT and she's always doing agyeo unintentionally. At junior high through highschool, she was ranked top of her class for her bright thoughts and intelligent ideas. Because of her clueless-ness, she tends to ask many questions about anything or everything. Suyun means no harm, but if she's pushed past her limit, she will bite, literally. She also never cries, no matter how sad or mad she is. The only time she will cry is when she has to talk about her little brother.

Language: English (fluent), Japanese (fluent), Taiwanese (basics)

Hobbies: Drawing, dancing, singing, daydreaming, listening to music, doing agyeo

Likes: Dancing, singing, sweets, laughing, smiling, sleeping, asking questions, hoodies

Dislikes: Spicy food, sour food, revealing her legs, revealing too much skin, eating, running, sitting for too long

Fears: Blood, thunder

Habits: Doing agyeo, turning small movements to dancing (walking becomes swagging, reaching out to something becomes making waves with her arms), playing with her hair, poking people


Little brother Kim Jinhyun. Jinhyun died on Suyun's 13th birthday, so she took his name to hide her past. 

Mother Yoo In. Abusive, strict and greedy. Suyun and Jinhyun ran away from home because of her harsh punishments. Suyun changed her name so her umma couldn't find her.

Father Ha Neul. Caring and kind, divorced from Yoo In. He left to America just after Jinhyun was born, leaving the two behind with the stingy mother.

Older brother Kim _____. Unknown older brother. Suyun doesn't remember anything about her older brother, only his age.

Friends: Shinee, Beast, Super Junior, Amber [f(x)]

Training Years: 4 years





Uzzlang Name: Mikki





Partner: Yoseob

What he thinks of you:

Yoseob: Thinks Suyun's a good friend. Doesn't really have an interest or spark until he finds her true name, THEN he'll think about how she's suffered from her past.


His personality:

Yoseob: Cute and bubbly just as Suyun, that's why they're friends. He helps Suyun with her dancing and singing sometimes. He and Suyun are close friends, but he becomes closer to Suyun when he discovers her real name.


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jamestkirk #1
Aigoo Kira and Minho's moment is cute XD XD
I'm waiting for the next chapter ^^
Ahaha! Minnie and Taemin xD Aigoo~ I missssss thisssss ssssstory~~ T^T<br />
Oh, and good luck on your dance performance! -^^-<br />
I also have one this weekend xD
Kyaaa, shinee eating with the princes! Gosh, I hope shinee didn't know about them that they are females :P update soon ^^
whiteprincess23 #4
We don't like it , we love it :D <3! hahaha JK! Well anyways hope you update soon when you can :) no pressures, lol by the way in ur story don't make me eat a lot of candies cause I get hyper and could turn into the maknae for one day xDD and SHINEE?!! Appears soo soon! I didn't expect this WOW! kekeke well thanks unnie. Kyaa! I hope to meet Taeminnie soon :)<br />
Fighting! <3<br />
<br />
Sincerely <br />
Hye Bok =D
KYAAAAAAAAAAA I feel like I'm looking at pictures of the new house we're moving into (which we are) xD Gomawo chingu! You work so hard!! :D Hwaiting!<br />
jamestkirk #6
asdfghjkl, SHINee? WOW Can't wait for more update
OMFG the house is amazing!! and the rooms are soo cool! :D and I wish I really lived in a mansion like that it would be awesome :D and SHINee's suprise visit =D i can't wait to see what happens next! *spazz* \(*0*)/
whiteprincess23 #8
OMG! I love the house castle xDD well thanks for the update and I hope you update when you have time <br />
<br />
Fighting<br />
<br />
PD: I really love my character thanks <3 :D
LoveforMBLAQ #9
It's ginormous!^^
jamestkirk #10
I love it...and the sooooo big :D