Your love for me is what all I have

Pain for 3 roses

Kwon Jiyong's POV

I was nothing. I was no one. Until I found her. She was my unwavering strength,my glimmering happiness, my light of hope. My world only revolves around her.Without her, I'm nothing and I think I won't be able to live. 

You see don't know who my parents are.I know nothing about them.Who they are or what they don't give a damn.I was adopted by an unrelated person whom I treated as my family.They died a day after my graduation day on college.Now I am working as an employee under the company of my spoiled and stubborn girlfriend and it's her birthday in just a week.We agreed to meet at her favorite shopping place.Really?What is with girl's relationship with shopping?So I went there only to find her looking at a jewelry store with dozens of shopping bags in her hands.Goodness gracious!!

"Yah rabbit!"I shouted as a way of greeting. She pouted like a baby as always.What a baby!My cute baby..

"YAHHHH!!We haven't seen for hours and that's your way of greeting?!"She  said and pouted.

"Aigoo." I said and pinched her cheeks chuckling at her cuteness.

"Yah!Your laughing?!Your laughing?!"She asked unbelievably.

"Don't be such a baby."I said and gave her a breath taking kiss.

She chuckled and replied."But you love this baby!"

"Yes I do, even though your brain has no common sense and your acting worse than a kindergarten I still love you." She looked at me longingly and looked at a golden bracelet displayed at the jewelry store which cost 10 times greater than my month's salary.I don't know what's with her face.She could buy one hundred pieces of that bracelet now.But still,I had no idea.

"Your birthday's nearing."I said.

"Speak for yourself,what do you want for your birthday?"She asked me.

"You,only you."I replied whole heartedly.

"But you know you'll get more!"She said then giggled.

Dara's POV

I looked at the bracelet.I want him to buy that for me!But I know I had to be an understandable girlfriend!I love this jerk more than my life you know.

"What do you want for your birthday?"He asked out of the blue.

I smiled.For the first time in my whole life.I just wanted this simple three things.....

"I..I..I w-want roses."I mumbled.

"W-what?"He asked shocked.

"I-I want roses.Three red roses for my birthday."I mumbled a little louder for him to hear.

That's all I want.Three little roses from him.From my life.

Then,he laughed!!I was serious!!I smacked his head.

"Yahh!!"He shouted rubbing his head.

"I was serious !"I shouted.

"Ohh,so the stubborn, brat of the Parks who asked me last time for the latest trends,a pink dog,a baby elephant!Wanted a rose,FOR HER BIRTHDAY?!?!?Pfft~HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

I was serious!Out of irritation,I threw the dozens of paper bags at him and walked out.

"YAAHH!"He shouted and scratched his head in irritation.He got the bags and started mumbling beside me.

"I told you not to buy too many clothes!I won't even wonder if your room's closet will puke all your clothes one night!You won't even wear them all.They will rot in your closet!What's with you always buying many clothes and I always end up carrying them!!And y......."

   I sighed.When will this nonsense litany and mumbling stop?


Dara's POV

It's been days since I lost contact with my so-called boyfriend.When I visit him,he was always home sleeping and always looked tired and stress.He even earned himself eye bugs ! I want to ask him if he has some problem and want comfort but he will just smile and change the topic!

"Yah!Don't ever try to change the topic again!YOU !!"

"Nothing,It's just nothing.I want to make you happy okay?I love you."He said and pecked my cheeks.

"But still,why so tired?I only asked roses.Not a baby cobra like last time and a woodpecker that gained you cuts.It's just 'ROSES' okay.R-O-S-E-S!And don't tire yourself,your birthday is nearing.You don't want to be granpa Jiyong hmm?"

Then after my speech,he just giggled at me!


Jiyong's POV

This is it.It's her birthday!!Seriously?!What is with the parties anyways?! I'm so sorry this is all what I could give you Dara.But this is made nothing but love.I love you more than my life,and I wish you would accept this simple gift I got! There she is!

"DARA!!!"I shouted as I hold the book tighter.

Dara's POV

A scrapbook?!Seriously?!Is three roses that hard to buy?!That what all I want!I know I am a spoiled brat and I can't control my self at times.All I wanted was roses!

"A SCRAPBOOK !?!?REALLY?!I ONLY ASKED FOR THREE ROSES!!TREE SIMPLE RED ROSES!!IS IT HARD TO BUY?!ITS ALL WHAT I WANT AND YOU GIVE ME THIS?!"I shouted at him unable to control my childishness.We gained attention but I don't give a damn!Jiyong looked down embarrassed."DIE!I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU ANYMORE!!I HATE YOU!!"I went directly inside my room and threw the damn book at the trash can..Why Jiyong?Is three roses so hard to get? 


I was staying in my room for three days.Well, you can't blame a brat. Then I heard a knocking on the door.

"Dara,I love you,please don't hate me."It's Jiyong's voice!

As stubborn as I  am,I didn't reply.Minutes passed,I can't hear his voice anymore.WHAT?!HE ALREADY STOPPED?!THAT QUICK!?Aish!Well, if you want to know,I stayed at my room without eating nor drinking.I haven't even taken a bath even if I had a bathroom inside my room.I am spoiled like his and now I realized what I did was wrong.I love him and I can't stand not talking to him.I was over reacting!!So I stand up and got the scrapbook from the trashcan.As I opened the book,tears came falling from my eyes."Our first...f-first picture together. I smiled as I remembered that he hates pictures.He doesn't know why by he said he is allergic to cameras.


We went to the park near the bay at 1:30 in the morning.More like, I forced him.KEKEKEKE...

"We have been dating for a month and we  haven'teven had a single picture!"I complaind and pouted.

"Aissh!!I am allergic to cameras!"He shouted annoyed. 

"Yhah!!Come on!"I insisted.

"No!"He said with determination.

"Oh come on!Please!!Pretty please!!Yah jiyongie!!"I said with my baby cute voice.

"AisH!"So stubborn!"He said then nodded.I knew it! He can't  stand me!I took my cellphone and use the front cam.

"Yahh!!Do you know how to smile?!"I asked.


"You won't make me smile you rabbit!"He retorted.Aish!I can't make him smile! 

"Yah!Smile!"I commanded.

"Take it or lave it!I won't mile infront of that camera!"He said with full determination.

I pouted and smied for the picture.But as soon as I clicked the cam,he kissed me on my lips..... 


I cried harder As I remembered.Now I became more guilty to what I did to Jiyong!

Then,there was our graduation, our first date,first holding hands , and our FIRST KISS?!

How did he manage to get that?Then I flipped over the pages...As I saw the picture,I slightly giggled.I was smiling at the picture while he is facing me smiling also.This memory is still fresh in my brain.....


It was my birthday and all he ever do is snob my friends away!Is he not proud of me?Is he not happy to be with me?Is he?

"Why are you not smiling? Why are you so snobby today?And what I mean by today is my 'birthday' . "I finally asked.

He didn't reply but instead , he smiled.

"Oh your smiling now?"I asked sarcastically.

He only sighed and said."Because my smile is only made for you,this smile is only for you to see,for you to enjoy,and only for you."

"O-oh."Was all I could manage to say. 

"Then smile for me!"I said then got my phone for a picture by using the front cam.Then, I noticed that he is not smiling.

"You said you'd smile for me?Then why aren't you smiling?"I asked.

"You said it yourself,I will smile for you, not for the camera."He replied.

I giggled at his response.This guy got some camera issues.

"Then smile for me!"


And that's how the picture ended up that way. I flipped and flipped the pages and finally reached the end. There was a note saying.......

 To my dear tokki,

I was actually assuming that you'd flip the house when you see my gift is not the 3 roses that you've been asking for.You may say I'm exaggerating but seriously, I am not.  I know I can't give the things that you want , but I can promise to give you the love nobody else can give. My life was empty until you came Dara.You gave me hope in my hopeless life,you gave me love in my loveless life,you gave me happiness Dara.You are the light at the end of the cave,even though your mind results nothing but trouble. And just so you know, I cried while writing this! Even though this is the most cheesy letter I've ever read and it disgusts me seeing it's my hand writing.I love you Dee,please meet me same time,same place Dara. I love you



I can't afford to hate him forever right? I quickly ran to the place, our place....Our university's rooftop.

Then when I reached the rooftop,all I saw is nothing but a table and romantic designs.There was glasses and plates thrown to the floor.I moved closer to the table only to find out the bracelete I was looking at the mall and....

"T-three"   I cried loudly at the spot.


"Jiyong "I repeated then smiled.*gasp* it's Jiyong's birthday today!

I went to Jiyong's.But there is something wrong in the neighborhood.They were can I say this...well, sad? Then, my voice flashed back in my head...


H-he can't be dead, right? Hahaha,silly me, he just went to my house this morning!

"H-halmoni, where...where's J-Jiyong?"I asked.

"Huh?Jiyong?D-dear, y-ou don't know?"She asked me. What do I have to know?He isn't dead right?No , he can't yet!!

"W-what do I have to know?"I asked nervously.

"Jiyong,he is dead,he died on Tuesday,it's the third day today."

'he is dead' 'he is dead' 'he is dead' NO HE CAN'T BE DEAD!

"N-no!He can't be dead!!He just visited this morning!!!!HE TALKED TO ME!!HE TALKED TO ME!!!!HE JUST SAID HE LOVES ME!! HE CANT BE DEAD!!!YOUR LYING!!!YOUR LYING!!!" I shouted.He can't be dead!He just visited!

"Dear,please,accept th-"

"NO!!" I shouted as I ran to the road.Then,a bus was heading towards me....



Kwon Jiyong

Born:October 30, 1975 

Died: October 28, 2014 3:00 p.m.

Park Sandara

Born:October 28, 1974

Died:October 30, 2014 3:00 p.m.


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yg0203queen #1
Chapter 1: i luv sad endinggg.. but with loveee..
mae_me #2
Sorry about the ending...This will be my last story with a sad ending :))..
Mayrah20_5 #3
Chapter 1: what? sad ending NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :(