Chapter 3-

Two Planets vs One

The Boys stood frozen, not moving an inch. Afraid of what will happen if they do. Suddenly, Jongin teleported behind Kyungsoo and kicked him down. Lay notices and ran to Kyungsoo yelling, " OMG!! Kyungsoo!!!" Xiumin and  Baekhyun went to Jongin and Xiumin punched him in the face leaving Jongin on the ground holding the side of his face. Kyungsoo slowly got up with the help of Baekhyun.

All of a sudden, a war broke open between the boys. All of them started to try and injure the the other boys using their powers. Luhan picked up a boulder and threw it at the Galaxy boys. Chen started to throw lightning at the other boys, which started to cause a storm above them. 

The boys were trying to scare each other away for a long time until Sehun got so frustrated that he used a gust wind to push the Star Knight boys away. He succeeded and the Star Knight boys were pushed back with enough force to knock them off their feet and be pushed back a couple of feet and fall on their backs painfully. Sticks and dust flew everywhere. When the other boys where in the midst of trying to get up, Sehun smirked. But his smirk disappeared when he saw One of the boys from the other side not getting up.

"LUHAN!!!" All the boys shouted out, they all ran to him, when Minseok turned Luhan onto his back everyone's eyes widened including Galaxy as they saw a stick jabbed into Luhan's side. Luhan was panting hard. Unable to breath properly.

 "Ok Luhan, I'm going to take the stick out then Yixing will heal you" Zitao said and looked at Yixing. They nodded and Yixing got ready "On a count of three. One....two.... three" Zitao pulled the stick out and Yixing started to heal immediately, the pain was unbearable, and Luhan started to scream. Zitao had tears in his eyes same with Kyungsoo and Baekhyun, they can't stand their friend crying from pain. Yixing had tears in his eyes but not yet falling. 

Luhan screamed and screamed and screamed as the pain did not go away. Galaxy was just standing there looking at what was happening in front of them. Sehun standing behind Yifan covering his face as he regretted what he had done to the boy that he heard was the name of Luhan. When Yixing finished Luhan was lying there looking into space without moving an inch, when Luhan did move, he slowly tilted his head to the side to see Sehun who was behind Yifan looking at him carefully. Luhan just stared at Sehun then turned back and closed his eyes taking in a deep breath. 

Suddenly the kings and queens from both sides ran up to the boys, gasping as they saw Luhan with blood stains on his clothes. The queens covered their mouths looking extremely shocked, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?!?!" Galaxy king shouted "WHY DID YOU DISOBEY ME??? I SPECIFICALLY SAID NOT TO CROSS TO THE OTHER SIDE!! SO WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!!! I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN, NOW LUHAN IS INJURED THANKS TO YOUR CARELESS ACT!!! SO EXPLAIN RIGHT NOW!!!" Star night king shouted making the children feel extremely guilty. 

The queens from both sides went to help luhan up from the ground, eyes saddening as Luhan started to shed tears. "Mummy," Luhan said ever so softly as he hugged his mother."It's ok darling. Mother is here." The queen said patting Luhans back as Luhan silently cried. 

The teenagers from both sides explained everything to the kings. The kings sighed and told the boys to go back home. The kings decided to have a meeting about the kingdoms and that they should open up and let anyone pass. 

As time went by, the boys wanted to meet again so they arranged a day that they could have a play date with everyone. The kings agreed, but Luhan was still not sure if he can trust them yet. He still was very hurt of what Sehun had done. Sehun has felt really guilty about it deciding that he should apologise. 

"Come on Hannie, come with us and play with them. We will have so much fun. There will be so many games to play." Baekhyun said as he was trying to convince Luhan to go. But Luhan would just shake his head and lay on his bed, and cover himself with his blanket or just listen to music while reading. 

The day of the boys play date was near, and the boys still had to convince Luhan to go with them because they didn't want to leave Luhan out while not having to cancel their plans because they are all very exited to play with them. 

Next day was Kyungsoo's turn to convince him. "Hannie, please come with us. It be fun, pleaseeeeeeeeeee~, pleaseeeeee~~~~~, pleaseeeeeee~~~~~~~" Kyungsoo begged. Luhan sat up and shook his head and used his telekinesis powers to make little lights float around his room to make it look pretty and cute. Kyungsoo sighed and stood up and walked to the door, before he shut the door he said in a disappointed tone,"You are not the Luhan I thought you were. Where did the Luhan that loves to go outside, and meet new people go? I'm kinda disappointed in you, same goes with the others. They try so hard for you, can you please show them that you are trying as well? You don't need to talk to them nor go near them, just stay with us or just sit near a tree and read while listening to music. Please let this be the first and last time that you disappoint us. I hate to get angry and sad." With that, Kyungsoo closed the door. 

Luhan layed down on his bed and sighed. Closing his eyes and thinking of what Kyungsoo had just said. Was he right? Luhan didn't know. 'I'll just wait till tomorrow to decide' Luhan thought to himself.

It was the day of the play date. The boys gave up because they knew Luhan wouldn't go. As they were getting ready, Luhan knocked on their door and quietly opened the door and peeked inside. "Guys?" Luhan whispered quietly. Everyone turned around, and had a sad expression on their faces. 

"Can I come with you?" Luhan said a little bit louder this time while walking into the room with him fully dressed in play clothes and a bambi designed back pack. Everyone's faces brightened. "Of course you can Hannie!!" Baekhyun said cheerfully.  

IMPORTANT: me and admin bunny have decided to make HUNHAN as the main couple in this story, are you guys okay with that?? Sorry if it is so sudden or if you do not like the idea, you can stop reading if you wish, I won't stop you guys from doing so. Thank you!!! :) 

So that was our third chapter, hoped you guys enjoyed it, sorry if it was short.... Again!!! -_-* 

Admin bunny: HEYO!!! It's been a while since we updated... I'm really sorry I was really busy with sports and homework. I'm such a disgrace. Haha but personally I think this has been our best chapter yet because of things r finally starting to kick off! What do u think will happen when they visit the other boys? Will they hate each other more? Who knows. Thanks for reading this far~~ really appreciate it~~~ don't forget to leave a comment and tell us how we're doing! love u guys!!~~^^

Admin deer: sorry if I, admin deer have disappointed you guys with our short chapter, I am truely sorry my dear minions (Mwahaha) sorry we couldn't update sooner, admin bunny was busy and refused to let me start the story. You poop admin bunny, but here I am, talking to u guys (maybe, or am I talking to myself?) anyways see ya in da next chapter. :D 

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Almost done with writing two chapters so we r one step ahead for next time~ thanks so much for waiting~


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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon
update soon pwease
Chapter 2: Update soon..