You make me feel breathless.

Of Sweet Memories

Donghae was tugging Yesung’s shirt for who knows how long and it’s the thing he’s been doing for the last 10 minutes, convincing his Hyung to go and bring him to the park. “Hyung, please, Bada and I will play with the other kids there…” he pouted, raising his dog in front of Yesung’s face.

Yesung heaved a deep breath, giving up to his brother’s request. “Okay, okay. Wait for me here. I’ll get my cap.”

Not long after, Yesung found himself in the park filled with different types of people. There were mothers watching out for their kids who were running and playing around, lovers who were showing their affection towards each other publicly, and some are taking out their pets for a walk.

He sat on a bench and let his brother play with his dog and some kids. He decided to buy a cup of coffee from the nearby convenience store, leaving his brother for a short while.

Donghae was playing with his dog when it suddenly ran away from him, causing him to chase after his pet. “Bada!” he ran and almost tripped when a petite man caught him, preventing him to fall and let his face hit the hard, grassy ground.

“You okay?” The man asked, smiling at him. Donghae giggled when he saw Bada reaching out to the man, its tail wiggling with his tongue and sticking out.

He nodded vigorously and grinned at the said man. “Thank you!” he said, fixing himself. “I’m Donghae! And he’s my dog, Bada.” He introduced himself and pointed at the creature tugging the man’s pants.

“Hi Donghae, my name’s Ryeowook.” The man reached out and pinched Donghae’s cheek lightly.

Donghae giggled once more before getting his pet off the man’s legs. “I’m sorry, Bada ran away from me. Bad dog.” He patted the dog’s head lightly.

Ryeowook chuckled and ruffled Donghae’s hair. “You’re alone? Where’s your Mommy?” he asked, noticing that no one ran after the kid.

“I’m with my Hyung, I think he went to buy something.” Donghae answered.

Ryeowook smiled at him before saying, “Be careful next time, alright, Donghae?”

“I will be careful next time, Ryeowook Hyung!” Donghae exclaimed.
“That’s good. Uh, Hyung needs to go now, wait for your Hyung here, okay?” Ryeowook patted the kid’s head before walking away.

“You’ll be back and play with me, right, Hyung?” Donghae asked and Ryeowook nodded with a smile. “Goodbye!” he waved, watching the man’s retreating figure.

Yesung came back with a steaming cup of coffee and a box of strawberry milk on hand. “Hae, did you enjoy playing with Bada? Here, I have something for you.” He handed the milk to his brother who bounced and drank it happily.


The next day, Donghae was there again, tugging Yesung’s sleeve as the older man watches an action movie in the living room. “Hyung, let’s go to the park today!” He said, jumping happily.

“But we went there yesterday, Hae.” Yesung said, his eyes never leaving the television screen.

Donghae pouted. “But Ryeowook Hyung would be waiting for me… he said we’re going to play with Bada today,” he said, sitting on the floor.

Yesung looked at his brother, hearing an unfamiliar name escaped the younger’s mouth. “Ryeowook… hyung?” he asked and Donghae nodded.

“Hmm, my new friend,”

Curious to who’s his brother’s friend is, Yesung agreed to go to the park.


“Ryeowook Hyung!” Donghae pulled Yesung to a spot in the park wherein a man was seated on one of the benches. The man smiled and kneeled down to place a kiss on the kid’s forehead.

“Missed me?” The man asked with a dazzling smile. He handed Donghae a lollipop which the kid gladly accepted.

“I thought you’re not going to come,” Donghae said as he nibbled on his candy.

“I don’t have the heart to do that to you, Hae.”

Yesung cleared his throat, catching the attention of both Donghae and the small man. “Oh!” Donghae pulled Yesung’s free hand and laced it with Ryeowook’s. “Hyung, this is Ryeowook Hyung, the one I’m talking about. He’s cute, isn’t he?” Donghae giggled when he saw a blush crept Ryeowook’s cheeks.

Yesung stared at him, examining his features, their hands still laced unconsciously. Ryeowook was dashing, with round eyes, perfectly shaped nose, high cheekbones, plump lips and brown hair that fall through his forehead, slightly hiding his brown orbs. Ryeowook was breathtakingly beautiful.

Ryeowook smiled and started to speak. “I’m Ryeowook, nice meeting you…” he gave the other man who was still staring at him with lips slightly apart a look.

“Yesung. Nice meeting you too, Ryeowook-ssi.” Yesung said, waking up from his own reverie. Looking down at their still laced hands, they pulled their hands away, not daring to look at each other’s eyes.

Donghae tugged onto Yesung’s pants causing him to look down at his brother. The young boy pointed at the swing, saying that he wanted to play.

Ryeowook watched as Yesung pushed the giggling Donghae who was sitting at the swing, with his tiny hands clasped against the rusty chains. The two looked so happy and engrossed with their activity. They’re so fun to watch, He thought.

Donghae ran and ran across the park and Yesung and Ryeowook ended up chasing him. The kid seemingly had an endless amount of energy. The two older men lied down the green, grassy ground, letting their tired bodies rest as Donghae continued to play and run around.

“Ryeowook-ssi…” Yesung began, immediately closing his eyes when his sight reached the warm, bright, shining sun.

“Hmm?...” Ryeowook responded, and like Yesung’s, his eyes are also closed, letting himself bathe under the warm summer sun with a smile formed on his lips.

“Donghae’s tiring, isn’t he?” Yesung asked, tilting his head to face the other man.

Ryeowook chuckled. “Of course not,” he said. “I love kids,” he added.

“Oh…” Silence filled the atmosphere. Somehow, Yesung loved the comforting silence engulfing them. It makes him feel relaxed.

“Hyung? Hyung? Hyuuunnngggg!” They both sat up, hearing Donghae’s loud shriek. “Let’s go home now, I’m tired…” Donghae said, yawning.

Ryeowook stood up and kneeled down, reaching Donghae’s level. “Goodbye, Hae. Thank you.” He made a move to walk away but stopped when Donghae’s tiny hand held his bigger ones.

“Don’t go,” Donghae said. “I want you to come with us, come home with us.” He looked at the older man with a pair of hopeful eyes, shifting his gaze to his older brother. “Hyung, you want Ryeowook Hyung to come with us, right?”

Yesung mouthed a reluctant “Eh?” but nodded nonetheless.

Ryeowook then agreed to Donghae’s request, walking home with the two brothers with Donghae sleeping soundly on Yesung’s shoulders.
“You really love Donghae, don’t you?” Ryeowook asked after minutes of silence while walking down the street on the way to Yesung’s apartment.

“Yes. Well… he’s the only one who’s left with me.” Yesung answered. His voice was low, and full of sadness.

Ryeowook just couldn’t help but ask. He wanted to know more about Yesung, and he’ll do something for it. “Why? Where are your parents?”

“They left us,”

Before they realize it, they were already in front of Yesung’s apartment. They went in, and Yesung laid the sleeping Donghae on their bed. He offered a small talk and Ryeowook willingly accepted the offer.

Making his self comfortable on the couch and in Yesung’s company, Ryeowook asked the other man the things he wanted to know. After exchanging conversations, Ryeowook found out that Yesung’s Dad was a drug addict, causing his Mom to leave them and remarry. Soon after their Mom left, their father died leaving him and Donghae all home and penniless. He also found out that Yesung was no longer studying, but he’s working on a small café nearby instead to provide himself and Donghae their needs.

“Sorry,” was all Ryeowook could utter.

“For what?” Yesung asked, sipping on a cup of tea.

“For asking… for interfering… for…”

“No, it’s alright. I felt better after we talked about it anyway,” True, Yesung felt better after talking about those personal things with someone he just met hours ago. He doesn’t know why, but being with this person somehow makes him strangely comfortable.

Silence. Minutes of silence occurred until Ryeowook stood up, saying that he needs to go.

“Thank you, Yesung-sshi.” He said the moment they reached Yesung’s front door.

“No, Thank you, Ryeowook-sshi…” Yesung said, pausing to take a deep breath and smiled. “Thank you for this day… Thank you for listening to me.”

Ryeowook grinned and hugged Yesung, surprising the other man who was blushing at the same time. Yesung reluctantly raised his hand, hugging the smaller man back.


A/N: Actually, this has no definite plot. T^T Uh, do you think that I still have to continue writing this one? Well, I don't know. T^T Comments are <3

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update soooooooooooooooooon ouo <3
but OTL is it gonna be ? 8D yayaayayayayaayyy yewook ~ <3
I wonder if Wookie's mom is Yesung and Hae's mom..
So if it's like that then.. Wookie and Yesung are brothers?..
NO.. That means it'll be brotherly love!
they kissed,i loved it
update soon
love it!
update soon!! *_* <3
OMG such a cute story. i loveeeeeeeeeeee it somuch.<br />
but couldn't you name the smaller kid( hae) something else, it's just a bit hard to imagin donhae being a lot younger than ryeowook.<br />
other than that everything about your story is perfect.<br />
i hope you will be able to update soon :D
Caprice #6
please update!
please update soon! :)
I ♥ This...Please Upload Soon ★.★
So cute!! <3