모임 (mo-im)/ Meeting

The Ties of Fate

Yoona never really liked going to a university. Her lectures were boring, the professors never really cared about the class, and she never really had much fun there. Then again, she wasn’t going to college because she wanted to. It was because she needed to. She really didn’t have much of a choice. If she wanted a shot at a better life, college seemed like the way to go. Her last lecture of the day finally ended and she was walking in the subway towards her usual station.

As she was walking by, she noticed a strange girl with long black hair trying to put her subway ticket onto the electric gate, but it wasn’t opening for her. While her white button down shirtdress looked very old fashioned, Yoona assumed she’s not used to being at a subway.

“Oh no… It’s not working. What do I do?” she heard the girl say. The girl in white looked left and right in hopes of finding someone to help her.

Yoona felt sorry for the girl, but she assumed somebody would probably help her eventually. There was no need for her to into somebody's business. She saw that there was already a guy walking near her.

“Excuse me sir, can you help me with-”

“Out of my way.”

The confused girl was shoved to the floor by the man she asked for help. Her ticket fell to the floor and when the girl tried to reach for it, random people came and stepped on it without noticing her or her ticket. Now Yoona definitely had  the urge to help this girl out; to treat a poor girl like that is just plain wrong. She jogged towards the helpless girl and picked up her ticket.

“Are you alright, Miss?” Yoona offered her hand with a friendly smile.

The girl in the white dress looked up and was surprised that someone was actually helping her. She grabbed Yoona’s slender hand and was pulled up to her wobbly feet.

“Umm, yes I’m okay. Thank you very much,” the girl bowed very low.

The thankful girl looked to her wrist, but noticed that the golden bracelet she was wearing broke off and was now lying on the floor.

“Oh no,” she picked up the broken bracelet. “What should I do?”

Yoona inspected the piece of jewelry and noticed that one of the chain links was bent off.

“If you don’t mind, I can try to fix it for you,” Yoona pointed at the broken bracelt.

“You can really do that?” the girl asked amazed. “Please do,” she said as she willingly handed her bracelt to the smiling stranger.

Yoona slipped off her backpack and reached inside to pull out a small pair of clamp tweezers. She wrapped the bracelet under the young girl’s wrist and with some maneuvering, she squeezed the tweezers gently and closed the chain link. The bracelet looked as good as new.

“Now the bracelet will hold up for now, but you might want to bring it to a jeweler to have a few of those chain links replaced. Some of them are really worn out,” Yoona advised while putting her tweezers away and slinging her back onto her back.

“Thank you very much. And you also helped me out back at the ticket gate. I’m very grateful for your help,” the girl bowed again even lower this time.

Yoona looked at her thoroughly and noticed that she was actually kind of cute. Her cheeks were so smooth, that she wanted to pinch them. And below her eyes were little puffs of skin, just like rice cakes. Looking at her wardrobe, Yoona would guess she was a very conservative young lady. With her black slip on shoes to her button down dress, Yoona would’ve guessed she was from the 1960’s.

“Oh, no need to thank me. Fixing things has always been a hobby of mine. Also that guy earlier was a real jerk,” Yoona gestured her hand to the side. “By the way, did you need some help going through the gate?” Yoona pointed behind her.

“Yes I do. I was trying to scan it, but the gate wasn’t opening,” the young girl said distressed.

Yoona looked closely at the ticket.

“Huh?” Yoona almost dropped the ticket. “Miss, you’re at the wrong station. You don’t want to be here. You want to be at the other side of this station,” Yoona explained.

“What?! Oh my… Could you tell me how I might be able to get there?”

“Let’s see,” Yoona looked around. “Okay you want to go back there towards the escalator and pass that to the elevator. Now you’re gonna want to go down to the first floor then directly go down that hallway.While you're in the hallway, take the third left into the escalator on your right heading down. You keep going until you see the big fountain and it should be on your left. Did you get that?” Yoona smiled, realizing she probably said too much.

“Umm, pass the escalator, down the hall…” the cute girl whispered.

“Actually this is a big place and you’ll probably get lost. Why don’t I just you?”

“Eh? Oh no, I wouldn’t want to trouble you,” the girl protested with her hands in the air.

“It’s okay. I’m actually heading to the same station as you, so it’s no worries,” Yoona grinned.

“Well, if it won’t be a bother,” the upright girl bowed, “I’ll trust you with your direction.”

Yoona could only giggle at the girl’s mannerism. It was strange to see a girl her age talk with such manners.

“Alright then let’s go,” Yoona pumped her fist in the air and started to walk with the girl right next to her.

It felt really awkward walking next to such a cute girl. Yoona couldn’t remember the last time she was actually walking together with someone. She was about to break the ice with her, but the girl spoke up first.

“So umm… that bag you have,” the girl pointed.

“Oh my backpack? Yeah I’m a university student. I just finished my lectures for the week, so I’m heading home right now,” Yoona adjusted her bag.

“Wow… if you’re a university student, then that must mean you’re a genius,” the girl stared at Yoona with starry eyes.

“Ehehe, well I wouldn’t say I’m smart, but I guess I’m not stupid either.”

“Yes. That’s what all geniuses say,” she gave Yoona a thumbs up.

“Anyways,” Yoona tried to get away from the subject. “It must be hard transferring from one station to the other. I’m guessing you’re not used to public transportation.”

“Yes. It was very difficult for me. If it wasn’t for the intercom on the train, I’d probably be on the other side of Seoul right now,” the girl laughed nervously.

They continued to make small talk and eventually the two girls made it to the correct train station. After waiting only a few minutes, their train came and they were sitting next to each other in the spacious train.

“So, not to sound rude or anything, but what are you doing here? You don’t look like a city girl and you definitely don’t look like you’re here to sightsee,” Yoona analyzed.

“Oh no, it’s fine. I’m actually here on whim. I’m here to meet somebody.”

“Oooo, is it a guy?” Yoona joked.

“Oh no, it’s not a man,” the polite girl made an ‘X’ shape with her arms. “I’m actually meeting a special woman. She was a really close friend of mine. I’m actually not really sure how I’m going to see her, but I’m happy you’re willing to help me for now,” the girl in the white dress smiled.

“Heh, don’t worry about it.”

The train ride was really smooth as they passed by giant buildings and giant billboards of the big city. Fifteen minutes passed and the intercom above them announced that they were reaching their destination.

“Hey Miss, our stop is here.”

Yoona looked to her left. She didn’t even notice the girl she was helping was fast asleep on her shoulder.

“Umm Miss? You need to wake up. The doors are going to close soon,” Yoona tried to frantically shake her awake. She grabbed the girl's slender shoulders and tried to gently, but quickly shake her awake. "Miss please wake up!"

*The doors are now closing. Repeat. The doors are now closing.*

Their chance to leave slipped through Yuna’s fingers. She slumped in her seat while the girl continued to sleep on her shoulder; she liked the feeling of Yoona's shoulder and snuggled closer to her. Yoona could only sigh with a grin on her face.

I’m not sure if she’s slow minded or naïve, but I’ll give her this much. She's really cute.




The sleepy girl began to stir as she slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was leaning on her helper’s shoulder.

“Oh no. I’m so sorry!”

The now alert girl stood up and was quickly bowing for forgiveness.

“It’s alright Miss. I don’t mind at all,” Yoona tried to calm her down.

“How much longer until we get there?” the worried girl sat down again.

“It’s actually the next subway ahead,” Yoona explained.

“Phew, that’s good. I almost slept passed our destination,” the girl sighed in relief.

Actually we circled around the entire line and you slept through the entire way, was what Yoona wanted to say, but thought it be best not to say anything.

The train finally reached their destination. Yoona escorted the girl outside of the train station where the girl in the white dress bowed to her again.

“Thank you so much for helping me get here. I will never forget your kindness.”

“Actually you’re heading to Suwon, right? I can you to the address written on that piece of paper,” Yoona offered again with a smile.

“Oh but I couldn’t ask you to do that. You’ve helped me so much already. It would be a burden to ask you again for your help,” the modest girl turned pink in embarrassment.

“This place is actually pretty confusing, so you could get lost. Plus that address is near my apartment, so we’re going to the same area anyways.”

As expected, the girl in the white dress bowed once more to Yoona and Yoona smiled shyly while rubbing the back of her head.

“I apologize for asking, but may you please help me once more?”

“Haha, sure. I’m at your service," Yoona gave a small bow before setting of with her cute companion.

Normally Yoona never really helped random people she see’s, but this certain girl was different. It was as if something inside of her was yelling at her to save her from the nasty people in the city. Whatever the reason, the girl in the white dress looked really cute when she smiled and knowing she’s helping the girl smile was reward enough for Yoona.

As the two girls were walking down the neighborhood, Yoona thought it would be the perfect time to ask about the girl’s friend.

“So this friend of yours. What’s she like?” Yoona asked with curiosity.

“I haven’t seen her in forever, but I remember she was very kind to me and she was also very sweet. I feel so warm inside whenever I remember her.”

The well mannered girl giggled as they were strolling along.

“What’s so funny?” Yoona asked.

“I just remembered something from the past. When I was a child, I remember I had a small necklace that broke when I was playing with her. My friend fixed the necklace as good as new. Now that I think about it, she was very skilled with jewelry. You and my friend show many similarities,” the cute girl blushed as she remembered her warm memories.

“Wow. It sounds like you really care about this girl,” Yoona thought out loud.

“Oh yes! Even though she’s a girl, you could say she was my very first love. She’s a very special unnie to me. To have met a wonderful girl like her, I’m so thankful I got to meet her in my lifetime.”

Yoona was surprised by the girl’s kind words. To speak so highly about a girl she hasn’t seen in a long time is really amazing. She seemed really dedicated to her unnie. As the sun began to set, Yoona saw that they were almost at the address marked on the piece of paper.

“According to my memory, once we turn left her house should be right there.”

The cute girl ran ahead of her in excitement to see her friend’s home.

“Hey wait up!”

Yoona ran behind her, but when the girl turned left she froze in an instant.

“Hey what’s wrong?”

When Yoona turned left, both of them were staring at a vacant lot that had a tall field of grass growing and an old tire lying on the ground. The girl next to Yoona was beginning to shake with worry as she stared at the small field of tall grass.

“Umm, perhaps you’ve made a mistake?” she asked shakily.

Yoona looked to the paper and looked at the nearby buildings.

“No, I’m certain. If the address is right, it should be right here,” Yoona pointed to the ground.

“It can’t be…” the young girl collapsed onto her knees. She grabbed her own shoulders in a futile attempt to control herself. "If only I'd come here months ago, she'd probably..."

“Hey, are you okay?” Yoona tried to help her up, but the now emotional girl wouldn't budge an inch.

“I thought I was finally going to see her. But now… what am I supposed to do?”

The girl in the white dress could only let her tears fall silently as she hid her face in helplessness. Yoona looked around in need of help. She didn’t know what else to do. She wanted her to stop crying, but she didn't know how. What was she supposed to do in this kind of situation?



“Here,” Yoona placed a cup of tea in front of the girl in the white dress. “This will help calm your nerves.” Her and Yoona were sitting on the soft floor of Yoona's apartment with a small dining table in between them.

Yoona wasn’t sure what to do when the girl started crying. She noticed that her small apartment was nearby and thought it would be best to bring the girl there for the time being. It was nice to have company over at her place since she never had guests, but what was she supposed to do in this situation? Since her friend’s place isn’t there, she’ll have to go home or find a place to stay since its getting dark outside.

“Hey, umm…”

Yoona tried to get her attention, but the girl still looked shocked as she stared at her cup of tea. Yoona felt really bad for her. If only there was anything she could do to help.

“Say," Yoona tried to break the silence, "would you happen to have anything else that would be useful in finding her? Maybe an old phone number or another address?”

The girl reached into her front pocket and pulled out an old looking photograph.

“It’s not much, but I do have this picture of her and me when we were children.” She slid the photo towards Yoona.

“Hmm? A picture of you two as kids might not help…”

Yoona looked at the picture and at first glance it was just a photo of two kids smiling at the camera. But after looking at the photo closely, her eyes almost doubled in size as the kids in the photo looked very familiar.

“Wait a minute… Isn’t this a picture of me and Seo Juhyun?!”

The girl in front of her almost knocked over her tea when she heard that name.

“What did you…” the girl in white asked softly. Her heart beat beginning to get faster.

“I said… this is a picture of me and Seohyun,” Yoona showed the girl the picture with a confused look on her face.

“S-so that means…you’re Yoona Unnie!”

The girl moved away from her side of the table and crawled so close, she was only inches away from Yoona’s face.

Yoona pointed at herself and nervously laughed. “Yeah. I’m… Im Yoona.”

“Yoona…” Seohyun’s eyes were starting to well up with tears.

"Umm, are you oka-"

“Yoona Unnie!”

Seohyun leaped into Yoona’s arms and held her as tight as she could. She immediately snuggled in the nape of Yoona’s neck as she bawled her little eyes out again.

“Yoona Unnie! Yoona Unnie! Yoona Unnie!!! For almost fifteen years I’ve waited and dreamed for this moment to come true! To think that the kind girl who helped me today was Yoona Unnie all this time! For all that is sacred, this must be a sign of fate!”

Seohyun continued to cry in Yoona’s arms for she was overjoyed with passion for finally finding Yoona. Yoona on the other hand was clearly confused and had no idea what was happening right now.

“Now hold on a minute,” Yoona gently pushed Seohyun off of her. “Can you please tell me what’s going on?”

“Oh, please forgive me Yoona Unnie,” Seohyun apologized as she tried to wipe away her tears. In a traditional Korean way, Seohyun sat straight with her legs bent straight under her knees. She slowly bowed her head.


“I, Seo Juhyun, have come here today to marry you, Im Yoona.”

Yoona’s mouth dropped open as she stared at the young girl in disbelief.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Yoona asked once more.

“I said I’m going to be your wife Yoona Unnie. Isn't that great?” the young girl smiled with glee.


안녕! (annyeong)! So what did you think of my multi-shot? I thought I'd try something different, so I experimented with YoonHyun. Should I continue this one? Let me know in the comments! As always, comments and constructive criticism is always welcome. Also if you really like this story, an upvote would be nice too. Take care everyone!




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Chapter 1: Hahaha, what a twist! :)
Chapter 1: espero que tu actualización por favor no abandones esta historia ... lo siento no hablo ingles !! :)
Chapter 1: wow, definitely interesting story.. kinda expected that the "miss"(seohyun) childhood friend is yoona.. but totally did not expect seohyun would propose to yoona.. well, that escalated quickly :D

Hope you will update soon
Chapter 1: Seohyun proposed. Thats a news.
YulSicSLTTR #5
Chapter 1: You should totally continue this !!!
I want to now more (I will give you my upvote if you update a next chapter) ^-^
Hope you update soon !
Fighting!! :)
eunheelovegg #6
Chapter 1: oh this is a really fun story kkkk :D
Chapter 1: Omg yes please I so wanna know what happens next:)!!!