

Wiping away the condensation off the cold glass, Kyungsoo stared out the window with big, curious eyes. Occasionally jerking when the moving truck he was riding in would pass over a bump. He hummed countless of random tunes as if it would make the truck move faster and rid of his anxious thoughts. "What is the neighborhood like? What if there are gangs? es?"

Sitting between Kyungsoo and his father, his mother knowingly glanced at Kyungsoo. "Stop over thinking things." Kyungsoo nodded obediently and quietly sighed under his breath.

Finally arriving in front of their new home, the Do's stepped out of the truck and began unloading the little luggage and furniture they owned. Kyungsoo carried as much as his petite body allowed him to into the house. He stood in the middle of the living room for a moment, taking in his surroundings. He knew adapting to this new environment would be a hassle considering the fact that he's lived in a traditional korean home his entire life. With heavy steps, he made his way up to the second floor of the modern styled house. He paused at the top of the steps, innocently blinking at the multiple doors on either sides of the hall.

"Are all these rooms really necessary?" he mumbled under his breath. He sighed and entered the nearest room, deciding that it would be his bedroom. 


Kyungsoo wasn't spoiled and he especially wasn't ungrateful but he couldn't help but feel sour about the situation. He knew that moving to a different school and an entirely different neighborhood was all his fault. He knew he was weak and more sensitive than the other testosterone-engines that surrounded him daily but he couldn't help it. He knew. And that reason alone led him to becoming the main target to poke around and pester with. 

As if the name calling and joking wasn't enough, the verbal abuse escalated and became physical as rumors began to spread about him being homoual. Poor Kyungsoo couldn't deny it because it was simply true. Helpless and lost, Kyungsoo forgot about the main reason why he worked so hard in school. He forgot what it was like to socialize properly and soon became the outcast that he dreaded to be. Distracted by the constant whispers of insults and jokes in class, Kyungsoo's grades began to drop. He became weak both physically and mentally. Of course he didn't mean to, but he couldn't help it.

Finally noticing the bruises and change in their son, that he so desperately tried to hide, Kyungsoo's parents hurriedly had a talk with his school's counselor which almost ended up becoming a fist fight between the staff member and Kyungsoo's furious father. The counselor knew of Kyungsoo's bullying but took it lightly. "All kids are like that nowadays. They'll grow out of it, no?" Gathering up everything they owned and treasured, the Do's decision to move out of their beloved neighborhood was set in stone.


Kyungsoo flinched as sudden memories of him being shoved into the boys bathroom and beaten until he could barely walk replayed in his mind. The way he struggled to get to his next class but couldn't even focus from the pain and salty tears that blurred his vision. He shook his head to rid of his bitter thoughts and looked around the dull, lifeless room. It mirrored exactly how he felt inside and he cracked a pathetic smile at the relation. He took slow and careful steps and decided he had enough of analyzing his new room before heading back downstairs to continue helping his parents.



With a crack of the neck and a long, exasperated yawn, the young man trudged his way to the small, circular window in his room after a loud clang from outside interrupted his nap. He curiously watched his new neighbor's bring their belongings into their home. Suddenly bored at the same scene of the old couple, he the heels of his feet to walk away until another figure invaded his peripheral vision. Quickly turning back around, he gazed at the young man that caught his attention, assuming he was the son of the couple. Shamelessly checking out the boy, he smiled to himself. 


Suddenly feeling pricklish, Kyungsoo whipped his head around and looked over his shoulder to find nothing except the silent neighboring house. Shrugging, he shut the trunk of the moving truck after collecting his own bags and headed into his new home.

The Do family ate their dinner quietly. Kyungsoo tapped his foot and broke the silence, "We shouldn't have moved here." He mentally hissed at himself for his choice of words. His father stared at him for a moment. "We wouldn't have moved if you just took care of yourself, Kyungsoo. I raised you to be a man, not a little girl." Kyungsoo felt those words hit him hard in two areas. He just recently came out to his parents and was surprised they were fine with it, but he knew deep down that his father wasn't completely 100% with it. Silently getting up from his seat, the legs of his chair screeching unpleasantly, Kyungsoo excused himself upstairs as he tried to fight back the tears that threatened to spill from his doll like eyes. His mother turned towards her husband and shot him a menacing glare before getting up to wash their dishes. 

Kyungsoo's legs carried him into his room and to his window. He wasn't sure how, but he subconsciously managed to climb onto his roof, shivering as the cold, night air hit his skin. He carelessly lied down on the rough bricks and gazed at the twinkling stars as they contrasted with the dark, night sky. A tired sigh escaped his lips just as an unknown, deep voice spoke. 

"What're you doing up here?"

Gasping, Kyungsoo immediately sat up and stared at the young man sitting across from him on the neighboring roof. His big eyes widening even more.

"I-I... What are you doing up there? Who are you?"

It only took a second for Kyungsoo to fully take in the man's beauty. The man's white, tossled hair that complimented his tan skin seemed to glow in the moonlight. His protruding cheekbones fully appearing as he flashed a cheeky grin in response to Kyungsoo's questions. His eyes that never seemed to leave Kyungsoo's for even a second. Kyungsoo gulped, feeling slightly intimidated. The man finally rescued Kyungsoo from his silent suffering and spoke again, "Kim Jongin. But you can call me Kai."

Kyungsoo awkwardly cleared his throat before managing to utter out, "Well, um, Kai, I'm going to leave now. Goodn-"

Kai cut him off and tilted his head. "You never gave me your name."    

Kyungsoo stared at him inquisitively and thought, 'Why does he want my name? Well, I mean we are neighbors, so...'

"Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo." He began climbing back down to his room. Kai smiled and watched him in amusement. "Sleep well, Do Kyungsoo." Kyungsoo nearly slipped when Kai said his name. It just sounded so... sweet.

"Yes, bye." Slamming his window shut and closing the curtains, Kyungsoo practically melted onto the ground from the sudden stir of emotions inside of him and ran his fingers through his hair as his thick eyebrows furrowed.

Back outside, Kai was smiling to himself. Kyungsoo's name repeating in his mind like a mantra.


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Chapter 2: please let them be friends already kk looking forward for yout next update :))
Chapter 1: Ooh. Excited for the next chapter. xx