Episode 4

Girls' Generation

‘What do you mean I’m not properly dressed? I’m not now, am I?’ an irritated Yoona asks the receptionist.

Yoona is at the restaurant/private club mentioned by Sunny and she is there early. But she is denied entrance because of her attire. Yoona came straight from her bar and she is wearing a white printed tee, a pair of khaki shorts that are way above her knees and bunny flip flops. Her hair is in quite a mess, too and the only thing to keep her bushy brown hair in place is a tiny butterfly clip that she pins in the middle. If any of her Girls’ Generation friends sees her, they may think that she has lost her mind because Yoona was the most fashion-conscious of the group and always tried to keep up with the latest trend but now, she looks like she just crawled out of bed and straight to the restaurant.

‘I’m sorry, miss. But I really cannot let you in like that.’ the receptionist continues to argue with her.

‘But I have a reservation here. At least, my friend does.’ Yoona says.

‘Can I have your friend’s name?’

‘Jessica Jung. If not, try Jung Soo-yeon.’

The receptionist proceeds to check the name given by Yoona.

‘I’m sorry, miss. But there’s no such reservation.’ The receptionist says seconds later.

‘What? There must be a mistake. Can you check one more time?’ Yoona requests.

Just then, Sunny and Taeyeon arrive at the restaurant. They see a woman who looks and talks like their friend, Yoona, but they can’t confirm if it is Yoona. Taeyeon decides to take a chance.

‘Yoona?’ Taeyeon calls out.

Yoona, who is annoyed with the receptionist, looks at both Taeyeon and Sunny wearing her annoyed look. But she quickly smiles when she realizes that her long-lost friends are right in front of her.

‘Taeyeon! Sunny!’ Yoona says and runs toward them, enveloping them in a hug. ‘Omo! How long has it been?’

‘Yah~ you little witch, I thought you wouldn’t be able to make it.’ Sunny says.

‘You know what? If I’m free, I can definitely make it. Look at you, Sunny. You must have continued on your shikshin ways after leaving high school, huh?’ Yoona says.

‘Trust me, I really wanted to go on a diet but –‘

‘I know. Food has always been your priority. And you, Taeyeon, wow! You must have gotten yourself a good husband! You look so expensive!’ Yoona checks out Taeyeon’s clothes, bag and the ring on her finger.

‘Nothing so special about me, Yoona. Were you waiting for us? You could have waited for us inside, you know?’ Taeyeon says.

‘Well…’ Yoona turns her attention to the receptionist and points a finger at him. ‘I most definitely would have if not for him.’  

‘Oh…oh…I get what’s going on here. It’s discrimination in full swing. As far as I know, little boy, she is decently dressed. She covered where she needs to cover up and she can very well enter, right?’ Taeyeon tries to reason.

‘I’m sorry, miss. But, I still can’t let her in.’ the receptionist insists on his earlier decision.

‘Are you actually keeping her here because you’ve fallen for her long legs and bunny flip flops?’ Sunny says. Taeyeon and Yoona laugh at her comment while the receptionist smiles shyly.

‘So…we can go in now, right?’ Taeyeon says.

Taeyeon leads her two friends to the entrance but the receptionist immediately stops them from going in. The commotion causes Taeyeon to literally bump into someone.

Taeyeon apologizes to the person she has bumped into. It is a woman and for some reason, Taeyeon and the woman cannot take their eyes off each other. There is a hint of recognition in both of their eyes. Of course, both of them have aged but some things never change like her trademark jet black hair and the way she looks when she is serious.

‘Yuri?’ Taeyeon says.

‘Yuri?’ Sunny and Yoona say in unison when they realize that the woman is indeed Yuri.

Yuri flashes a fake smile to all of them. ‘Hello, long time no see.’ Yuri says in English. ‘I never thought I’d see you ladies again but what a small world. And you’re still friends with each other after all these years?’

‘Of course! We’re best friends!’ Sunny says. Yoona nods her head in agreement.

‘What about you, Yuri? Are you still in touch with any of our high school friends?’ Taeyeon asks.

‘Oh no.’ Yuri says in English before continuing in Korean. ‘I just came back from America not too long ago. But…I wouldn’t have recognized any of you if I hadn’t heard you guys quarreling.’ Yuri smirks.

‘What? We weren’t quarreling. We are meeting up with Jessica here for dinner.’ Taeyeon says.

‘Jessica? Oh…Jessica-san!’ Yuri giggles. Taeyeon, Sunny and Yoona frown at the way she is making fun of Jessica. ‘I’ve seen her in a few magazines. She’s getting married, yeah? Hmm…I should congratulate her personally when I see her later…why are you all still standing here?’

Yoona becomes self-conscious all of a sudden and subconsciously moves to hide behind Taeyeon. But Yuri has already caught sight of her khaki shorts and bunny flip flops.

‘Oh, too bad, Yoona. You are not allowed to go in.’ Yuri clicks her tongue, annoying them even further.

‘It’s not my fault that these people here can’t handle my hotness.’ Yoona mumbles.

‘You know what, Yoong?’ Yuri calls Yoona by her nickname. Usually when Yoona is called by her nickname, it sounds affectionate but when it is done by Yuri, it just doesn’t sound right. ‘If I were you, with those killer legs and cute bunny flip flops, I wouldn’t waste my time coming to a private club; I will go to the kimbap joint down the road. My driver says the food there is simply delicious and there are lots of ahjussi, I mean, older young men who, I’m sure, would love to make friends with you.’

Yoona is genuinely offended by what Yuri just said and she is prepared to fire back. But, Taeyeon grabs hold to her arms and shakes her head, signaling her to not prolong the awkward situation.

‘Jin~ please~ let my friends in.’ Yuri says to the receptionist. ‘A little leg and bunny won’t kill anyone. If anyone says anything, I’ll talk to the manager personally, okay? Please ~’

Yuri smirks at them one last time before walking into the restaurant with style.


‘Do you think Jessica is gonna bail on us?’ Taeyeon asks.

They are now sitting in the restaurant waiting for Jessica, all thanks to Yuri, although no one in their right mind in Girls’ Generation would ever think of thanking Yuri for anything.

‘What the hell? Are you serious? I came all the way from the bar for her and I risked trusting my workers to take good care of the bar during this peak hour for me. She better not bail!’ Yoona says.

‘Omo, I’m starving! If she bails, who’s gonna pay for all these drinks here? We are not members and I don’t wanna have to depend on Yuri and her ‘please’ again!’ Sunny says.

The three women look over to Yuri, who is sitting a few tables away with a man. She is seen chatting happily away with her date.

‘Omo, she still has a killer figure. Do you think she is married and have kids of her own?’ Taeyeon says, still looking at Yuri.

‘There is no way she can have that kind of figure if she has given birth before.’ Sunny says.

‘Sunny ah, when I saw you just now, I thought you had about five kids already.’ Yoona says. Taeyeon giggles at what Yoona had to say about Sunny’s figure.

‘I wish I have kids, Yoong. But sadly, my husband wouldn’t want to have any with me.’ Sunny sighs. ‘But…do you think Yuri had plastic surgery?’

‘It doesn’t look like she had gone under the knife before. Her natural beauty is still there.’ Taeyeon says.

‘Did you know that natural beauty can be manufactured?’ Sunny says.

‘Well, natural or plastic, the point is she still looks good and even better than…me! Hmph!’ Yoona pouts.

‘Talking about that, aren’t you supposed to be our and fashion guru, Yoong? What happened?’ Taeyeon says.

Yoona sighs. ‘My mom had a a few years ago and I had to quit my job as a flight attendant to take care of her. And you know my mom owns a bar, right? I had to take care of that as well. It is even more demanding than my previous job! I simply have no time for myself!’

‘I didn’t know about that. How’s auntie?’ Sunny asks.

Yoona’s phone rings. She takes it out and huffs when she looks at the number. It is her mother.

‘She’s calling me.’ Yoona says and answers the call. ‘Umma? You can’t find your walking stick? Where do you want to go? No, umma, just wait for me to come home, okay? I’ll be back soon. Yes, umma. Okay. You see how hectic my life is now?’ Yoona puts her phone away.

‘Sorry, I’m a little late.’

Taeyeon, Sunny and Yoona turn to the direction of the voice and it is Jessica. Once again, she is dressed from head to toe in designer’s clothing. Yoona stands up, excited to see her but Jessica only looks her up and down and pays particular attention to the bunny flip flops as she cannot quite believe what she is seeing.

‘Don’t tell me you are…Yoona?’ Jessica asks.

‘Yes, of course. I’m the pretty and popular Yoona! Congratulations, Jessica!’ Yoona goes up to hug Jessica. Jessica only rolls her eyes, not bothering to hug back.

‘Congratulations, Sica.’ Taeyeon stands up and wants to hug Jessica as well.

‘Let’s order some food, shall we?’ Jessica eyes Taeyeon for a moment before taking her seat. Taeyeon quickly sits down to avoid any further awkwardness.

At the other corner of the restaurant, Yuri and her male date look over at the table where the Girls’ Generation members are sitting.

‘Do you know those ahjummas?’ Yuri’s date asks.

‘Ahjummas? Please~ don’t. We were in the same class during high school. So, if you call them ahjumma, then you are indirectly referring to me as an ahjumma as well.’ Yuri says.

‘You? Ahjumma? No way.’

‘Exactly. And maybe that’s why I’m not one of them.’

They continue to talk about other things as their food is served.

Not long after, back at the side where the Girls’ Generation clique is sitting, they are eating their food in peace when Sunny decides to question Jessica about what she had seen earlier.

‘Sica, where’s Darrien? I thought he would be joining us?’ Sunny asks.

‘Darrien? He’s out meeting a client.’ Jessica says, sipping on some wine.

‘Are you sure he’s meeting a client?’ Sunny asks with suspicion in her eyes. Taeyeon gives her a small kick under the table.

‘What do you mean? Darrien is a very busy man, you know?’ Jessica rolls her eyes.

‘Sunny ah, just eat, will you?’ Taeyeon hands a bun to Sunny.

Suddenly, Yoona’s phone rings again. She groans when she sees that her mother is calling her again.

‘Ladies, I’m so sorry but I think I have to go. Jessica, congrats again. I’ll see you on your wedding day, alright?’ Yoona says and packs her bag, ready to leave.

‘You don’t have to come for my wedding.’ Jessica says bluntly. All three of them are shocked and Yoona forgets about her mother for a moment there.

‘Why? You think that I’m gonna show up to your wedding like this? Of course not, Sica. I’ll wear something presentable, I know what to do.’ Yoona says.

‘Actually, the reason for this dinner is to inform all of you that you don’t have to look for me anymore nor do you have to come for my wedding.’ Jessica says.

‘But, we’re friends.’ Sunny says.

‘Sica, if this is because of me, I won’t show up at the wedding. But Yoona and Sunny are still your friends.’ Taeyeon says.

‘Not only me and Yoona, but Taeyeon, Hyoyeon and Tiffany as well. We’re all your best friends from high school!’ Sunny exclaims.

‘That’s enough!’ Jessica says coolly. ‘I don’t wanna hear anything about my past or my high school life. In fact, I don’t even remember how it was like anymore. But all I know is this, we are no longer friends. So, you don’t have to come. I never wanted to invite any of you, anyway. I don’t need you. I just need my Darrien.’

‘Fine. If that’s how you wanna be, then perhaps I should let you know the truth. I saw your Darrien kissing another woman on the street before we came here!’ Sunny says.

‘Sunny!’ Taeyeon places a hand over Sunny’s mouth to shut her up but Sunny pushes her hand away.

‘But it’s the truth! And the woman is at least ten times bigger than me!’ Sunny continues.

‘Omo! Your fiancé is into Amazons?’ Yoona says.

Just then, someone puts a bottle of wine on their table. The four of them look up and see that it is the rascal, Yuri.

‘Congratulations, Jessica-san!’ Yuri says. ‘Here’s to you marrying a good husband!’ But the whole table is silent and awkward.

‘Daijobu ka, Jessica-san? You’re getting married but you don’t seem too happy.’ Yuri continues. Jessica just glares at her. ‘Oh…oh...gomene, Jessica-san. When I have a little too much to drink, I tend to speak Japanese and the people around me will have a hard time figuring if I’m Korean or Japanese. Kuyashii!’

‘Do you smell oo?’ Taeyeon asks, pinching her nose as if she just smelled something bad.

Yoona and Sunny caught on and pinches their nose as well.

‘Omo, what is that…radish?’ Sunny asks.

‘No, it’s just some chocolate that has gone bad.’ Yoona says.

‘Oh please~’ Yuri rolls her eyes at them and leaves the table.

‘Yes! Princess oo is gone!’ Taeyeon exclaims. They give each other high five but Jessica is the only one uninterested in giving a high five.

‘Childish.’ Jessica says and leaves the table. Taeyeon quickly follows after her.

Taeyeon and Jessica are in the restroom. Jessica takes out her compact to check herself and powders her face.

‘Sica, sorry about that but we never intended to tell you about this. However, we really do care about you and it is always better to think things over clearly when you have a major decision like marriage.’ Taeyeon says.

‘Then why tell me about it? But no matter what you guys say, I’m not gonna believe a word of it. I’ve decided I’m gonna marry Darrien and that’s final.’ Jessica says as she finishes powdering.

‘But, Sica –‘

‘Enough! Just leave me alone, will you?’ Jessica goes into a cubicle and locks herself in there.

She begins to think back to the time when Taeyeon and her were just young girls talking about their hopes and dreams for the future.

Taeyeon was reading a novel in Hyoyeon’s dance studio when Jessica arrived moments later. She made some sandwiches and decided to share them with Taeyeon.

‘Hey, what are you doing?’ Jessica asked.

‘Just reading a novel.’ Taeyeon replied, not looking up from her novel.

‘Is it that interesting?’ Jessica grabbed the novel from Taeyeon and checked the cover. It was a romance novel written by popular romance novelist, Park Mi-sun. ‘Wow! Park Mi-sun! Everyone is talking about this book now.’

‘Yup. It’s her best work yet. I wanna be just like her!’ Taeyeon said.

‘You mean your dream is to be an author?’ Jessica asked.

Taeyeon nodded her head. ‘I want my novels to be popular not only in Korea, but the whole of Asia and the rest of the world!’

‘Then…I wanna marry someone who can not only take me around Korea, but the whole of Asia and also the rest of the world!’ Jessica exclaimed.

‘But first, let’s see if you have what it takes to marry a rich man.’ Taeyeon said and took one of the sandwiches from Jessica and ate it.

‘How is it?’ Jessica asked with eager looking eyes.

‘Well…I think…you are better off marrying an ahjussi!’ Taeyeon said then ran away from Jessica.

‘Yah!’ Jessica gave chase and the two girls chased each other around happily.

The dinner ends with a huge serving of awkwardness for everyone. Taeyeon, Sunny and Yoona leave the restaurant together but Jessica is not interested to join them. The three women discuss about Jessica’s decision and Taeyeon is the only one who is genuinely concerned about Jessica making the wrong choice for herself.

‘She’s old enough to think for herself, Taeyeon. Just let her be.’ Yoona says.

‘I want to wait for her and try to talk to her again.’ Taeyeon says.

‘What? You guys carry on then. I really have to make a move. I’ll see you later, okay?’ Yoona bids Taeyeon and Sunny goodbye and goes on her way home.

Moments later, Jessica appears from behind and walks past them. Taeyeon and Sunny call out to her but she keeps on walking as if she hasn’t heard anything. Taeyeon then goes up to her and grabs her by the arm. Jessica flings off her hold violently, causing Taeyeon to lose balance. Sunny quickly grabs hold of Taeyeon to prevent her fall.

‘Jessica, are you really sure about this whole marriage thing?’ Taeyeon asks.

‘This is none of your business and stop following me around.’ Jessica warns.

But just as she is ready to move again, she sees a familiar car and it belongs to Darrien. She sees Darrien walking out with a woman and Darrien is holding her hands as they make their way to a club. Jessica is dumfounded and stands rooted to the spot.  Taeyeon and Sunny also see the scene that just passes right before Jessica’s very eyes.

‘I told you, Sica! I wasn’t lying!’ Sunny says.

‘Why don’t we go and confront him?’ Taeyeon says.

‘Why should I listen to you?’ Jessica retorts.

‘You know you’re curious too, aren’t you? Isn’t it better to just clear this up once and for all instead of just thinking about it all the time in the future?’ Sunny says.

‘Come on, Sica. We’ll go with you. Come on.’ Taeyeon says and she and Sunny pushes Jessica to go with them. Jessica hesitates to move but gives in eventually.

They enter the club that Darrien and the woman just entered not long ago. The club is loud, dingy and smells of cigarette smoke. But it seems like they are the only women in the club as everyone around them are men and it is not hard to tell that the other ‘women’ in the club are really just male cross-dressers.

‘What kind of place is this? It feels like we just entered the gents.’ Taeyeon says.

‘Omo! There he is!’ Sunny says and points to a man.

The man is obviously Darrien but he is wearing a corset, dark stocking and laced up boots and he is dancing with the woman he came with. Jessica is horrified to see this and she charges toward Darrien and the woman. When Darrien sees her, he is surprised.

‘Jessica? What are you doing here?’ Darrien asks.

‘Who is she?’ Jessica demands to know and she turns her attention to the woman.

Jessica recognizes the woman somewhat. She checks out the woman’s hair and it turns out to be a wig. Jessica grabs hold of the wig forcefully and pulls it off the woman’s head. Jessica is shocked to find out that it is actually Jeremy in drag!

‘Lee Jung-in?’ Jessica says in disbelief.

‘How many times do I have to tell you it’s Jeremy?’ Jeremy crosses his arms.

Jessica continues to stand there in shock but she quickly collects herself and grabs hold of Darrien’s arms and forces him to leave the club with her. Jeremy screams at Jessica to let Darrien go and chases after them. Taeyeon and Sunny quickly follow suit. Once they are all outside the club, Jessica confronts Darrien.

‘I can’t believe it, Darrien! All this while, you were…you were actually…you guys are…’ Jessica is at a loss for words.

Darrien clears his throat, takes Jeremy’s hand in his and walks up to Jessica.

‘Yes, Jessica. Jeremy and I are actually a couple.’ Darrien says. This shocks not only Jessica but also Taeyeon and Sunny.

‘What the ! But…what the hell is so good about him?’ Jessica looks at Jeremy as though he has some sort of disease.

‘What the hell is not good about him?’ Darrien snarls. ‘He is so much cuter than you.’ Darrien then Jeremy’s cheeks and smiles down at him.

‘What the did you just say?’ Jessica screams.

‘I SAID HE IS SO MUCH MORE CUTER THAN YOU!’ Darrien screams back at her. ‘You know what, Jessica? There is simply no way we can be together anymore. I thought I will have to go through lots of trouble for sweet Jeremy and me to be together but thanks to you, Jessica, you saved me heaps! So, goodbye and good luck, Jessica.’

Before Darrien can leave, Jessica latches onto his arms. ‘This is not over, Darrien! Look, we can still get married. I won’t mind if you want…Jeremy…’ Jessica forces herself to say Jeremy’s name, who looks delighted when she says it. ‘to be the one in bed with you every night. But please, just let us be married to each other!’

Darrien clicks his tongue. ‘You think I don’t know what you’re up to, Jessica? You only choose to marry me because of money. Let’s face the fact; you and I both know we can never be truly happy if we’re married.’

‘It’s not like that –‘

‘Honey pie, why are you wasting your time talking to her? We have much better things to do. Let’s go.’ Jeremy says. Darrien nods his head and they go to Darrien’s car and drives off.

Jessica just stands there, not knowing what to do. She can’t even cry. This whole situation is too bizarre for her. Taeyeon and Sunny go to her and tries to comfort her. Taeyeon places a hand on Jessica’s shoulder but she shrugs it off.

‘Don’t touch me! This is all your fault!’ Jessica screams.

‘Yah! Taeyeon just saved you from a doomed marriage and you’re still scolding her?’ Sunny says.

‘Doomed marriage? How sure are you that this marriage is going to be doomed? You know what I think is doomed? From the first day I became friends with all of you was the day I was bound to be doomed!’ Jessica fires. She then walks up to Taeyeon. ‘If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have lost my daughter and now all thanks to you, I’ve lost my marriage. Are you happy now?’

Jessica does not wait for Taeyeon to answer and leaves in anger. Sunny rubs Taeyeon’s back to comfort her and Taeyeon can only manage a bitter smile. Have they really lost Jessica as a friend forever?

Hyoyeon is slowly recovering in the hospital but the doctor still needs to check on her progress before she is allowed to be discharged. Hyoyeon can’t wait to be discharged so that she can dance again but little does she know what is coming for her next.

Hyoyeon is sitting up in her bed and watching a comedy show when an unexpected visitor enters her room. She is still watching the show, laughing happily and totally unaware of the presence of another person in the room.

‘Hyoyeon.’ the person calls out.

A laughing Hyoyeon turns to see who called her. Her laugh fades away and her face instantly goes blank.

‘O..Oppa?’ Hyoyeon says.

The person who has entered the room is none other than Kim Ryeowook, Hyoyeon’s elder half-brother. They have never seen eye-to-eye before and they haven’t kept in touch for many years so Hyoyeon is a little concerned why he is here.

Ryeowook smiles and pours some water into a glass. He goes to Hyoyeon and gently Hyoyeon’s hair but she cringes at his touch. Hyoyeon subconsciously moves further back into her bed, trying to avoid Ryeowook as much as possible.

‘Hyoyeon ah, why are you so afraid of me? I heard that you’re in the hospital and I came to see if you’re alright. Here, have a sip of water.’ Ryeowook says and hands her the glass of water.

‘Thanks…’ Hyoyeon forces herself to accept the water.

Ryeowook clicks his tongue as he looks around the hospital room. ‘My poor little sister. You should have been in a private ward, not this! But not to worry, Hyoyeon. Oppa has just the right thing for you.’

Ryeowook takes out a brown envelope from his bag. He opens the envelope and fishes out some papers from it. He hands them to Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon takes it from him gingerly and looks at it. It is a Power of Attorney form. She looks through the form and is shocked to find out that Ryeowook wants her to sign the form to release her dance studio to him.

‘I’m not signing this!’ Hyoyeon tosses the document at Ryeowook.

‘Sign it!’ Ryeowook forces the paper back into Hyoyeon’s hand and even forces her to hold a pen.

Hyoyeon manages with what little strength she has left in her body to push Ryeowook away. Before Ryeowook can do anything, she tears up the paper and stuffs it into . Ryeowook is disgusted by the sight. He quickly grabs his bag to leave before he throws up. Ryeowook has little tolerance for strange and weird stuff and apparently, eating paper happens to be one of them.

‘This is not over yet, you crazy woman! I’ll be back!’ Ryeowook says before he leaves.

Hyoyeon starts hyperventilating. She cannot let Ryeowook have the studio. If that happens, she will have nothing left. She starts shaking violently and she flings the glass at the wall, where it breaks into pieces immediately.

‘My studio…my studio…no…NOOOOOOOOOOOO!’ Hyoyeon screams and runs out of the room, all the while crying that she will not let her studio be taken away from her.

Jessica has to spend the night at the hotel lobby because her keycard has been deactivated. When she wakes up in the morning, a bellboy hands her a sack that is supposedly filled with her belongings. Upon seeing that, she becomes furious and decides to confront Darrien. She knocks on the door loud and hard and finally, Jeremy opens the door and he is wearing her bathrobe!

‘You crazy ! What are you doing here?’ Jeremy asks.

‘You are the crazy ! Is that my bathrobe? Where’s Darrien?’ Jessica demands. She looks around and she sees him sitting on the couch.

‘I thought I told you we are over.’ Darrien says, buffing his nails.

 ‘That’s why I’m here. I don’t own this sack. Where’s my LV travel bag?’ Jessica asks.

‘Jessica,’ Darrien says, putting away his nail buffer. ‘You know very well I bought those things with my money so isn’t it logical that I get to keep it?’

‘Fine! If that’s the way you want things to end, well, I think I should ask for a break up fee.’ Jessica says.

Darrien and Jeremy looks at each other and burst out laughing.

‘Break up fee? Forget it. For the past few months you were with Darrien baby, you’ve enjoyed lots of privileges that you can never have in your entire life, hag!’ Jeremy snaps.

‘What did you just call me?’ Jessica flings the ashtray at Jeremy but misses.

‘Baby~ look at her! She could have killed me with that! Since she’s so ungrateful, let’s take away everything that you’ve given to her.’ Jeremy says and he eyes the ring on Jessica’s finger.

Jessica sees him looking at the ring and quickly hides it behind her. ‘I’m not giving you this!’ she says and tries to run away from them. But the two men are too fast for her and before long, her ring is taken away from her. Even during the struggle, Jeremy and her can’t help but throw insults at each other. Jessica is kicked out of the room, literally, and she is now left with nothing.

Jessica drags her sack with her along the street. She looks downtrodden. Well, who wouldn’t be when everything is taken away from them just like that? She keeps walking and walking and at one point, she just stops in the middle of the street and screams. Passers-by look at her like she is some sort of psycho. She just glares at them and retorts: ‘What? I just like to scream! So what?’ She then continues screaming. But her screaming softens when she sees an ATM nearby. Maybe there is still hope. She runs up to the ATM, inserts her bank card and types in her PIN code. The next screen shows that her account has been suspended.

‘What? No way! There must be a mistake.’ Jessica keeps pressing on the buttons and eventually, the ATM eats up her bank card. ‘AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!’ Jessica screams again.

She looks at her bag; her Prada bag. Is this her last resort?

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'filming' for episode 5 has started! stay tuned :-*


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i was reading and i find it all so familiar then i rmb M club haha
Chapter 7: Good luck to whatever you'll do in future. We have nothing to say about it because that's your decision. But please, read my message for you. This song is titled, "I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz. Hope you'll like it. :)

Well, I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up
Chapter 6: update soon please
Chapter 6: update soon please^^
Chapter 5: please update soon
soshiblast #6
Chapter 5: I have no prior knowledge about the drama you referred on the FW, but I know I'll really like this type of story. A pure soshi friendship fiction is rarity in aff. Hwaitaeng!
Chapter 5: Great story! I think this will be popular after 5-6 chapters. Fighting! ^^
Chapter 4: please update soon
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 2: please update soon