Fairy Tale Theater By xxRhizobiaxx (Part 1)

Stuck In A Fanfiction


   It was a normal day in EXO dorm nothing much was happening Just the usual things like some is at the kitchen eating (of course), some is watching TV,and some is playing with their phones.

And Baekhyun is reading some fans message.he picked some random message and went to the living room and sat on the couch next to chen.

There was A laptop lying there so he pick it up and he started reading the message there was a name written on it so he decided to search for "Fairy Tale Theater" And some random thing popped on the screen so he decided to write EXO at the end and then clicked at the first thing.

It was a story about them And it looked interesting so he began to read it,he was so into it that he didn't heard that chen was talking to him.

Chen was confused what was that interesting on the laptop so he got closer to take a look and it was a.....story? why is he reading a story

"Hey baekie,what are you doing?"Chen asked stilll looking at the screen.

"What do you think i'm doing?"Baekhyun glared at him 

"um...Reading?What are you reading?"Chen asked him

"Some random story A fan asked me to read it"Baekhyun pushed chen away

"Hey!! I want to read it too"Chen pouted 

"No~~ only I can read it"Baekhyun stuck his tongue out what made chen get angry

"Give it to me!"Chen shouted as baekhyun tried to hide the laptop 


"Give it to me~ oh baby give it to me"Chen sang as he was still trying to take the laptop from baekhyun hands

"Hell no It's mine!!"

"Will you two just shut up!!!"Kris shouted as his eyes was still fixed on the TV screen

"What are you fighting over?"Yixing asked

"He wont let me read the story"Chen pouted

"You two are fighting over a story?"Kris said looking at them with WTF look

" I WANT TO READ IT!!!'Chen shouted as they started to fight once again

 As then Kyungsoo and jongin came to see what is going and saw the two fighting like cats and dogs

"What are you doing exactly?" Jongin asked but none answered him so he sighed

"Yah!!I'm trying to sleep will you shut up?!!"Sehun came and glared at the two as then Luhan came in with Minseok as they were holding a popcorn 

"They are soo funny"Luhan said and giggled and minseok shook his head

"Yah you noisy es! will you shut up"Tao came in as he glared at everyone in the room as joonmyun  came with Chanyeol beside him

"Can Anyone tell me what is going on?"Joonmyun asked

"What does it look like their doing?"Kris asked as joonmyun sighed

"Can you two stop fighting,please"Joonmyun said  and the two said NO! 

"God just stop and give it to me"Baekhyun said as the laptop flew on the floor and made some sound 

"Now look what have you done!"Baekhyun said as he looked at the laptop  and his look changed from angry to confuse

"What's wrong Baek?"Yixing asked as he looked at the screen 

"what is this?"Yixing asked again as baekhyun shook his head and said that he doesn't know 

"What is it?" Sehun asked and everyone waited for an answer

"W-well It says"Do you want to enter this fan-fiction?" "Baekhyun said

'Well Press Cancel"Chen said

"I can't It doesn't Click"Baekhyun said as he looked at chen hoping he will  help him

"Well then press okay"Chen said

"I don't know about this"Joonmyun said but Baekhyun press it anyway as the laptop start to shake and then white light came and everyone in the room disappeared

When they opened their eyes they were sitting down and watching a play?,they were confused as They looked at each other but then..........

"What the......"Sehun said as he saw someone that looked like him but had a bow on his head and dressed like snow white "Who are those people?"Chanyeol asked looking around

As then another voice could be heard and the voice was like Joonmyuns so they looked at him.Joonmyun shook his head and pointed on the one who was talking

"The seven dwarfs, whom lived in the home Sehun White had stumbled across, had returned home saw the changes in their home. "

Everyone sat there looking shocked and decided not to talk just watch

"Which thought it was alright to sit in my chair?!"


"Alright, which fat been eating out of my my bowl?!"


"Who the hell been using my knife?!"


"They used my spoon too!"


"Eww! They drunk from my mug! I'm throwing this away."


"At least they cleaned a bit..."



Out from the side came seven guys dressed in dwarf outfits. They walked onto the stage grumbling until one gasped, putting a hand out to halt the moving group.


Kyungsoo looked at baekhyun "Hey,what is going on what did you do ?" Baekhyun smiled awkwardly "Th-this is the story that I was reading A few minutes ago


"Wait are you telling us that we had enter the story?"Chen asked and baekhyun nodded


"What!!!"Everyone shouted


"You Shut up!!"Someone shouted back at them


"Is this for real?how could that happen? It's impossible!"Joonmyun said looking worried


"Guys we ran out of popcorn"Minseok said


"Don't worry we have a popcorn tree here"Jongin said and glared at him and Minseok glared back 


"Who cares about the damn popcorn"Kris said but before Minseok could reply they heard someone shouting so they turned thier attention back to the play


"Step-mother I don't wanna wake u- AAAAH ES!" Sehun White screeched, kicking the person who woke 'her' straight in the jewels. (Oh )


"Holy ! Dopey's down! Dopey's down!" They all ran to their fallen companion who was curled in a fetal position in pain.


"Why the hell did you kick him?!" The chubby cheeked on glared at Sehun White.


"He startled me..." Sehun White replied eyeing the males who now got their fallen comrade to stand. "Who are you guys?"


"Us?" The smiling one asked.


"We who live- I mean we are the dwarfs who live here." The wide eye male said while adjusting his glasses.


"A Dwarf?How on earth I'm a dwarf?"Kris said 


"Just shut up will ya!" tao glared at him and kris glared back


"Some of you seem a bit too... tall to be dwarves..." Sehun white eyed three particular males.


"It was a birth defect." The ed faced one answered with a.. well face.


"Right..." Sehun White nodded slowly, letting the information sink in. "Well I am Sehun White. What are your names? What do you do, etc.?"


"Wait Sehun White OMG HAHAHAHA"Chanyeol laughed" And Sehun glared at him


"Shut up!!"Sehun shouted at him


"Will you es shut up and watch"Anthor person shouted at them"Um, what did you say"


Sehun White sighed "Well I am Sehun White. What are your names? What do you do, etc.?"


They all smiled- except one who half grinned for a second- in unison.


"Oooh we've been waiting to do this! Dopey get the speakers and the mics! Let's get this maiden a chair someone!" The smiling one commanded, bouncing excitedly.

"What have you been waiting to do?" Sehun White asked as she moved to sit in the newly brought chair. 'She' watched as the two tallest ones along with the wide eye one was handed microphones

"We get bored in the mines so we made a little song about ourselves." The -faced one answered back, turning on the microphone. "Testing... Testing... Ayo wassup everyone! We about to sing slash rap a little song for you all. Sing along if you know the song; if you don’t, we put the lyrics inside of the program cards for you. Alright hit the track, man!"

"Wait they are going to sing?No way" Kyungsoo said smiling wide as he relaxed a little 'this is going to be fun'

The wide-eyed one began to sing. "Heigh ho~ heigh ho~

Its home from work we go.

Heigh ho~ heigh ho~

Its home from work we go."


"Wait I changed my mind this is bad~"Kyungsoo said


"Relax Kyungie It's going to be fun"Jongin said and kyungsoo glared at him 'You'll see' He whispered (I think they broke the genesis records number of glaring in one chapter)


The happy one started to rap into the mic.

"Hi hello,

well we say heigh ho.

Let me introduce you to the seven fellows you might know.

Let start with me,

Always smiling, they call me Happy.

But there's my opposite dwarf that's my buddy.”


The other giant started to rap.

"You see a smile on my face? No, I'm grumpy!

Mess with my team, then you're messing with me!

But don't get me wrong, my team range from cool to strong.

Let me introduce the rest so you can follow along."


"What An amazing song!Who wrote it?"Minseok asked and baekhyun looked at him in confused


"I guess the author wrote it"As baekhyun answered and everyone looked like Wowed(?)





Hello~~ :) This was the first chapter I made two parts to make it easier 

I'm sorry If it was soooooooooooooo boring But Maybe the next chapter will be better (I hope so)

Anyway enjoy :D


Comment to tell me what is wrong with the chapter so I can learn to write the next even better ^^

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Chapter 3: LOLOL this boys are hilarious!Apparently,our princess is upset though.*dying of laughter* And Kyungsoo-or is it Doc?-,that is so not cool.Killing me with your cuteness overload by jumbling your words like that!Queen B forever be like an almighty diva.Agreed.Forever hands off the script,Queen B.*am I the only one or what coz I felt like ROFLMAO once again just by the though of calling 'Queen B'-with extra air quotes if I may?*xDD
Chapter 3: Am crying lmao oh God so funny. Well done
Dinopuppylove #4
Chapter 2: Yay I love this !!! Can't wait for next chapter yay !!!! :D
Chapter 2: OMG Finally!!!!! and its brilliant. i too love the other story. Please keep going and i cant wait for the next chapter.
for kaisoo i want anterograde tomorrow/my muse/countdown/paper maché/night dancer/the boy with the blues/arbitrage/a beast in repose/summer children
for baekyeol i want then came you/see you/open when.../i sing better than snow white
and i want zodiac/project exo/queer & proud/it's just fun & games
kkaebsong365 #7
I want kaisoo anterograde tomorrow and baekyeol 10080. Kaisoo The last straw, Whipped by His Kiss, the book of Us. Baekyeol 27th Of October. Then the last Second chapter from How To Disappear Completely.....that's All I Could Remember For Now....
Chapter 1: kaisoo's angst like last january would be good. c:
Kpoplover4646 #9
Galaxy7226119 #10
Chapter 1: Start from a simply fan fic and then work your way up to a big story line.
Crimson infinity could be intresting.