chapter 28

The Fallen #1

A/N: I'm updating chapter 28-30, so read this one first.


"What a surprise to see you back in the Shadow world."


Kai stepped out of the door, but still hiding inside the shadow. The sun was up, and just like any other day, the heat alone could suffocate a vampire like him. Luhan was no exception, though his resistance was considerably stronger than Kai.


"I have favors to do," Luhan's expression remained stoic. He walked slowly to the shadow, keeping a fair distance from Kai.


"Favors for Sehun, I s'pose?" Kai smirked, hoping to tease Luhan like the last time, but the later remained unfazed by the words. He was here for Sehun, he reminded himself, no need to get so work out over such pitiful matter. He wasn't a child anymore, and nor was Kai, both knew the pain of love and the joy of it.


"You never fail to amuse me since day one, Kim Jongin," Luhan grunted and shook his head. He motioned Kai to follow him inside the house. It wasn't exactly anyone's living space, just a small storage room to someone who lived a few blocks apart.


"So we're on first term basis now," Kai remarked in amusement. He closed the door and leaned back to the wooden material. "Fine, Hyung, what do you want?" Straight to the point, just like usual. Luhan folded his hands in front of his chest and frowned, "Surely you've heard of Jung Hana, that girl, no?"


"Wow! News surely travel fast, huh? She just arrived yesterday and everybody already knew that Jaejoong keeps human inside his castle," Kai sarcastically replied. His plump lips quickly curved up to a smirk so enchanting, but there was a fine line between his eyebrows.


"Well, it wouldn't be so surprising, would it? After all, your cousin kidnapped her away from us," Luhan retorted. Kai replied almost as fast in a taunting voice, "Us? How funny. The last time I saw her, she was clearly with the one and only, Sehun. How do you suddenly fit into the picture, Hyung? Or do you want to snatch him away from her?"


"Shut your dirty mouth, Jongin. I am not here to fight," Luhan snapped. "I am here to ask a favor from you, as I would so nicely and kindly put it." Kai raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything else. Luhan took it as a listening gesture from Kai and continued,


"I want you to prevent Jaejoong from mating the girl."


Kai raised an eyebrow at the odd request, "And what would you gain from that?"


"Sehun's redemption," Luhan's gaze hardened. He did this all for Sehun's redemption. If the girl was really Sehun's mate, and they were mated, Sehun would automatically become the leader of the vampire's clan, dethroning Jaejoong from his position. This was all up to the girl's decision, and who she wanted to be with.


"I see," Kai suddenly straightened up. The idea of breaking the Fallen's law excited him badly. And there would be more drama in the vampire clan if Sehun was indeed back. Jaejoong would throw fit, oh, Kai could imagine the giddiness of seeing the mess. "And you? What about you?"


Luhan didn't answer, and he didn't look like he would. That alone made what little hope that Kai would get back two dearest friends of his crushed. "Luhan, you are ever so kind. Even when you're a Fallen, your heart remains the same. And don't give me that look," he stopped when Luhan turned to glare at him, "I agree to help you. Be a little grateful."


"I will return you a favor someday," Luhan nodded courteously. "Until then."


Kai watched as Luhan walked out of the door, and he, himself, teleported back to the castle with much in mind.




"Oh my God, it's you!"


Hana gaped at the sight of Kai. It was the same man, with the same devastating charm, and smirk that would melt any human girl. This was Kai, Miyoung's cousin. Her best friend, Miyoung. He wasn't supposed to be here. She immediately reacted, "You're one of them."


Kai chuckled darkly, "Took you long enough to know, Princess."


"I met you under the sunlight, in that restaurant, remember?" Hana scrunched up her nose, and Kai's expression remained unfazed. He folded his hands and walked closer to her, though he knew exactly how jealous Jaejoong could be. "That doesn't justify that I'm not a vampire."


"No," she in a deep breath and Kai almost smiled at how cute she was, "Vampires burn under the sunlight. Sehun told me you guys aren't some Twilight fairies."


Kai stared at her in amusement. He knew Twilight. He knew how the main character doesn't burn under sunlight, and even sparkle. Kai's eyes were filled with humorless glint. Then he replied very carefully, emphasizing almost every words of it, "We do burn, but note that we are also given abilities."


"Abilities? Like what?"


"They are different, and it varies from one person to another. Mine is this," Kai snapped his finger and teleported himself halfway across the room, almost too close to Hana for the girl's liking. She flinched back a bit, and took a few step back. Kai didn't stop her, nor did he look like he wanted to comment on it.


"That..." Hana raised her eyebrow, "That is useful...?" She wanted to say awesome, but knowing Kai, it would probably boost up his ego.


"And... And Miyoung?"


Kai hummed in response, "I don't know. You've been with her longer than I am, you're supposed to know better." Hana didn't seem satisfied, but she didn't press on for more. "But Hana dear, that's not the reason why I'm here. I'm not here to reintroduce myself to you, nor am I here for a little friendly chat."


Hana narrowed her eyes, and despite being the weaker one in the room, she stared at Kai bravely, "Then why are you here?"


"I am here as your fairy godfather, if you'd like to call it that way," Kai shrugged nonchalantly. "Luhan asked me to. And I figured I'd have a little fun with you to annoy my cousin."


"Your cousin?"


"Jaejoong is my cousin," Kai replied, this time with a little agitation. Hana kept on asking the wrong question, which answers required him to spell out the name of the person he hated the most. Hana's eyes widened, and they shone in hopeful sorrow, "You're Sehun's cousin? Do you know him?"


Kai could see the sudden change when she mentioned Sehun's name. The light wasn't there when they talked about him, or about Jaejoong. He scoffed inwardly. Two desperate fools belong together, he bitterly thought.


"Yes, I knew him."


Past tense. Hana caught the flash of betrayal and hurt in Kai's words and tone. She wanted to ask, but she dared not to. Maybe sometime later, when both of them learnt to trust each other. Or maybe never, if they happened to be enemy.


"Did Sehun ask you to come?" Hana whispered. Kai shook his head. His face stoic, "Even if he does, I wouldn't even consider helping him. So, no, it's not him. Like I said Luhan asked for me. And hey, maybe you should forget about Sehun. Did he try and come to get you? No. He's far too scared to even face his brother."


"Even if he wants to, I won't want him to come and help me. I know who Jaejoong is. I mean, at least I get an idea of how dangerous he can be. So, I won't want Sehun to come in on a suicide mission, no matter how strong I think he is. If he comes here... It's not only Jaejoong, it's the entire vampire clan that he will fight with, so no. I am not that inconsiderate to him."


Kai paused and smiled inwardly at her response. She wasn't as stupid and useless as he thought she was. At least she thought about Sehun before herself. Talk about sacrifice...


"Hana, I just want to ask you one question, and you have to answer me truthfully."


"Why should I comply?"


Kai's eyes hardened. Indeed, she could be stubborn as hell, "Because I might be your only chance to escape from this world."


Hana tried to look indifferent, but even for someone like Kai and Luhan, it took years of practice to conceal their emotions well. She contemplated for a second, and thought that she would need Kai's help... Or at least for the time being, "Alright. Shoot away, Kai."


"Do you like Sehun?" Kai asked, "Scratch that, do you love him?"


Hana's eyes flickered in surprise and she was taken aback for a second, but not long after, she regained her sanity, "What nonsense is this, Kai?"


"A very serious nonsense," Kai shot back humorlessly.


Hana bit her lips till it bled, and then her heart beat calmed down a little after she tasted the iron. Seeing the seriousness in Kai's question, she tried to answer as carefully as she could, "No, I cherish him as a friend and as a companion, but it goes no further beyond that." Though she definitely felt the attraction that pulled her to him. There was this tension between them that she wanted to grab him and kiss him hard against the wall. But Kai didn't need to know, did he?


"I see," Kai grinned, but deep inside, he knew it was a lie. A big fat lie. But who was he to push her to the corner with such question?


"Now Kai, it's my turn to ask," and without waiting for his approval, she asked right away, "Why should I trust someone like you? For all I know, you could be on Jaejoong's side."


Kai huffed. He mentally noted her worst and best quality. Jung Hana was stubborn like hell, she was a bad liar, she asked too many questions, and she wasn't afraid of him.


"Luhan owed me a favor, okay?" Kai raised his eyebrows and Hana mirrored his action, growing even more suspicious. "I can't tell you further than that." Hana suddenly smiled at him, and it was his turn to be taken aback. Her smile had something to it, yet his heart fluttered at the sight of her. "Okay, let's drop that topic. Now Kai, before I start trusting you with anything, mind telling me your name? As in your real name?"


Kai halted, pondering her question, while she continued,


"And don't think about giving me a fake name, because I will know. A name is a foundation of trust, so you'd better give me that."


Kai almost burst out laughing when he heard Hana's threat. Would she really know if he was lying? He doubted so. But still, in good faith, he replied, with the name he gave no one but those closest to him, "I'm Jongin, Kim Jongin."

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You probably won't read this. So I will spill it here. This story is a trilogy. The second one is soon finished. And it features a certain guy.


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zoshika #1
Chapter 62: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/786681/62'>Epilogue</a></span>
DONE IT! Even if no one seems to like her choice but somehow i think we knew why she chose sehun,hes been with her from the beginning after all so that doesnt seem much to wonder about.I knew she will not chose jaejoong and to make it more when jaejoong didnt even see her as a woman to begin with.WHAT i felt bad the most is to Kai.I think we all felt the same way *sigh*.He just happen to be in the picture and being a very nice guy to her. 'Time would mend the broken heart'.How can a words be such pain to the heart yet so relatable.Anyways you done a good job!!❤❤
Chapter 41: I am team Kai as well TT...
By the way... in real life I have very complicated relation with Kai (as if there's one.. let the fangirl dream).. I like adore Sehun wholeheartedly. Everything he does and doesn’t makes me love him even more.. Like I'd give up my life for him without second thought. He's my ultimate bias...
But Kai... He’s everything I wished for boyfriend/husband material. Everything he does affect me deeply.
Mingxjong #3
Chapter 57: Now I am so sad for Jaejoong ㅠㅠ
Mingxjong #4
Chapter 52: FINALLY!!

smug Sehun at its best.. Hana I feel you.. Lol
Mingxjong #5
Chapter 45: This story of yours could turn to be an epic action/romance/fantasy movie. Seriously, this is daebak
Mingxjong #6
Chapter 41: I am team Kai too ㅠㅠ poor Jonginnie
Mingxjong #7
Mingxjong #8
Chapter 28: Kim Jongin I love you
Mingxjong #9
Chapter 24: This story is beyond GOOD do you know that authornim? Thankyou so much for this wonderful storyline AND Character developement.
Tho this slow revelations LEFT MY DYIINNGGGGGGG.
Mingxjong #10