Chapter 3

What Is He Up To? (Discontinued)

You had been in torment the whole afternoon. The Jongin that you had met just yesterday was gone, replaced by a jerk that taunted and tormented you all day. However, when the teacher finally dismissed the class for their break, he had gone. You stood slowly, wondering what had him racing outside so fast. "I mean, class is awful, but no one should show that much excitement at leaving."

Your thoughts were interrupted as Jinju walked up beside you. She said nothing, but you knew she was scheming. She looked you up and down, a sly smile spreading across her face. You sighed.


" Oh, nothing... I was just curious about how you came to know Jongin."

You sighed again. " I told you; I ran into him yesterday. Well, he ran into me. It's strange, " you added suddenly. " he was running from a group of guys when he ran into me. He was so different yesterday, concerned that those guys coming after him would go after me, too."

Jinju squealed. " Aww, that's so nice of him! He'd be a great boyfriend!"

You snorted. " Not likely. He was totally different today; acting like a total jerk. I just don't understand it." The two of you fell silent, walking companionably along a hallways. You were about to speak again when Jinju spoke.

" Hey look, there he is!" He was in the courtyard, surrounded by masses of screaming girls. 

" Looks like he's got some fangirls already." You commented drily.

" Yeah, looks like it. And it's only his first day."

You watched from the window as he broke away from the hoard, running in the direction of the gardens. Surprisingly, none of the girls followed. "He must've insulted them enough that they might stay away." You turned, preparing to move on, when Jinju suddenly spoke.

" Let's follow him."

" Are you crazy? It's none of our business what he does. Besides, I'm not a fangirl. I don't follow people around like sad puppies."

" Aw, come on," Jinju whined." For me? I think he's hot, and I wanna know what he's up to. Pllleaaassseeee?"



Moments later, the two of you were in the gardens, hidden in an outcropping of bushes behind the gazebo. Jongin was there, draped across the benches, apparently sleeping. You shifted, impatient.

" Come on, lets go. He's asleep. Nothing interesting there."

As you said this, voices approached the gazebo, and the two of you hid yourselves as a group of boys came into view.

"It's BTS." Jinju breathed. "They're the bad boys around here, and not the kind with a heart of gold. They're dangerous, every single one of them. Their leader is Namjoon, the guy in the sunglasses. For some reason they call him Rap Monster." She fell silent as the leader, Namjoon, spoke.

" So, Kai... have you done it yet?"

"No, but I'm close to making the first move. It's only happened recently. How can you expect me to have accomplished it by now?"

" You know how little time we have. You're gonna have to hurry; the rest of EXO aren't going to stay away from her for long." Namjoon replied, pacing back and forth and his gang watched. " You have to get her to trust you, then bring her to us. Her cousin won't be able to say no."

You and Jinju glanced at each other, each wondering the same thing.

"Who's this girl that they need? And what does her cousin have to do with it?"

In front of you, Jongin- or Kai- had gotten up from his spot on the bench and was now standing eye-to-eye with Namjoon. HIs gaze was fierce, but his voice was cajoliing as he said, "This isn't right. She has nothing to do with this. Why does she have to be the one you hurt? I mean, she-" But he was cut off as Namjoon reared back and punched him in the mouth, knocking him to the ground. You clapped a hand over Jinju's mouth as she gasped, but the gang was laughing too loudly to notice.

Namjoon bent down and hauled Jonging into to an upright position, whispering something in his ear that  you were too far away to hear. Then, he straightened and said maliciously,"Do it...or we'll hurt the other girl. You know who I'm talking about. We'll have fun with her, right boys?" BTS laughed again, and you shivered. Namjoon continued, " Just make sure you know which girl you'd rather take." With that, the group sauntered away, still laughing, leavnig Jongin to slump forward, haed in his hands.

You and Jinju snuck away, she voiced both of your thoughts. "I wonder what that was about?" 

When you reached the classroom, your eyes fell to your seat, where Jongin was waiting. He was acting like nothing was wrong, reading a book innocently, and you knew you hadn't been discovered.

You gazed at him, wondering how he had gotten caught up with a gang like BTS.

"And why did they call him Kai?"

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I'm sorry you guys! I won't be able to update today! Well... maybe later today, if i get the chance, but I'm really busy today, so y'all might not get an update


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Chapter 11: Wow~~~ Jongin, keep Sojin safe!!!
Captinmouse13 #2
Chapter 7: aww yiss! this is awesome
kimirina #3
Chapter 6: why do they want both of them? like some sort of past thingy?
kimirina #4
Chapter 5: new reader! okay! nice start and who is the other girl he was talking about? update soon! so curious!! XD
Lotuspassion #5
Chapter 3: Yahoooooooooooo
Lotuspassion #6
Update soon please it caught my attention