Tales of the Guardians of the Great East Sea

The children gathered round the fire,
patiently perched on fallen logs.
The sea breeze blew,
fragrance of salt and kelp aroused the tiny ones.
It has been a while since they were allowed,
to listen to the words of the elder and wise.
But the chieftain had allowed his little ones,
to learn of the stories only one man can tell,
for they knew the white hair was not just for show,
it gave wisdom only upon him was bestowed.

The little one perked up when they hear,
the sounds of shells that clunk as the elder appeared.
He took a seat on a wooden chair,
overlooking the vast sea that their living dwells.

“Hear me out my little ones,
the sea is calm and the guardians are out.”
The elder started,
voice hoarse from age,
the lines on his face stretched as his lips moved to utter each word.
“The peace shall be what keeps us here,
let us take a moment to thank thee.”

The little ones all bowed their heads,
to thank five guardians they knew had kept them safe.
The elder smiled as the wind blew,
hearing whispers from the guardian of the wind.
He took a deep breath and cleared his throat,
the little ones all turned to listen to the tales of the wise.

“You heard of dragons from the North kingdom,
and of vicious beast that plagued the West,
but the East has a different tale only our people knew.”
He paused as the fire flickered and grew before returning to it size,
alarming the little ones who was startled at the sight.

“Thou shall not hold fear for the guardians are near,
come here little one,
sit and hold my hand.”
The wise called upon the child, who did as he was told.
A smile came to be known as he held the hands,
of skin with numerous folds.

“Fix your gaze upon the sea,
the island do you see?”
He questioned the little ones, nods and chorus delighted his old mind.
“ah, the guardians had smiled upon,
they had allowed such wondrous sight.”
He continued and the children listened well.

“There was once a tale about the lone island,
of witches and wizards and dragons so big.
Yet the Great East Sea held no such beasts
for it gifted us Guardians of the East.
Earth that grew were blessed anew,
a mother’s touch on the solid ground.
The fire we use were all tamed,
by the guardian who keep it ablaze.”
He pointed out to the other cliff,
where a monstrous fire was kept.

“The waters were the sirens live,
had been blessed to make our boats tip.
The fishes abundance aplenty and the rain felt to prevent us from being thirsty,
thank thy guardian of water we are most grateful, you see.”
He raised hand and the winds blew gently,
tickling little ones and carried their laughter towards the sea.

“The gentle winds that breathe,
who helped us live in many ways,
the guardian of the wind had kept it clean.”
The elder paused as his eyes twinkle,
like the light of the stars that were above them tonight.

“And the guardian of light has graced upon us,
the moon was low and bright like his smile.”
He turned to the little ones,
whose heads were raised and at awe.
The moon seemed to glow a little brighter than before.

“And now I shall tell a legend so true,
perhaps your mothers know it too.”
He smiled as the little ones all had their ears to him,
and their eyes were like the stars.
“It started with once upon a time.”


a/n: short introduction/epilogue okay ^^ by the way the pairings here would be ShinFinite okay??

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Chapter 2: it sound interesting .... cant wait for the next update...
I really loved your other story and this one sounds even better!
Update quickly please~ :D