Slice of the Orangey Life

Something Orange

"I thought you said the kids were going to have dinner here." I said, crossing my arms.

Jongdae pointed to the seat infront of him. "Well, I lied. Take a seat."

"I'm going back."

"Angel. Just this once?"

I took a seat and ordered whatever he ordered. Honestly, I never thought this type of typhoon in life would disturb the flow of my entire being. The typhoon being Kim Jongdae. I planned out my life you see. High school > get a job at a kindergarten near home > watch the kids grow old > die. But no, this troll decides to land himself right in the middle of my plan.

The waiter poured me a glass of champagne and placed the spaghetti carbonara on the table.

"Thought you were alcohol intolerant."

"I remember clearly that you were pretty drunk yourself so don't."

Insulted by his comment, I downed the whole glass in one gulp.

That was it.


"Yah, Kim Jongdae! You remind me of the oranges my mum had grown in the backyard!" I slurred loudly, swinging my spoon back and forth.The waitress backed away from me, in attempt to get closer to more intelligent humans, unlike me in my current state.

Jongdae nervously smiled at everyone and shook his head at me as if saying 'Stop it please, you might as well buy me a coffin for me to put myself into right now.'

He paid for both our food because I couldn't manage to take my own credit card out. I staggered down the stairs with Jongdae's help. God knows how I'll end up if he wasn't around. "Eh?! Who took the sun away?" I laughed as Jongdae forcefully redirects me from banging into a pillar. Okay, I was too drunk to be paying attention to the change of time.

"Angeline Ooi, I am using this against you in the future."


I woke up feeling the extreme pounding in my head. "How many glass did I drink exactly?"


My eyes snapped open. Jongdae had his elbows propped on the edge of the bed. He was smirking at me. It was then that I realise I didn't have my cardigan on. I trusted my reflex and threw the closest thing I could grab.

"Ow! What did you throw the alarm clock for?!"

I glared at him.

"Oh please, your eyes are already so small, you're just making it invisible. Can you even see me right now?"

"Don't make me throw your luggage at you."

"Alright, alright. If you were wondering what I'm thinking you were wondering, then no. We did not do anything at all, but."

I let out a relieved breath."But what."

He crouched down and grabbed something under the bed.


It was a paper.

A marriage contract to be exact.

I signed it.

What in the world of a dead skunk is this.


"You framed me!!"

"Your drunk self tells me you love me, you can't deny."

"This is illegal."


Jongdae climbed onto the bed and went closer until our face were only nanometres apart. He rest his left palm on the wall behind me. He placed the paper on my lap.This is the worst aftermath of the 'me being a complete drunkass' fiasco.

"Then tell me in my face that you really don't want this."

I really should've decided not to overdo the whole wine intake last night but something in my heart tells me I should just give in to this fluffy and warm feeling I have for Jongdae.


"Well then, I'm only 19 but lets get married you motherer and I demand a proper confession. Thank you very much."


From: Jongdae


Meet me at the lighthouse, right now. I love you. :D

I tossed my phone aside and buried my face into the pillow.It was the last day of the trip. Instead of a kindergarten trip, it felt more like a 'getting Angel and Jongdae together' trip. I lazily dragged myself out of bed and changed my clothes.

The air outside never felt more refreshing. I'm beginning to understand the whole concept of why people loved the sea so much during summer. I squinted my eyes to get a better view of the large writings on the other side of the beach that was neatly written on the sand.


I ran to the light house and jumped on his back. "Angel, I think I might break my back one day because of you."


"Right. Now that you're here, look down- oh my god, its gone."

"What's gone?" I got off his back and looked down.

"All of my hard work." He ran down to the beach and groaned. He tried to rewrite, but it seems that the mythological creatures of the ocean denied him from carrying out his love confession at their territory as the waves mercilessly washes it off again.

"Whatever you're planning on showing me, just say it out loud!" I shouted.

"Its not romantic that way!" He stomped on the sand like a child that hasn't been getting his favourite candy in months.

"Just do it!"


"Fine, I love you, Angeline, I really really do and-"

He took out a huge card.

'I know we haven't really got to know each other and what I did was wrong but-'

He flipped it over.

'I want to spend my entire life being with you so will you please be my angel and marry me, Angel?'




"Do you, Kim Jongdae, take Angeline Ooi as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and cherish until death do you apart?"

"I do."

"Do you, Angeline Ooi, take Kim Jongdae as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and cherish until death do you apart?"

"I do."

The priest smiles, his eyes turning into crescent-like shapes and looked at Jongdae. "You may now kiss the bride."

Jongdae leant in and pecked my lips. Our famillies and friends groaned. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, "You call that absurd piece of moment, a kiss?"

Jongdae's eyes twitched at the comment and gave me a proper kiss. I didn't know how long we were kissing but it satisfied the people. Jongdae's face moves to my ear, "The priest smiles like you. Your eyes totally dissapear when you smile."

I gave him a sadistic smile and pulled his left ear. "Mind repeating what you said."

"Ow! Ow! Sorry!"


The white plastic knife glided its way down the frosted cake. Everyone cheered and congratulated

us on our marriage. When we were finally given some space, Jongdae cuts a slice of the cake and fed me a spoonful of it. "Mm. This is good but Jongdae, are there oranges.. in this?"

"Yeah, its an orange chiffon cake."

My lungs became desperate for air. I couldn't breathe."I-I'm allergic to oranges, Jongdae. H-help."

"Angel? Angel! Are you okay?! SOMEBODY GIVE ME THEIR ING CAR RIGHT NOW!"

I couldn't keep up after that. Everything became blurry.

All I could register into my brain was the blinding lights and Jongdae repeating "Stay with me." over and over again.

Then it went black.


I woke up feeling the left side of the bed weighed down. Jongdae was holding onto my hand tightly. I smiled at the adorable sight and shook his shoulders. "Jongdae, I'm up."

He sat up almost immediately and sighed. "I thought I lost you. Are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't know you were allergic to those damn oranges. Its my fault, I'm sorry-"

I stuffed the pillow in his face. "Really? Could you please be more considerate to a person that just woke up."

"I'm fine, Jongdae. Trust me."


Jongdae never fails to visit me at home everyday after work. We still haven't found a perfect home for us so we decided to stay at our parents' house for the time being.The doctors made a big deal out of the allergy incident and told me to rest at home for a few days. They exaggerated too much.

That Tuesday night, where my parents were out for a reunion and Jongdae was asked to accompany me at home, he brought up this weird topic.

"Have you ever wondered what name would you give to your daughter?" Jongdae asked as he placed the remote control on the coffee table after switching the TV off.

I almost choked on my drink. "W-WHY ARE YOU ASKING THIS ALL OF A SUDDEN."

"Just because."

"W-Well, probably, um Cheon Sa? Or maybe Ha Neul?"

"Or maybe we can name her orange or champagne you know, since you have like a precious chemistry with those things."

"I won't hesitate to throw you outside and make you sleep out there."

"Okay, okay. I was thinking of Dongbin."

"Don't mess with me."

"I'm serious!"

I sighed.


"I'm not letting you name my daughter Kim Dongbin and thats that!"


Thats how I ended up tangled with Kim Jongdae.




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Chapter 1: peanuuuuuut, this is so cute and you actually used the orange scenario lololol
this is so cute :3
kim dongbin lmao~