When he slaps you

Luhan One Shots


Requested by puffystarclouds



It was another boring day at your apartment and you were once again glued to your couch and watching TV. It was still early in the afternoon and you were off work for the day, your boyfriend still out at work. He usually came home later at night so you had a bunch of shows lined up for you to watch during the day.


While in the middle of an intense scene of one of your favorite dramas, you heard your apartment door open and close with a loud bang. You paused your show and checked the clock, the time reading only 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Puzzled you go to the front door to meet Luhan pulling off his shoes and quickly loosening his tie with a scowl.


"Uh, you're home early," you say when he walks down the hall. "Get out of the way," he says and he pushes you out or the way for him to go to the two of your's bedroom. You stand in the hall for a few seconds, confused and a little irritated with Luhan's attitude, but you decide to let it go and head back to the living room to watch your drama. You decided that you would ask him about it later.


As you were switching the episode on your TV, the remote was snatched out of your hand. Luhan plops down on the opposite side of the couch, changed out of his work clothes and an angry expression still on his face. You stare at him in shock. "Uh, I was watching something."


He ignores you and continues to surf through the TV channels. Your patience was slowly starting to slip and you could feel yourself heat up in anger. But you controlled yourself and in a calm tone asked him, "Luhan, can I have the remote back?"


He looks at you with a blank expression and turns back to the TV with a smirk. "No, I want to watch something. You were probably sitting on your watching TV all day anyway," he replies coldly.


You stare at him in complete and utter shock, mouth agape and temper rising. Luhan had never been this mean and irritated towards you before and it really pissed you off. You immediately jumped off the couch and pressed the button to turn off the TV manually.


You turn back around and jump a little when you see Luhan a few feet in front of you, standing and fists clenched tightly. "What the hell happened? Why are you so upset," you ask in the bravest tone you could muster. Luhan's intense glare was scaring you and you tried your best not to run and hide in your room.


Luhan slowly walked closer to you, his eye contact never breaking from you. He stops about a foot away from you, looks at the TV then back at you. "Turn it back on." As much as you wanted to turn it back on and leave him alone, you stared back at him with just as much ferocity in your eyes as his. "No, tell me what's wrong."


He rolls his eyes in annoyance and tries to maneuver around you to turn the TV back on, but you just push him away. "Yah, Luhan!" This time you raised your voice because you were sick of his childish attitude. He looks at you and rubs his face in frustration. "Jesus, I'm fine! It doesn't matter what happened, but just leave me alone," he yells and he plants himself back on the couch, face buried in his hands.


"Well obviously you aren't fine because you're acting like a little kid," you yell. You knew that calling a child would piss him off, but you didn't care since you were equally, if not even more upset at him than he was at you. His head shoots up at your comment and he once again rises from his seat and quickly makes his way over to you. "Fine, I got laid off from my job today. Happy now," he says in a less aggressive tone than he used earlier.


You stare at him blankly, but your head was thinking so many different thoughts at once, nothing was able to come out of your mouth. But your anger and annoyance got the best of you before you could stop yourself. "Psh, well I can we why they would want to lay off a big baby like you," you say with a pitiful tone.


As soon as you finished your sentence, pain instantly flooded in your cheek as the rebounding sound of Luhan slapping you echoed through the quiet apartment. Your hand flew to your cheek and it stung at your touch, the heat from the hit still lingering on your face. You look up at Luhan, tears forming in your eyes as he looks back at you with a shocked expression when he realizes what he's just done.


"I think I'm going to step out for a while," you say and you quietly grab your purse and head for the door. Luhan rushes after you and grabs your wrist before you could open the door. "Baby, please don't go, I'm so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that," he says in one of the quietest voices he’s ever used. You yank your hand away and dash out the door, slamming it in his face as the tears start to fall down yours.


You run into your car and sit there, silently sobbing as you process what had just happened. Nothing like this has ever happened between you and Luhan before, and you never thought that he would actually hit you. But then again you felt that you deserved it since you made that stupid comment about him being childish. Your phone kept ringing with calls and texts from Luhan, but you left your phone alone, not wanting to talk.


You stay in your car for a couple hours to let out the rest of your emotions until you finally get out of the car. You slowly walk back to your apartment door and stand outside the door, hesitant to go back in. You were a little uneasy about going back inside because you knew that Luhan would still be upset at you because of what you said. But you knew that you had to apologize, so as you were about to open the door, it swung open on its own with Luhan standing with his jacket on about to leave.


You look at him and notice his face and eyes were red from crying, which made your heart ache. He silently opens the door wider for you to enter, and you drop your belongings near the door and go back into the living room on your normal spot on the couch, not saying a word. Luhan silently follows and sits on the opposite side of the couch, staring at his hands.


You quietly turn on the TV and change the channel back to what you meant to watch earlier, Luhan still not making a sound. He silently leaves the couch after more minutes of silence and goes into the kitchen.


You weren’t sure what to do now that you came back into the apartment. You weren’t sure if you should apologize or remain silent until he says anything. Either way, you were nervous and the silence was driving you crazy.


“I’m so sorry, I never meant to touch you like that,” Luhan says, interrupting your thoughts by holding a cold pack up to your face as he sits down on the couch next to you. A sigh of relief comes out of your mouth when he breaks the silence, but also because the ice pack felt really good on your still stinging face. “No, it wasn’t right of me to say that you were being childish. I’m so sorry that you lost your job,” you respond quietly as you look into Luhan’s teary eyes.


Luhan pulls you closer to him, and leaning on his shoulder he kisses your head lightly. “I was being a jerk, I should’ve handled it in a better way instead of being upset about it like that. And hitting you,” he stops, his voice cracking as he talked. He pushes your head gently off his shoulder and moves the ice pack away to examine your face, the bruise that he left on your cheek.

You move his hand away and kiss him lightly on the lips. You lean your head on his shoulder once again and wrap your arms around his waist. “It’s fine,” you say quietly as you turn your attention back to the TV. Luhan holds you tightly and plants a kiss on your cheek. “I’ll never ever do that again,” he whispers, causing all your stress to go away.

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212 streak #1
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