When you take Mandarin part 2/3

Luhan One Shots


Requested by 4evaShineeluv


“Oh my gosh, sorry I’m late,” you said as you fell into the chair across from Kris. He chuckled softly at your entrance. “It’s totally fine. At least you got here.” You started to unpack your bag, out of breath from the run you took to get to the library from your last class.


The day overall wasn’t a very good one. You woke up late and were late to your first class, you forgot to print out your science homework that you had worked on the night before, and you got scolded after your math class for falling asleep during the lecture, hence causing you to be late to meet up with Kris.


During the day you were also worried about running into Luhan, so you took different ways to your classes in order to avoid him. After the texting incident the night before, you weren’t sure how he would react to seeing you since he didn’t respond to your latest text. But you shook the thoughts off and focused on what was in front of you, which was Kris and your pile of Mandarin papers.


“Alright, let’s get started,” Kris said, pulling out your most recent test from the stack of Mandarin papers you put on the table. He flipped through the pages and cringed at what he saw. He gave you a disgusted look and you sank back in your seat. “Geez, a lot of the stuff that you got wrong was really basic. For example, your grammar here...”


He showed you the sentence he was looking at and corrected it with a pen as he told you how it was supposed to be. He did this for a lot of the other sentences you wrote, and eventually started on the multiple choice section of the test. He continued to show you the different errors you made, and showed you different ways to help you memorize characters and their meanings.


He did this for a few of your older tests and homework assignments, and you tried your best to stay completely focused on what he was showing you. However you felt that he was going at too fast of a pace, and that his explanations for certain things were really hard to understand. On top of that, due to your lack of sleep you slowly started nodding off on occasion.


“Are you okay, __________,” Kris asked and your head jolted back up before you could fall asleep. You rubbed your eyes and yawned. “Yeah, just had a little trouble sleeping last night.” He closed the test he was correcting and put it back on the stack. “I think that’s enough for today, then.”


You shook your head and handed him back your test. “No please keep going, I am listening. Can you just finish correcting this last test?” He took the paper and smiled, “Sure.” You smiled back and placed your head in your hands as he continued to talk. But once again, your eyes slowly started to droop and you shifted your position so that your head rested in your arms. You closed your eyes and fell asleep in almost an instant.


“__________?” You weren’t sure how long you slept, but you woke up to a light tap on your shoulder. You looked up at who woke you up, and were surprised to see Luhan looking down at you. You looked out the window of the library and saw that the sun was starting to set, and noticed that there were still a few people in the library.


“Do you know how long I was asleep,” you asked as you started to stretch out in your seat. “I’m not sure, I just walked in here and saw you sleeping by yourself.” You looked up and saw the empty seat that Kris originally occupied. You also noticed a bright post-it note stuck on the test he was correcting earlier.


Just follow the tips that I wrote on the tests and you’ll be fine. Study hard!


You sighed and flipped through the test, trying to remember the things Kris showed you. You read his notes, but weren’t quite sure what they meant. Luhan sat in the seat across from you and pulled one of the papers out of your stack. You expected him to cringe at your score, but instead he let out a soft chuckle, causing your heart to skip a beat. “I guess your studying methods aren’t very effective, are they.”


You shrugged and pretended to look through the test in your hands. You furrowed your eyebrows, still struggling to process what Kris corrected in your sentences. In your peripheral vision, you saw Luhan look at you and stand up, walking around the table to see what you were looking at. He sat down in the chair next to you and scooted close. “Need help?”


You felt your face heat up due to the lack of space between you and Luhan. You quickly nodded your head and passed the paper to him. He looked at the page and back at you. “Do you understand what Kris wrote,” he asked as he flipped through the rest of the test. You let out an awkward laugh and shook your head. “I tried to process it, but his teaching methods aren’t the best. He really just confused me more on a lot of this stuff”


Luhan took out a blue pen and started to write in empty spaces on your test, further explaining the things that Kris wrote. He went slowly and added examples to help you understand what he was saying. The topics that Kris tried to teach you became a lot clearer and comprehensible due to Luhan’s explanations. “Do you understand everything so far,” he asked when he finished his example.


You looked at Luhan and smiled. “Yes, it’s all crystal clear now. Thank you so much, wow I should have had you tutor me instead.” He let out a dry chuckle and handed you back your test, “Yeah. About that, why didn’t you accept my offer instead of Kris’? I asked you first and all, so I was kind of confused about your text last night.”


You were initially worried that he would end up bringing up the text, but now it was too late. He asked for an explanation on your decision, and there was no way that you would be able to make up an excuse for something like this. Yes, it definitely would have made sense if you took Luhan’s offer since he asked you first. But due to your feelings you decided to get help from Kris.


“Uh,” you started, slowly starting to put away the papers on the table, “I guess I initially thought Kris would be a better teacher for some reason. But I was definitely wrong.” You stood up with the stack of paper in your hand and you heard Luhan stand up beside you. “__________, do you like Kris?”


You whipped your head around, and the papers that were originally in your hands were now scattered all over the floor. You bent down immediately and started to collect your work, embarassed from Luhan’s assumption and your reaction. You were surprised that he would ask you something like that.


“Well,” he asked, standing above you with some of your papers in his hand. You took the papers and stood, up, now facing him. “No I don’t like Kris. The reason I accepted his offer instead of yours is because I get nervous around you and I have a slight crush on you and I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of you when you tutored me and I don’t know I would feel like I’m burdening you by making you tutor me and-”

“__________-ah!” You jolted when Luhan grabbed your shoulders, stopping you from spitting out words at a mile a minute. You looked around you and saw people staring at the two of you. “Come on, let’s talk outside,” Luhan said, pulling your hand and dragging you along with him.

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212 streak #1
Chapter 17: Hopefully you can update again
Chapter 7: DA FEELS THO
Cheonjiy #3
Chapter 17: Are u gonna post more?? Please post more!!
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name : Hwang Fira
genre : fluff, comedy
plot : fira intentionally sketch luhan face funnily, he doesn't like it one bit. (fira is a painter)
ending : Happy
title : sketchbook
asians-rock #5
Chapter 3: can you do: when he yells at you? soo good one-shots haha
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Chapter 8: These are so good why aren't you updating anymore? I wanna find out about the dare one >_<
Train_girl #7
Name-kang lina
Genre-romantic,little comedy
Plot-lina is a bartender & luhan goes there often. He flirts with her even if she told him to stop.
Title-when he flirts with lina.
Chapter 11: Awww she's friend-zoned </3
eunjung99 #9
Chapter 10: thank authornim..;)