
Of all the fashion she has seen, Jinri hates the 50s style the most. There is just something uncomfortable and fake about the generic clothes that everyone wears. All the girls are dolled up in the exact same manner, poodle skirts and all. The only thing that defines her from the rest is yelling of her earrings. They’re bigger than her eyes and catches the eye of perhaps too many people, but Jinri needed a statement piece. Something to set her apart from the fields of clones, all just dressed alike.


It’s 9pm on a Friday night, all the cool kids are out and having a blast at the diner dancing to songs as the slow down then speed right back up again. She sighs out of a habit, looking around the diner. The same old music is playing on the brand new juke box in the corner and girls are bashfully accepting a gentleman’s offer of a dance. Why can’t a girl finally be the one to ask? Jinri thinks her head is too far past the game, that she was meant for the future but forced to live through every single year.


The unsaid rule between all guardian angels is the rule of love. Have all the fun you want, do whatever it takes to make them continue on with life in a safe manner, just don’t fall in love. And Jinri thinks that it’s too late when she sees him walk through the diner doors, a couple of his buddies under his arms.


Park Chanyeol. Fresh, clean and the newest addition to whatever club the cool kids have got going on. She doesn’t like that he hangs out with them, the kids she despises, but it could be worse. With his thirst for life, his charming smile and the fact that nothing has ever gotten him down, Jinri believes that there is no greater person than him. Chanyeol shows up wearing a fitted leather jacket, his hair slicked back and the same dopey smile on his lips that is just so full of life it could bring Jinri back from the dead. She wishes that it really did.


Chanyeol spots her from across the room, immediately breaking out into a grin. He says something in his friend’s ear over the loud music playing before walking up to her, sliding into the seat across from her. “How do you do Jinri?”


She smiles. In all her years, no one has made Jinri smile like Chanyeol does. “I’m bored. Care to dance?” For a moment, he’s slightly taken aback by her boldness. But he recovers quickly and gets up, extending his hand out to her.


“I thought you’d never ask.” Jinri takes his hand and they hit the dance floor.


Two months in and Jinri has somehow found herself as Chanyeol’s arm candy. She finds herself being able to tolerate the cool kids, even making a few friends and smiling more within those two months than she has within her entire lifetime.


But the Archs are not pleased. They see her being more outgoing, feel her forgetting her duties, hear her heart racing around him and they know Jinri has fallen. Jinri can’t fall.


It’s three months in when Jinri gets the call. “Jinri ah… It’s Chanyeol. He- He’s been in an accident.” There’s a sob through the line and another voice is on the phone. “Jinri. He’s gone.” The phone drops. She doesn’t count the amount of times she says no as she falls to the floor, curling up and sobbing. It’s hours later when she’s all cried out for the time being, her eyes stained red from the tears and her sleeves are covered in snot and tears. Her mind starts kicking up again when she realizes that maybe she hasn’t really lost him yet.


“Woohyun! Woohyun!” She’s screaming at nothing but she know he’ll come, he always does. And in a shimmer of blue light, he appears dressed in a crisp white.




“Chanyeol. You can bring him back right? He can work for us. He’s good. I promise. You saw how good he was.” Jinri nods frantically, grabbing onto the sleeves of his white dress shirt.


“Jinri, Chanyeol had to die. We aren’t going to bring him back. You need to learn that you can only have one life and that life is with us. No love allowed.” Jinri blinks back the tears that were threatening to fall, her eyes suddenly burning with something she hadn’t felt since that day in 1926.


“You- You killed him? You and the other Archs. You’re the reason he’s dead?” Her voice gets louder and suddenly she’s punching his chest and sobbing all at once. It doesn’t hurt him. “Why? Why did you have to kill him? You could’ve taken me?” Jinri falls into his arms, a mess of tears and anger and confusion. The people that had given her a second chance, took the only reason she wanted to continue anyways.


It’s more hours of sobbing and yelling, with Jinri finally too tired to do anything anymore. Woohyun lies her down on her bed to sleep, her hair softly as her eyelids become too droop with tiredness and aching that Woohyun finally speaks again. “I hope you’ve learned your lesson.”

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sekaiyeolli #1
Chapter 9: In 2078, Jinri is human right? They can fall in love, right? Omy... it is so heartbreaking....
lien_akemi #2
it was so heartbreaking...........i cried soo much....bt your story is wonderful.......can u write a sequel please.........
ing cynthulu
Krystynah #4
Chapter 9: Thanks for this ending! Every chapter was so heartbreaking to read, knowing what the outcome would be in the end. To have them both meet again as humans, gahhh. I hope it's truly a happy ending for them.

Love this story! Hope to read more from you in the near future :)
Chapter 9: Yay!~ They have a happy ending at last! Thanks author-nim! This really made my day :D I`m looking forward to your new fics, but just take your time, okay? ^.^
Chapter 9: Oh gossh.. It really heartbreaking.. How cruel fate to them. :(
But I looove your story authornim. It's beautiful, but painful story. Good work you have done. Thumb up!
Chapter 8: Darn, I really thought they might have had a chance together. Could you make a sequel? You don't have to, of course, but Chanlli doesn't get enough beautifully written stories like this. I'd love to see them happy for a change.
Chapter 8: This is a really sad fic and the story is beautifully written, the concept from time to time is really accurate and I love it, the characters especially Sulli is really great and realistic, I can feel all her emotion, her pain when her Chanyeaol dies... again, her happiness when she sees him back again. Poor the two of them. They can`t be together until the very end. A sequel maybe? Please? I would like to see them happy for the last time T.T
Chapter 8: This is heart-achingly beautiful ;; Maybe in their next lifetime they will finally be happy </3 My poor chanlli heart T.T
This is a really fantastic story. Sulli/Jinri's character is so developed. I hope you can update soon!