
Waitress - Hoya

Wrapping your black apron strings around your waist, you pulled your hair back into a ponytail before your eyes dropped to your outfit. A white button down shirt, the top three buttons undone while your black pants hugged your legs and shoes rounded off the waitress outfit.

Pushing the door open, you got to work, grabbing a pad of paper and a pen, sliding them into your apron, you took a deep breath before you noticed that Mrs. Lee needed some help. Coming to her aid, you happily dried plates with her along with fold napkins while the restaurant was quiet due to the late hours.

"Sorry that we aren’t that busy, dear" Mrs. Lee apologized quietly.

"It is quite alright, I like helping you two out" You smiled at her, the bell hit against the door causing your head to snap up to see the costumer that walked in.

"Hello sir, I will be right with you" You chimed with a smile, nodding his head tiredly, he walked to a booth and sat against the wall while he took his time scanning the store at all of the photos that were proudly hung on the walls.

Finishing with your stack of napkins, you put on a smile and fixed your outfit before taking over a menu.

"Hello sir, my name is _______ and I will be your waitress this evening" You smiled making eye contact with him, resting the laminated menu on the table you passed it to him, "May I get you a drink while you decide on your meal?"

"Water, please" The man quickly replied, making an x in the box next to the drink he ordered.

"I will be right back" You bowed and smiled at him before you walked to the back and prepared his water for him, a few minutes later you placed the ice cold water on a coaster and set it in front of him.

"Are you ready to order or would you like a few more minutes?" You questioned with a laid back tone.

"Can I just have the number three please" The man slid the menu back over the wood table top to the edge for you. Jotting down his order, you picked the menu up and tucked it under your arm.

"It will just be a couple of minutes" You cooed before you walked back to the kitchen.

"A number three please Mr. Lee" You called over the bubbling soups and high pitched screams of the boiling rice.

"Yes, ______" Mr, Lee’s gentle smile pulled on the corners of his mouth, wrinkling his old leathery skin, his twinkling eyes sparkled back at you before you grabbed a rag and moved to clean off the table tops.

Meanwhile, Hoya watched you walk around his parent’s restaurant, wondering if he was somehow related to you, scratching his head he couldn’t remember a cousin of his that looked as pretty as you were.

Catching the eyes of his mother, he smiled as she came over and sat next to him.

"Hey Howonie~" She sang happily

"Hey Umma" Hoya wrapped her in a side hug

"How are you?" She gently pet his hair once they both pulled away from the hug.

"Good just hungry" He chuckled playing with his hands that rested in his lap. Noticing his little tendency when he is too shy to talk about something, she nudged his shoulder.

"What is it?" She probed, he sighed knowing that he wouldn’t be able to get past his mom.

"Who is the waitress?" He shyly asked, his cheeks tinting to a soft shade of pink.

”_________, didn’t she tell you her name?” Mrs. Lee tilted her head to him wondering if he had picked it up.

"I got that, but who is she?” Hoya looked at his mom a little embarrassed.

"She is a neighbor of ours and she was looking for some work so Dad and I opened up a position for her, she really is a huge help around here." His mom smiled at him, knowing the glint in his eyes. "She cleans and cooks occasionally, well she is learning from Dad, and she is a lovely napkin folder too" Mrs. Lee tried to make him smile as he chuckled at the last skill of yours.

"Well I am glad" He nodded, "A napkin folder? Those are hard to come by aren’t they?" He sarcastically commented, causing his mom to laugh and cover her smile with her hand.

Loading up all of the small bowls onto a tray, you carefully lifted it up onto one hand as you walked over to his table, placing the main dish in front of him and then all of the smaller bowls around him, you filled up his water cup and returned it to him with a smile.

"Will that be all for you at the moment, sir?" You questioned him, grabbing the tray and holding it behind your back.

"Yes, thank you" Hoya replied, keeping his eyes on you for a few seconds more than he should.

"Mrs. Lee, I will get right on those glasses now" You smiled at her, her hair gently bounced against her cheeks. Bowing to her and the man, you walked back to the kitchen, grabbing a clean rag, you happily took one of the drying glasses and twisted the towel inside of the glass and on the outside as well.

Humming to the songs that were playing overhead, you knew them being mostly Infinite songs. A deep grumbling caught your attention while Mr. Lee looked over at you.

"Do you know who that boy is out there?" He asked you, his hand slightly shaking as he pointed to the man that you just served.

"I do, that is Lee Howon, your son" You smiled back at him, blush gently creeping on your cheeks while you dropped your gaze while biting your bottom lip.

"Wow, you are really smart" Mr. Lee flicked your ponytail playfully before he went back to moving the left over food into containers then into the fridge.

"Shall I do the dishes now?" You turned around and saw the huge pile of pots and pans along with the costumers dishes.

"That would be wonderful" Mr. Lee beamed with his old crackly voice, "Would you mind closing too after sweeping the floors?"

"No problem" You saluted him after you placed the last glass on the shelf.

"We owe you one" He patted your shoulder firmly, nodding your head, you smiled as he walked out and Hoya greeted his dad with a respectful bow before he encased his dad in a grateful hug.

Soon all three of them left, waving to you before the bell sounded to their exit. Working hard the rest of the night you swept and did the dishes as you knew your hard efforts wouldn’t go unnoticed.

Weeks passed and Hoya came in every night around closing, sometimes staying longer than others and explaining his day to his parents while you tried to listen in while doing your closing chores.

However one night when the bell jingled, you looked up and smiled at him.

"Hey Hoya, would you like your usual number three?" You questioned with a smile. Just nodding his head, you knew something was off today but knowing that it would be rude of you to point it out, you kept it to yourself while you relayed his order to his Dad.

Leaning against the counter, you moved the rag around in circles while your eyes watched Hoya move his finger up and down the glass that was slightly covered in condensation. Watching the gears turn in his head, your eyes trailed down to his attire, a white V neck shirt, with a grey stone washed jacket and some black jeans that fit his legs perfectly, white Jordan’s tapped on the floor under the table while he let out a few deep breaths.

Shaking your head, you knew it wasn’t your place to ask him, you were just his waitress and he was your costumer. Gathering the food, you walked out and placed it in front of him.

"Thank you" He looked up at you, a genuine smile pulling on his lips.

"You are very welcome" You smiled back happily before you bowed, "Enjoy your meal"

Walking back to the kitchen you started to sweep up around the restaurant, feeling a pair of eyes on you, you glanced over at him while he quickly looked away or busied himself with the food in front of him.

After a while, you noticed that most of his food was gone, you grabbed his check for the night and walked over to his table.

"When you are ready" You laid the leather envelope on the edge of the table, but right when you were about to walk away his voice gently called you.

”_______?” He called again making you turn and face him once more.

"Yes?" You widened your eyes, thinking that you forgot something.

"T-This is f-f-for you" He looked down in his lap while he slowly lifted a single rose from under the table.

"For me?" You pointed at yourself a little in shock, looking around you saw no one, not even his parents around. Wondering what was up, you looked back at him, now standing in front of you, he held out the rose for you.

"Who else is here?" He chuckled while your cheeks felt warm, nodding your head.

"If I might ask… why?" You lifted your eyes to his, his eyes looked into yours while his bottom lip was pulled by his teeth.

"Because" He started, his words fumbling around in his mouth while his heart started to beat quickly, "B-Because…. I-I-I like y-you"

Your heart skipped a beat, looking down at the flower, somehow you reached out and held it between your fingertips and your thumb. Slowly looking back up at Hoya, you smiled at him.

"Thank you" You whispered with a toothy smile slowly growing on your face.

"Thank you?" Hoya tilted his head in confusion while he shifted on his feet nervously.

"I-I m-mean… this is really sweet of you." You bit your bottom lip, your eyes dropping from his while you tried to calm your racing heart. A beautiful smile curled onto his lips.

"No boy has never given me a flower before" You confessed while your fingers gently brushed against the velvet rose petal.

"That’s really hard to believe" Hoya smiled before he looked down at the flower that was in your hands.

"I better get going…" His soft apologetic voice coupled with his brown puppy dog eyes made your knees go weak, nodding your head, you glanced back up at him, "See you around?"

"You know where to find me" You chuckled, a soft laugh spilled from his lips as he smiled and handed you some money to cover the bill. "Keep the change, _______"

Patting your arm gently, he moved around you, dropping your eyes to the floor, you turned your head and looked towards the door, he pushed against it while the jingling bell hit the glass door, waving at you with a final smile you waved back before he left the restaurant until tomorrow night.

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nabi_devi #1
Chapter 1: I can totally see hoya do that hehe
Chapter 1: Aw, cute. (: