Unexpected Twist

We Always Have Tomorrow







Jieun sighed again, she checked her wristwatch for the nth time in the morning while waiting for Yongguk, today was his first day of school so she was asked by her mom to go to school with him and show him around of their school. However, what made she so impatient wasn't Yongguk, but Hyosung, who had not taken any calls from her since yesterday and she was wondering why. She was half worried, half scared, of what might happen to her very best friend.

"What could she be doing?" Jieun asked herself.

Jieun was worried, okay, extremely and if she could fly to where Hyosung was right now to see if her best friend was still okay, she would, immediately. But she could do nothing.

While Jieun was letting her mind wander around, she didn't notice a pair of legs coming to her.

"Good morning, Ssong." Yongguk spoke up.

However, it was as if Jieun's hearing wasn't working at that moment because she kept on checking her watch, swinging her feet and checking on the phone. Yongguk watched her repeat that routine for a few minutes before jumping to the front of Jieun, causing her to scream out loud.

"Yah!" Jieun yelled.

Yongguk took a seat next to her, frowning.

"What were occupying your mind? You didn't see me approaching?"

Jieun had her hair tied up high on the top of her head today, showing two cute chubby cheeks to the world and she definitely looked fine in the uniform.

Jieun didn't answer the question, instead, she just stood up, walked away before saying.

"We're already late, let's go."

Yongguk followed after her.

"Ah, bad sign. My directioner isn't in a good mood in my first day at school." Yongguk randomly commented.

"I can't contact Hyosung, she didn't pick up my calls since last night." Jieun's eyes stuck totally on the phone screen.

For some reason, Yongguk could feel her worry affecting his mood, too. Although he didn't care much about her friend, Hyo something, he couldn't help but say.

"That can happen sometims, though."

"That never happened before, what if she met something bad that nobody knows?"

For the first time in the morning, Jieun turned around to look at Yongguk. Her eyes almost disappeared behind those chubby cheeks but he could feel clearly the sadness inside of it. It was usually so hard to breath looking at Jieun walking to be honest, but with such sad mood like this, her steps looked even heavier.

"We can find out at school I guess." Yongguk tried to comfort.

And it worked, he could see Jieun's expression get a bit brighter.

Then he had his arms snake around her shoulders and pulled her to his making Jieun look up at him in shock. She knew he was comfortable around her, but acting like this, wasn't it too much?

"Now I really need you to cheer up because I want to know my new school with joy, okay?"

Jieun took Yongguk's arm off her shoulders as she languidly said.





Jieun showed Yongguk a round of their school before heading to her class, there were still 15 minutes away to her first period but both she and Yongguk had had breakfast beforehand already so she would be soon today. As Jieun was about to enter her class, she suddenly saw Hyosung walking toward her, laughing and talking happily with some guy walking along next to her. Jieun didn't care much as she smiled immediately and ran toward her friend.

"Sunggie yah!"

Hyosung's facial expression changed as she saw Jieun, so did the guy next to her. Jieun didn't see it because she was too busy asking Hyosung why and why she didn't pick up her calls yesterday, saying that she was very worried and now she was so happy to see her here, safe.

"Jieunnie.." Hyosung finally spoke as Jieun let go of her, she awkwardly looked at the boy next to her, who seemed to not even want to look at Jieun. Jieun noticed it immadiately, she was a sensitive person as well as feeling something bad was coming. "This is Kikwang, my boyfriend."

Jieun stayed silent.

Really bad. Real bad.

"We started dating 3 days ago, he doesn't like you so I guess we can no longer be friends. He doesn't want me to spend time with you."

Jieun still said nothing, her eyes getting teary.

"Well, then.."

With that, Hyosung left with the boy. Jieun harshly wiped her tears away as it kept coming out. Her mind totally went blank, she couldn't think of anything. The students passing by her started to realize the situation and laugh at her. Some gossips were formed about how stupid she was for thinking that a gorgeous queen bee like Hyosung would want to be best friends forever with her, and that there was such a thing like "will not date until her friend gets a boyfriend first". Jieun kept standing there until she decided to run away, despite the bell ringing informing school had just begun, leaving a big round of laugh behind.


Yongguk caught Jieun running out of the gate as the bell had just rung. He frowned. But it didn't take Yongguk so long to run after Jieun right away, she was his friend after all, and he didn't think he could study well in class thinking/wondering about what she could possibly be doing, he would be worried.

"Yah! Ssong!" Yongguk yelled after Jieun.

She startledly turned around, her teary eyes met his worried ones, shocked. She wasn't waiting for him to approach, it was just that her legs felt like giving up at that time. She realized she got no strength as soon as she saw Yongguk.

"Hey Bear, are you crying?"

Jieun burst out weeping, Yongguk stared at her, he oddly didn't feel embarrassed at the scene although many people were looking at.

"What happened?"



"You still don't want to talk about it?"

Jieun nodded, Yongguk slightly sighed, he slowly ate his ice cream and went back to being silent. She had been sad all morning and didn't seem to get any better and he just wanted to help, with anything, but she refused all.

"Are you alright now?"

A few seconds before Jieun shook her head. Yongguk drank up the cup of coca cola on his hand then threw it into the trash bin nearby. He turned to look at her.

"Do you need me to beat her up or something?"

The question got Jieun laugh a bit, however Yongguk seemed to be so serious as he fixed his eyes intently on her.

"So you like the idea? Should I do it now or..?"

"No, you're not hitting a girl, dummy." Jieun finally talked.

Although her mood was only a bit lightened up, she was still so thankful of Yongguk.

"Then I will hit her boyfriend, making him really ugly so she will break up with him and come back to you."

Jieun pushed Yongguk on the arms, causing him to move a bit.

"You make me sound so gay, you know?"

Yongguk laughed in return, only a week of knowing Jieun but he found himself surprisingly so comfortable around her. He could playfully joke with her and seriously joke, any kinds of joke, Jieun would respond so amazingly, he likes her a lot, as a friend.

"You already sounded gay the moment you told me you couldn't contact with her."

"Let's stop that topic."

Jieun opened the pack of snack to eat, she never stopped eating, Yongguk noticed.

"Don't get famous, Yongguk ah.."


"I said you, do not get famous."

"Even if I get famous, or a girlfriend, I will not leave you." He said firmly.

Jieun laughed lightly, she supposed Yongguk was just intending to comfort her, but that was still so moving.


"Yes, I promise."

"Why?" She asked.

Yongguk didn't purport to tell Jieun, but then he found himself spitting out to her.

"Because I never have a friend, either. You're the first one ever to accept me being your friend."

That was something Jieun was unlooked-for, she didn't expect that to be his answer, in fact, she didn't expect him to open himself to her at all.

It's not like he never did, she just was so surprised that the answer made her feel something different about him, something she couldn't explain.


"Anyway, I.."

As Yongguk was about to talk, Jieun suddenly collapsed on his arms. In seconds he was beyond panicked because of such a sudden thing.

"Yah! Ssong, wake up, what's wrong?" He yelled.




"Don't worry too much, she's just got a dropping blood sugar, that happens to her many times, it's not your fault."

Jieun's mother said to Yongguk, he didn't say a thing. Then the older woman smiled at him.

"You seem to be so worried about my daughter, thank you so much."

"She was with me and bad thing happened, I'm so sorry."

"Jieun should start losing weight, with such amount of fats she can't be healthy. Too bad she never listens to me and I don't have the heart to force her, either." Jieun's mother slowly said.




"Lose weight?" Jieun opened her eyes in amazement, she stared at Yongguk for a while then laughed. She pushed his shoulder lightly. "Believe me, Yong, my mom forced me more than twice since I was in middle school already but it never worked."

Jieun giggled as she continued to finish a bowl of jajjangmyeon in her hands, happily. She woke up 2 hours ago with these yummy things around: pizza, kimbap, jajjangmyeon and some coca. She was so grateful of Yongguk.

"But it has to work this time." Yongguk seriously said. "Doctor Kim said if you don't try to lose some weight, it would badly affect your health and reduce your life expectancy."

"Liar, I don't even have that much of fats." Jieun leisurely said. Then she noticed Yongguk's serious eyes, her smile slowly disappeared as well as she stopped chewing on food. "Really?"

"You need to lose weight, Jieun ah, at least one third of your weight at the moment."

"That would be hard because.."

"No excuse, I can help you. My best friend from France, he lost about over 100 pounds before debuting as a model, I will ask for his help."

"But my purpose is not to become a model."

"That's just the same, you have to lose at least 50 pounds."

Yongguk gazed at Jieun's worried and he smiled, he reached out his arms and rubbed her head.

"Don't worry."

"How can I not?"

"Let's make a deal, I will help you improve your health, in contrast, you have to help me improve my scores, especially Math. Then before Prom you can get some boy to accompany you and I can graduate."

Jieun hated to think of losing wieght, reducing eating, adding exercises, but she guessed she had to this time. Not because of a future boyfriend, but because of a present best friend.

"With one condition, I am allowed to eat meat at weekends."


Then they did the pinky promise.

Which meant everything to both.




"Heat up first, Jieun."

Jieun tiredly stared at Yongguk.

Today was the first day he dragged her out to practicing, only thinking about it got her head dizzy. She was supposed to have her snack right now, not crappy exercises to lose weight.

"Quick!" Yongguk urged. He was practicing on his own as well. "I brought jump ropes with us here, you have to jump 500 times today."

"WHAT? I may be died." Jieun screamed in panic right away.

Yongguk giggled.

"It's a regular start though, and tomorrow will be 1000 times, then until you get used to it, it must be 2000 times a day."

Jieun gave Yongguk her usual jaw-dropping face and the impossible expression. Yongguk tapped on her shoulder, smiled widely

"You can do it, and when you get addicted, you can easily make it to 5000 times per day."

"Are you really trying to comfort me? Because I feel more scared."

Jieun said as she tried to do some stretch. With such amount of weight stuck on the body, Yongguk was amazed she could even bend her body to aside and even some leg stretches.

"Wow that is good!"

"Shut up!"

Yongguk laughed.




Jieun breathed heavily, sweat was all over her face and neck as she jumped. Yongguk standing next to her, smiled and clapped to encourage her.

"I'M ABOUT TO DIE!!!" She shrilled.

"Come on you can do it! I even did 2000 jumps."

"Shut up, Bang Yongguk."

"490.. Come on!" Ignoring all of Jieun's complaints, Yongguk clapped his hands together and shouted out.

Jieun gave him a death glare, she was tired as hell and she just wanted to hit him, and curse at him for it. Despite all of that, he was still here, smiling and encouraging her. Jieun was so well aware of that. Deep down, she felt thankful for him, but this was too tiring, for some moments she thought she might die.

"495.. Good, Jieun, very good!"

"Can you please just, SHUT UP!!"

"499, and 500. Done!"

As soon as Yongguk counted to 500, Jieun immediately dropped the rope and collapsed on the ground. He darted to her, quickly pulled her up.

"No no no, stand up. You have to rest standing for a few minutes before lying down."

Jieun groaned in frustration, she breathed hard as she was made to stand up. Yongguk opened the water bottle for her as he rubbed the top of her head.

"Well done, Jieun yah!"

Jieun was too busy gulping her water to realize what he was doing, which was what she likes most when guys do to her, touching her head as if she was a little kid. Song Jieun loves those kinds of things.

"Can I go home now?" Jieun asked as she was drying her arms and neck with a towel.

"You promised to have lunch with my family tonight, remember?"

"Oh, almost forgot, sorry."

"Do you need to take a bath first?" Yongguk asked as they were about to go.

"Am I that stinky?" Jieun asked, although her eyes didn't show that much of concern.

Yongguk only laughed as they started to walk off.

"Hey, I like the move lately."

"This?" Jieun made a small popping move, which was the only thing she picked up from going to watch Hyosung in her dancing class.

Yongguk found it absolutely awesome that she could bring it out clearly with such a heavy body. And that she looked very cute doing it. He just wanted to see her do it again and again and maybe, just maybe that he would never get tired of that.

"Yeah, that. Do it again!"

"Yah! Am I some animal in some circus?"

The young man said nothing, instead he would just smile and once again, reach out to touch her head, lovingly.

"Yah! Who said you could touch my hair?" Jieun pushed Yongguk's hand away, staring at her strangely.

"Who said I couldn't?"

"I just did, don't touch my hair!"



Later they would be like


"I thought you dislike when someone touches your hair."

"Actually I love it."












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Chapter 5: Oh my gee.. I loooooved it <3
Love the couple and definitely the story.. Thnx 4 an amazing story 4 my bias couple in the kpop world :*
Chapter 5: a very well written (short, I can say) story :) I even cried LOL yongguk is such a good guy and the innocent jieun cursed? didn't expect her to cursed like that! Overall, I loved it ! I know this is too much but a sequel? lol keep up the good work authornim. FIGHTING~!
Chapter 5: Finally! Bangsong forever! Lol
Chapter 5: Wonderful **
Chapter 4: I love yongguk here !! Yongguk is kind ;) jieun love him ~~
Update soon
Chapter 4: Yay Yongguk basically just confessed! I hope they clear up the awkwardness in the next chapter. Thank you author-nim!