
Untitled Story (idk)

A/N: well i was bored and shiz like that, so yea, i decided to write a story :P


"Baekhyun calm the down"

Chanyeol face palmed as he saw him, poking the eye of the fish while the vendor looked at him incredulously. He poked it and pouted, looking at Chanyeol.

"It so squishy"

He looked at the eye again and blinks. He stared curiously at the fish and tilted his head.

"How come it never closes its eyes?"

He asks, the vendor getting annoyed already. Chanyeol lets out a frustrated groan and sighs deeply. 

Ever since after the doctor injected him anesthesia, he was stuck with an 23 year old man who thought like a 7 year old boy. And the members who were currently tired (thats what he said) from their concert wanted to eat something different, thought that eating fish would be a good idea (because eating chicken everyday was a good idea).

It was Baekhyun appointment today and Chanyeol was the one who lost on the game (rock-paper-scissors) so he was told to lend Baekhyun a hand and buy the fish at the same time. And it was indeed a bad idea.

When they got to the fish market, who was close to the sea, Baekhyun ("I see Ariel waving at me from afar!") looked like a man that just got out from the mental hospital. Chanyeol would just duck his head in embarrassment and pull him away.

"I'll have one milkfish please"

Chanyeol says at the vendor, who was slightly disturbed because he can see Baekhyun from his peripheral vision, poking the eye of the fish. The vendor just nodded in response. Baekhyun stops and looks at the vendor weirdly and looks at milkfish on the vendors hands.

"Why is it called a milkfish?"

Baekhyun asks, looking at the vendor. The vendor looks at Baekhyun, shooting daggers at him. Chanyeol must have noticed it and just answered his question instead.

"Because thats what they named it" 

Chanyeol replies. Then Baekhyun looks at him sternly and points at the fish.

"But its not milk!"

He shouts, but not loud enough for the whole market to hear.

"Baekhyun, it was-"

Chanyeol was cut off when Baekhyun suddenly spoke.

"So it means I can drink it?"

Baekhyun asks.

"No, Baekhyun-"


The vendor was slightly disturbed and finally puts the fish inside the plastic and puts it on the counter, waiting Chanyeol to get it. But Chanyeol was too immersed at speaking at a 7 year old boy.

"It was just called like-"


Chanyeol stops and looks at Baekhyun, who was glaring at him and with his arms folded on his chest.

'Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Chanyeol"


Chanyeol says, quite annoyed already. And Chanyeol remembered the vendor watching them, and was guilty for disturbing him.

"The man is getting impatient on waiting for you, don't you think its time to go?"

Baekhyun says, flipping his imaginary hair with pursed lips, his hands on his hips.While Chanyeol could just screams his lungs out. Instead he just just sighs deeply, remembering that he's still affected on the anesthesia the doctor gave him. He looks at vendor and mutters apologies and takes the plastic and pays it, then grabs Baekhyun to the car before he'll poke every eye of every fish, and before the vendor snaps and push them away.

Baekhyun looks at the sea as Chanyeol opens the car. Then Chanyeol notices that Baekhyun starts to his polo, and tossing it over the side. Chanyeol eyes widen in surprise and runs to Baekhyun. But then Baekhyun was too far away, and was already at edge. Like on any moment, he could just fall in the water. Chanyeol who was meters away was now running to Baekhyun. Then the passerby's are giving them weird looks as they saw the two of them. 

Then Baekhyun starts to pull his zipper down, and Chanyeol run faster. Before Baekhyun can remove it, Chanyeol carried him into the car. Baekhyun was shoved in the car and Chanyeol quickly started the engine and started driving, still embarrassed. Baekhyun then mumbles "killjoy" as he wore his polo back on.

"Ariel told me that she would want to show me her-"

He was cut off when Chanyeol pulled the brakes, Baekhyun bumping his nose against the glass window in front of him. Chanyeol rubs his forehead and looks at Baekhyun, who was rubbing his nose.

"Baekhyun, can you please-"

"You turned me into a clown, Chanyeol"

Baekhyun rubs his nose and looks at it. Chanyeol just looks at him incredulously and he shakes Baekhyun by grabbing his shoulders, shaking them violently.

"Baekhyun listen to-"


Then all of a sudden, Baekhyun sobbed and pushes Chanyeol away, who was worried.

"Baek Im so sorry"

Chanyeol hugged him and was about to pat his back, but Baekhyun pushed him again and he was giving a stern look at Chanyeol.

"I told you, Baekhyun is long gone"

He pats Chanyeol's back, then opens the car to go outside and before he steps out, he looks at Chanyeol, who was really pissed off.

"Thank you for being there for me, Yeol"

Baekhyun closes the door and looks at the people and sighs deeply. 

"A new life, a new beginning"

Baekhyun says, and looks at the carnival from afar, and skips (gayly) to the said place, giggling. Chanyeol opens his door and runs to Baekhyun and carries him again, and Baekhyun snaps and shouts, screaming.


Baekhyun squirms to get off, while Chanyeol just wanted to kill himself because of embarrassment. The people around them gave the weird looks and they started whispering at well. Chanyeol starts to cover his mouth and says "sorry" to everyone around them.

Now he locks the door so he can't run away anymore and scolds the elder. Finally, Baekhyun shuts up and looks at his lap during the ride. Then suddenly tears brimmed at his eyes, and Chanyeol who's attention still at the road asked him.


He asks with worry. Baekhyun looks up, pouting. Then he cries and covers his face.

"Hey Baek stop it"

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun then at the road biting his lower lip.

"Chanyeol, you love me right?"

Baekhyun muffled. Then he looks up, then squirms at his seat with his hands on his lap. Chanyeol blushes and grips the steering wheel tightly and gulped the lump on his throat.


He admits. He had this crush ever since he saw the elder, but he kept it a secret until now. He was scared that Baekhyun will avoid him, so he kept his mouth shut. But he has anesthesia right? So its ok, right?

"Even though I did something wrong?"


He looks at Baekhyun, who was smiling widely. He hugs Chanyeol and kisses him on the cheek and immediately sits down, then squirms once again.

"Hey Yeol"


Chanyeol looks like and idiot now, smiling widely and all. He looks at Baekhyun, who was fiddling with his thumbs. Chanyeol could just hug and kiss him right now, he was so cute.

"Remember the "even though I did something wrong" part?"

Baekhyun says with his head down. Chanyeol hums in response.

"Because I did something wrong..."

Baekhyun says, looking at Chanyeol. He looks back and stops driving, because they are in front of the dorm now. They both looked at each other intently, both of them leaning forward.

"What is it? I wont get mad, I promise"

Chanyeol says, already holding the back of Baekhyun's neck, leaning him closer. Baekhyun bites his lower lip, and sits back.

"I peed.."




A/N: i know it this is mah first time and I was bored and all so dont be mad at me /kills herself

(i'll probably delete this afterwards xD)





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Chapter 1: Lol......∩▽∩
I can't stop laughing right now and specially at the end.... God! Good work.
And..... please don't delete it.
Chapter 1: The ending.
Such plot twist.
He peed!
Poor Channie.
baekkiluv #3
Chapter 1: Omg! Its so funny!! Hahaha! XD
Chapter 1: awww its so cute ^-^ but what? He peed?! Haha
ziwushutao #5
Chapter 1: hahahaha. baek, why are you so cute? I feel bad for Yeol though. hahaha. nice work author-nim!
b-orayoon #6
update soon