Chapter 1


 Going through life wasn't easy for you. After your parents left you, it was hard. Just hard but of course you needed to carry on. Being a nobody was just so .... lonely. Everytime walking through the pavement, almost everybody would just keep distance away from you and you would just walk away, heads down,hands gripping on your bag straps tightly, just ignoring everyone.


Waking up to the sounds of cars on the road. You walked towards the window in your room and heave a big sigh. Everyday was the same. You went to the bathroom and settled everything. Put on your coat and head straight out of the doors. Going to school was like going to hell but you were happy that school's gonna end in just a few more days. There weren't any queenkas or kingkas or whatsoever but there are some hateful people who just hated you.

"Okay class, I'm going to take the attendance please answer me when I call out your name." your class teacher stated out. One by one she started calling out names of my classmates. Then it was yours.

"___ ."

"I'm here." you said from the corner of the class. Once again your teacher called out. All of your classmates started cracking some jokes. "Wait is ___ here?" "I can't see her." "Holy I heard her voice, is it a ghost?" You just sat quietly and shouted "I'm here, Mrs Kim."

"Very well then. Since everyone's here lets start our lessons."


Recess came. You always sat alone at the table. Staring into space while eating just a tuna sandwich. But there's something you realized just a past few days. There's this guy, who's just like you. Sitting alone and just looking around but sometimes his gaze just stops at you. Of course you felt awkward. Having someone to stare at you. Creepy. You just finish up your sandwich and head up to class.

Today school ended early at 5 which was unusual. Something happened so they released us early. So you headed back home which is just a rented room. Somehow you decided to go to the park, so you took a quick bath and went to the park nearby. It wasn't hot nor windy. It was just nice. Walking down the pavement, covered with trees and greens on both sides was relaxing. You were thinking ... What if I change? Have a better life.. I want to do that.

Without any conscious you aimlessly walked towards the basketball court and sat on one of the bench there. There was a guy there playing basketball so you just stared at him playing. He then tried shooting into the loop but he failed. He looked at you and smiled. 

'Uhm this is awkward.' you thought.

He sat right next to you holding the basketball firmly in his arms.  You slowly move away just a little. "Hey I think I know you." he said. You shook your head. "Are you perhaps dumb?" he asked. "I can speak okay." you said.

"Wow cool down. Anyways aren't you that girl who sits alone every time during recess?"

"You sit alone too. I'm not the only one."

"Yeap! You are definitely that girl. Soooo what's your name? I'm Jaebum, Im Jaebum." He took out his hand. 

To shake it or not you asked yourself. He just looked at you. "____." you told him your name and just shook his hand. He smiled when you shook his hand. 

"We'll nice to meet you ___. Wanna join me for basketball?"

"No it's okay.."

"C'mon lets play together. Besides I don't have any friends." He took your hand and pulled you. Your eyes widened. No other men have ever touched you except your dad. 

You shyly stood at the court. He faced you and puts your hair behind your ear. "Now I can see your face better." he said that and his eyes curved as he grins happily.

"You know how the game goes right?" he said while bouncing the ball. "Wait of course you know." Then he started laughing to himself. You just stared at him weirdly.

"You don't talk much do you?" 

You shook your head.

"Aww, why?" he sat on the ground, looking at you.

"It's nothing.."



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manisa11 #1
Chapter 3: The more i read the more i get attracted to~ xD
manisa11 #2
Chapter 2: Loving this story~
jaebum's so cute! Wait all of them are cute! I'm so lucky i got to be friends with them ^^ hahaha can't wait till next update! xD