Come Back To Me

Luhan-hyung, you’ll be back right?

Of course, Sehun-ah.

I’ll miss you hyung, can’t you just continue studying here?

You know I can’t baby, I’ll miss you too.

You’ll be calling me everyday right hyung? Or text? Or write?

I promise I will, Sehun-ah.

I’ll be waiting hyung, always.


The promise of calling, texting or even writing ended a month after Luhan left. It has been two years since that little Chinese boy left, two years since Luhan left Sehun. In those two years, Sehun studied ardently; acing all exams he took and even graduated from his high school as the top student. All these, he did to make his favourite hyung proud more so than his own parents yet his efforts were unheard of by the very person who he wanted to witness it all. Luhan wasn’t able to attend his graduation, Sehun knew it would happen all along, they weren’t able to communicate for almost two years after all, but the thought of being forgotten did not appear any less painful.

“Congratulations baby, we’re so proud of you”, Sehun’s mother greeted him after he went down the stage from getting his graduation certificate. He simply nodded to acknowledge his mother’s statement, he felt bad towards his mother because he was being rude at her yet he can’t help but think how wonderful it would be if his Luhan-hyung will be able to say those exact same words to him instead.

“Are you okay Sehunnie?” it’s his father who noticed his uneasiness and deeply occupied mind.

“Uh yes, I’m fine, just glad I’m already finished with high school” then he gave his parents the most genuine smile he could master.

“Well then, it’s time for the celebration!” His mother is really oblivious to her surroundings, it was clearly written in Sehun’s face that he didn’t want any celebration to happen but then again, he was forced to comply because it wasn’t every day that he will graduate from high school after all, a little celebration won’t hurt.


At last, after a busy and tiring day Sehun was finally able to stay and be alone in the confines of his room. He was spent from all the activities that happened that day; the graduation ceremony and the joint celebration of his and his friend Jongin’s graduation party organized none other by their doting mothers. “You know, our mothers did all they could to make this party successful, you could at least pretend that you are very much happy about it”. Jongin told him earlier after noticing that he was out of reach once again. It was not that he wasn’t grateful but he couldn’t help himself from thinking that all would be better if Luhan was there. It bothered him a bit that all he could think of was Luhan, Luhan and Luhan. I’m obsessed; he would tell himself and smile sadly.

As he sat down on his bed after taking a much needed bath, he noticed the very last letter he got from Luhan almost two years ago. He hesitated a bit but decided to read it again anyway.

Dear Sehun-ah,

                Hi baby! How are you? As for me, I’m fine. I can’t believe it’s been a month since I got here but it just gets better every day. I have friendly classmates and nice professors but Mr. Wu is still not on the nice professors list. I think he hates all people except for Mr. Huang (the second nicest professor on my list, nobody beats Mr. Kim ^^). They really are opposites but somehow they’re inseparable, there’s also a rumour that they are going out, well I just hope that Mr. Huang rubs off some of his nice aura to Mr. Wu, not the other way around. Anyways, are you studying well? You really should ‘cause I’d really like it if you’ll be on top of your class like we used to talk about. Are you still sad that I left? Please don’t, I’ll come back to you anyway; we just have to be patient. I really miss you Sehunnie, I really want to see you right now but I can’t. I hope to see you again soon. Please don’t forget about me.

Your Favorite Hyung,


P.S. I know this is way too early to say but I promise I’ll be there at your graduation.



You’re a liar Hyung, you told me you’d come back to me but you’re not planning to, right? You told me that you miss me, but you really don’t. You told me not to forget you but you’re the one who did. You told me that you will be here at my graduation but you weren’t. And lastly, you told me that you love me but you didn’t really mean it, right? Tears were freely flowing down Sehun’s cheeks and there’s no stopping it. For once, he wants to let it all out. He wants to be true to himself and show everyone that he is hurting and he wants to see the cause of all his sorrows to end all his unhappiness. If you won’t come to me, I will be the one to come and see you Hyung. I will be there and we’ll be together again. You just wait for me ‘cause I’ll be on my way. See you soon. He went to sleep that night with those thoughts lingering in his mind.


“Yah, Wake up you lazy freak!” Sehun groaned after hearing a loud voice screaming directly at his left ear.

“Piss off Jongin” he annoyingly replied at the other lad.

“No, you have to wake up! It’s almost time” Seriously? Time for what? Can’t I just laze around for a bit? I’m entitled to sleep late since it’s already my summer vacation!, were the things Sehun wanted to say but he was just too lazy to blurt out a single word. He again replied with a groan.

“Please tell me you didn’t forget about our plans?” Jongin said softly this time. Wait, what? Plans? What plans? I wasn’t informed about this. He slowly opened his eyes, faced Jongin and stared at the other boy with a questioning look.

“So you really forgot about it” It wasn’t a question. “Okay, I’ll remind you. Remember last week, we talked about finding a university in Seoul right after we graduate. You also told me that you have someone to find there although if the person didn’t give you the address I doubt you’ll find him or was it a girl?, Seoul is a big place you know, You can’t just-“

“Oh!” He abruptly sat up in his bed that his head hurt slightly. Jongin was somehow a little displeased that he was interrupted in his rambling.

“You know it’s rude to interrupt someone who’s talking but at least you remembered. Now get your skinny little body off of that bed ‘cause it’s almost time to go. I’ll be waiting downstairs”

“But I’m not even packed yet”

“It’s fine, Your mom said she already did it last night. Be grateful brat, my mom never does that to me” Jongin added bitterly.

After Jongin walked out his door, Sehun took his time to observe his surroundings. Sunlight was peeking through his open window at the right side of his humble room. He guessed Jongin opened it when he went inside. Sehun met Jongin on his third year of high school. The latter was a transferee from Seoul and was a little shy when he first came to their place. He was placed into the seat next to Sehun and Sehun was somehow obligated to talk to him. Since Luhan and his family moved to Seoul at that time, he no longer had company during lunch and going home, when he found out that Jongin lived near their house he invited the boy to be his walking buddy. They also began to accompany each other during lunch breaks and since then have been best friends. Jongin’s presence slightly made up for the absence of Luhan but still not enough. Jongin didn’t even know about Luhan but he is planning to tell him soon.

He got up from his bed and went directly to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth on the sink and showered afterwards. Once he was done, he returned to his room and changed into a simple black shirt and jeans, collected his phone and wristwatch on his bedside table and went downstairs. He made a beeline to the kitchen and saw Jongin eating the food on the table and his mother making a sandwich.

“Morning mom” He went over to his mom and kissed her cheek. He got a smile in response.

“Eat your breakfast over there” She pointed at the plate of omelette, bacon and toasted bread across Jongin who was busy chewing his food.

“Okay mom, thanks by the way for packing my clothes” Sehun said as he sat down across Jongin and started to eat his own food.

“You’re welcome dear. Oh, where are you staying at when you arrive in Seoul again?”

“At my friend’s apartment” Jongin was the one who answered. “Don’t worry Mrs. Oh, my friend’s nice”

“What’s this friend’s name, by the way?”

“Do Kyungsoo, he’s my friend when I was still in Seoul. He offered his place when I said that I was coming back there for a week. He’s on his second year in University”

“Oh, Luhan’s in his second year in University too, right Sehun?” Sehun looked up from his plate and glanced at his mother.

“Uhhh, yes mom”

“Who’s Luhan?” Jongin asked both Sehun and his mother.

“Didn’t Sehunnie tell you? Luhan was Sehun’s ex-boyfriend. He left about two years ago, around the time you moved here”

“Woah, Sehun had a boyfriend! You didn’t tell me about this” Jongin was staring at Sehun amusingly. His eyes opened wide. Sehun snorted at him.

“Look, I’m sorry I didn’t talk about it. I thought it was not something worth to talk about and No, mom he is not my ex-boyfriend, we haven’t broke up”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just thought you were through ‘cause I haven’t heard of him for almost two years, anyways eat well boys, your father is coming soon, he just had somewhere to go to, he’ll bring you both to Seoul” The two boys finished their food and waited for Sehun’s father to arrive. It wasn’t long when a honk of a car was heard outside the house. The two boys carried their bags and placed them at the trunk of the car. They kissed Sehun’s mother goodbye and went and stayed at the backseat.


“Soooooo what?”

“This Luhan guy, is he the one you’ll be looking for in Seoul?”


“Well I hope you find him”

“Really, you’re not mad?”

“Yes really, and No, I’m not mad”


“Dead Serious”

“Thanks dude”

“No problem”


The ride to Seoul wasn’t as awkward as Sehun expected it to be. His father would often ask him and Jongin if they need anything or if they are hungry, they would politely tell him that they’re fine and the sandwich his mom let them bring is enough to stop their stomachs from growling. The three of them talked about random things while travelling. Jongin eventually got tired of talking and proceeded to take a nap leaving Sehun and his father to converse on their own.


“Yes Dad?”

“I wasn’t able to say it out loud yesterday but I’m really very proud of you son” His Dad looked at him from the mirror up front and smiled.

“Thanks Dad, it means a lot to me”

“I hope you find the right school for you and solve whatever’s bothering you lately”

“I know Dad, I will” Then he proceeded to glance outside the window and look at the places they are passing by. I really hope I’ll be able to see you.


“Are you sure this is the right place Jongin?”

“I’m sure of it Mr. Oh”

“I’ll be off then, you be careful boys”

“Thanks Dad, you be careful too” Jongin and Sehun unloaded their bags from the trunk and went to the apartment entrance. There is a little counter in front the entrance and a kind-looking old lady is seated behind it. The two approached the counter.

“Good Afternoon Ma’am, we’re looking for Do Kyungsoo’s room?”

“Uhhh, are you Kim Jongin by any chance?”

“Yes it’s me” Jongin released a sigh of relief.

“Oh, it’s you then. Kyungsoo couldn’t stop talking about you every time he comes to talk to me, you must be a very dear friend” Jongin’s face blushed a light shade of pink.

“Very dear indeed, could we get his room number then?”

“Oh, sorry I nearly forgot. It’s room 12 at the third level”

“Thank you very much Ma’am, we’ll be going now”

“You’re welcome boys, I know Kyungsoo’s waiting for your arrival. Enjoy your stay” The two boys only nodded in thanks and went directly towards the elevator. When they arrived at the elevator they immediately looked for the door with a number twelve pasted on it. It turned out to be the very last room at the right side down the hall. Jongin put his bag down and started to knock on the door. They heard the shuffling of feet inside the room walking towards the door. When the door opened, they were greeted by a petite boy with large eyes and heart-shaped lips wearing a white shirt and knee-length shorts. The boy immediately smiled after seeing them (or rather, Jongin).

“Jonginnie!” Kyungsoo immediately attached itself to Jongin and kissed him right on the lips. Wait, I don’t know this. Jongin is being kissed by Kyungsoo. Does this mean they’re boyfriends? Sehun can’t help but blush at the scene in front of him. So Jongin keeps secrets like this too, huh.

“Oh come on guys, are you really doing this outside?” Sehun can’t help but interrupt the two lovers.

“Oh sorry, I just miss my Jonginnie so much! You must be Sehun, I’m Kyungsoo, Jongin’s boyfriend, nice to meet you” Kyungsoo offered his hand to Sehun for a handshake and Sehun accepted it gladly. “Come on, let’s all go inside”. Kyungsoo went inside first leaving Jongin and Sehun at the doorway.

“So you have a boyfriend then?”

“Hehe, I didn’t tell you?”

“No you didn’t, you crazy freak!”

“Sorry dude, must’ve slipped my mind”

“Arghhh, crap! What would I do if you go all lovey-dovey in front of me?!”

“Ummmm, you watch?”

“You’re really crazy, d’you know that?”

“I know, but you love me anyway”


“Will you come in or not?” Kyungsoo asked from inside the house.

“We’re coming!” The two boys replied back.


It has been three days since Sehun went to Seoul. Every day, in the morning, both boys would wake up to Kyungsoo’s delicious cooking and all three would eat together, afterwards, they would go to different universities together looking at the programs they provide. Lunch would be spent at restaurants they would find near the universities they go to. After they eat their lunch, the two boys will tour around Seoul and just hang out. At exactly five, they would go to the restaurant Kyungsoo works part-time and eat their dinner there. They would wait until Kyungsoo’s shift ends and they would all go home together. When they reach home, Sehun would then excuse himself and go to his temporary room because by then, Kyungsoo and Jongin’s lovey-dovey time would start. “I don’t want to interrupt you guys” he would tell them. He just couldn’t watch them and be all bitter because he still hasn’t seen Luhan yet.

On his fifth in Seoul, Sehun went with Jongin to Seoul National University. Sehun hopes that he can finally Luhan here, it was really a disappointing fact that even through the one month that they were contacting each other Luhan hadn’t even once mentioned which university he goes to. As the two were walking, they were talking about the beautiful landscape of the school when Sehun bumped into a person. He nearly fell off but Jongin was able to help him gain his balance. When Sehun faced the person he bumped into, he saw a tall man with dark eyes, really dark eyes.

“Oh my, I’m sorry I bumped into you, I wasn’t watching where I’m going” Sehun noticed that the other man was carrying stacks of paper in his hand.

“I’m sorry too” was all he could answer.

“Are you a student here?”

“No, not yet. My friend and I were just checking the class programs here. We’re incoming freshmen”

“Oh really?, Well I hope you like it so far. I’m Mr. Huang Zitao by the way, I’m a professor here” Mr. Huang, that sounds familiar. Where have I heard that?

“Uhhh, I’m Oh Sehun and this is my friend Kim Jongin, we’re very pleased to meet you”

“It’s very nice to meet you too” the professor smiled at them.

“Mr. Huang!” Another tall man with thick brows appeared in front of them.

“Oh Mr. Wu! I want you to meet Sehun and Jongin, future students here” Now I know where I heard those names. It was in Luhan’s letter!

“Hello kids, Can I borrow Mr. Huang here for a while?” He didn’t seem very happy that Sehun and Jongin were talking to Mr. Huang.

“Sure sir, we’re on our way anyway” It was Jongin who replied this time. Sehun knew that meeting Luhan was nowhere near the impossible now. He could totally feel it. Classes of uni students weren’t through yet, it was still a week to go before their own vacation so Sehun hopes that he will be able to see Luhan this very same day. Jongin and Sehun continued walking around the university and finally decided to sit at a bench nearby due to exhaustion. At the corner of Sehun’s eyes, he thought he saw an image of Luhan and he immediately turned his head. He couldn’t believe it, after two long years, he is seeing Luhan again personally, over there sitting three benches away from him. He couldn’t help himself, he stood up immediately, ignoring the calls of Jongin and ran up to Luhan. He wants to confront him, he wants to ba angry at him but when he reached him, all he could feel was longingness. He misses his favourite hyung very much, he wants to hug him, he wants to kiss him like Jongin kisses Kyungsoo, he wants both of them to be like before.

“Luhan-hyung” He softly said.

“Sehun!” Luhan exclaimed after looking up from his cellphone.

“Hyung, I really missed you!” Then he hugged his hyung like there’s no tomorrow. Tears flowed down his face.

“Sehun, why are you here?”

“I came for you hyung, we’ll be together again”

“Sehun, we can’t”

“Why hyung?”

“Luhannie?” Someone from behind Sehun spoke. Sehun stilled and slowly turned his head, he saw another boy there. Luhan let go from his grasp and went beside the smaller boy.

“Min I want you to meet Sehun, my friend”

“Sehun, this is my boyfriend Minseok” Sehun felt like his world just fell down on him. It was a very heavy feeling. It was painful, very painful. He felt like collapsing any moment now. He couldn’t take it all. “Oh” was all he could say. He should’ve seen this coming. Luhan had forgotten about his promises to him, he has found another person to love. It hurt to watch so he decided to walk away.

“Sehun-ah, wait!” He faced his favourite hyung with a straight face, covering his torn feelings. “Here, call me, we should really hang out sometime” He held out his hand and a piece of paper with Luhan’s number in it was given to him. “Y-yeah, I-I should go”, he said and then turned around again, walking towards Jongin who had been watching all along. The piece of paper crumpled and harshly put at his back pocket.

“Is everything all right?” Jongin asked, worry evident in his voice

“Yes, everything’s fine” He lied, Jongin knows but he’s too hurt to care.


They decided to go home and skip touring for the day. When they reached the house, Sehun went directly to his room and refused to go out. Jongin went to Kyungsoo’s workplace alone and they returned immediately bringing Sehun’s dinner. They were both worried for Sehun, a broken heart is really hard to cure. When they arrived, they saw Sehun already at the living room and two bottle of soju already empty at his feet. He turned to look at the couple and smiled bitterly.

“Hey guyshh, ju wanna drink?” Sehun offered a bottle to them. He doesn’t usually drink these kinds of things so he is weak to them, it’s very evident that he is drunk already. The couple tried to stop Sehun from drinking more but the latter proved to be stubborn, he refused to let go of the third bottle of soju he was currently drinking.

“Sehun stop that!” Kyungsoo tried again to get the bottle but Sehun was stronger than him.

“No!, don’t shtap me, yu jush don’t undershtand what i’m feeling now. Yu kno what he shaid?, he shaid we can’t be together again, coz he’sh got hish pretty little boyfriend already. He doeshn’t call me baby anymore, jush Shehun. No, he doeshn’t love me anymore,  he’sh a liar, i don’t wanna love him anymore but I can’t shtap. It jush won’t shtap, my heart is hurting shooooo much, i can’t breathe” Sehun was rubbing his hand at the left side of his chest, tears continuously falling and breathing rapidly. He bent his down and his shoulders were shaking violently.


“He, he gave me hish number, he shaid I should call him” He took the crumpled paper from his back pocket and showed it to the couple. “Thish, what would I do with this?, Why would I call him?, I don’t know what to do! I wanna shee him at the shame time I don’t” This time Kyungsoo wrapped his arms to Sehun’s body and whispered comforting words to him but the latter wouldn’t stop crying. Jongin took the piece of paper from Sehun’s hand and dialled the number. He went out of the door and waited for this Luhan to accept the call. On the fith ring, Luhan finally answered.


“Hi, this is Jongin, Sehun’s friend”

“Uhuh, what can I do for you?”

“Actually, it’s not me who needs your help, it’s Sehun”

“Why, what happened to him?” Luhan’s voice was genuinely concerned and it irked Jongin a little because this man has managed to hurt his friend so much.

“Nothing serious, just him not being over you. I didn’t think you actually ended your relationship with him, am I right?

“W-well no, I d-didn’t”

“Then it’s your time to do so. It really hurts me to see my friend like this because he is not himself right now. If you can manage to make him the way he is today then you must have the power to return him to the good old Sehun he used to be” After telling Luhan the address of Kyungsoo’s apartment Jongin hang up and returned inside the house. Sehun was still crying in Kyungsoo’s arms.

“Sehun, let’s get you to your room” Sehun willingly stood up and was supported by both Kyungsoo and Jongin because he was a little dizzy to be able to walk alone. He was put into the bed by his friends. When he was tired from all his crying, he fell asleep.


“Where is he?”

“In that room”


“Hey, don’t make him cry again”

“I won’t”

Luhan entered the room Jongin pointed. He saw Sehun lying with his back faced on the door and was breathing softly, it looks like the boy has already calmed down. He made his way to Sehun quietly and sat at the little space on the bed beside Sehun. He looked at the other boy’s face, gone were the teenage look Sehun had two years ago before he left, what he saw right now was a man in despair. A man who lost the single person he loved dearly. Luhan felt guilty that he made Sehun like this but there is no reversing the things that already happened, he hurt the boy deeply and he wants to erase that negative feeling from him.

“Luhan-Hyung, is that you?” Sehun fluttered his eyelids then opened it to look at the person next to him.

“Yes, it’s me. Are you alright?”

“No I’m not, you of all people should know that hyung”

“I know and I’m sorry” Luhan bowed his head, he could not look directly at Sehun’s accusing eyes. It is really too much to handle.

“It’s alright hyung, I can get over it. I can get over you” Somehow that little statement made Luhan’s heart panic.

“Sehun-ah, I’m really very sorry for the things I’ve done to you. I didn’t know you were waiting for me”

“How could I not hyung?, How could I not when you promised me you will come back! I felt like a fool, waiting for someone who has no plans to return”

“I know, I promised-“

“Yes, you promised but promises are meant to be broken, right hyung?”


“Hyung, before you leave me completely can I ask a little favour?”

“What is it Sehun-ah?”

“Can you kiss me? Can you kiss it all better?”

“You know I can’t do that-“

“But you can, just one kiss hyung and you’re free to go” Luhan was not given any chance to respond when Sehun pulled his face down and attached his lips to him. The kiss was brief but it reminded Luhan of him and Sehun before, before he left and before everything of this happened. Soon the kiss was repeated and Luhan just let himself be guided, he admits that he missed Sehun’s kisses and he does not have the strength to let go. Somehow the kiss became deeper, soon clothes were discarded and all doubts were thrown away. Tonight, they would be together. Tonight, they would share what is hidden in the deepest part of their hearts. Tonight, they would be reckless and forget about all the troubles they would face. Tonight, they would be one.

After what happened between them that night Sehun placed his head on Luhan’s bare chest, encircled his hands on Luhan’s waist and entangled his legs to Luhan’s feet. He was barely awake but he doesn’t let go, he is afraid that if he will, Luhan would walk away. He noticed Luhan’s struggling and he raised his head to look at the other boy.

“Please don’t go hyung, stay the night”

“Sehun, I can’t, I have to go”

“Just tonight hyung, please let me be selfish tonight and let me hold you”

“Just tonight Sehun”

“Yes, just tonight” Then Sehun closed his eyes and slept, dreaming of him and Luhan holding hands and laughing together.


Luhan was the first one to wake up. He opened his eyes and looked at the person still situated on his chest, he let a small smile grace his face. Sehun was still as handsome as he was before, maybe even more. The light coming from the window went directly to Sehun’s face and it showed the flawless face he had admired. He was enjoying his time staring at Sehun’s face when he realized he shouldn’t be there. What they did last night was unacceptable, he has Minseok waiting for him at their own apartment yet he is here at Sehun’s side. With this thought, he slowly disentangled his body from Sehun and picked his discarded clothes scattered on the floor, he put them on and silently went out the door. I have to go Sehun, what we did was wrong. Please do understand that. I’m sorry for being the reason you were so lonely, please forgive me. I hope you’ll be happy from now on.

Sehun woke up when he felt that Luhan was letting go but he didn’t open his eyes. He didn’t want to see the look Luhan will give him, like what they’ve done was all wrong. It was never wrong to him. He also doesn’t want to see Luhan leave. He forced his eyes closed. Then he felt it lips placed on his forehead, he wanted to cry. The kiss felt like closure, the end of anything they have between them. He heard the door being opened then closed. It was then that Sehun opened his eyes, a single tear flowing. So this is it hyung, this is the end. I still love you with all my heart but I guess it’s time to move on. Don’t worry hyung, I have already forgiven you. I’ll try to be happy again without you by my side.


Luhan stepped out of the taxi and walked straight to his apartment where Minseok is waiting. When he opened the door, Minseok was standing right in front of him, his face was full of worry.

“Luhannie, where were you? I’ve been calling you since last night and you didn’t answer even once. I was really worried here!” Minseok was unhappy.

“I was at Sehun’s. I spent the night there” Luhan wanted to be honest to Minseok but he didn’t mention the part where he and Sehun slept together. He doesn’t need to know that.

“Well at least you could have informed me, I had no idea what happened to you”

“I know, I’m sorry”

“Come on, breakfast’s gonna get cold” Minseok held his hand and guided him to the dining area. They ate breakfast silently. Luhan’s mind was somewhere else, he barely touched his breakfast.

“Something wrong?”

“Uhhh, no. I’m not really hungry Min, I’ll just take a bath first”


Luhan excused himself and went to the bathroom. He stripped and went to the shower. He just couldn’t get Sehun out of his mind, he needs to clear all his thoughts. He felt that getting out of Sehun’s room was the worst decion he has ever made but he knows it was for the benefit of everyone. He realized that, he too, was hurting his own self when he chose to be the responsible man he is and go back to Minseok. He chose to follow his head than his heart and it pains him so much. He still loves Sehun, how big of a fool can he be, he still loves the boy he left. He remembered how he and Sehun met and he smiled at the wonderful memory.

4 years ago.

Luhan is in his third year in high school. He is the vice-president of the dance club and because it is the start of classes, their club is looking for new recruits. He and the president, Eunhyuk, a senior, were distributing flyers for the upcoming auditions beside the entrance of the school. When he saw a young boy walking with head bowed down, he approached him.

“Hi there, I’m Luhan from the dance club. Would you like to audition?” The boy looked up to him and he smiled warmly at him. The boy has small eyes and cute pink lips, his jaw line was very noticeable because it was prominent. In general the boy was handsome. He blushed slightly at his thoughts.

“Ummmm, I don’t know”

“Well you could try, you have a body of a dancer ya’know” The boy blushed at his words and he giggled a bit. “I’m giving you this flyer in case you wanna go for it. The venue’s there. I hope to see you at the auditions!” He smiled again to the boy and continued his task.

A week later, it was already auditions day. A lot of students came to audition for the club. Luhan was not focusing on the dances because he’s not the one who decides who gets accepted, Eunhyuk is. He was just sitting beside Eunhyuk and playing with his phone when his eyes were caught by the very person dancing in front of him. It was the boy he gave the flyers to, the one who has a body of a dancer. The boy indeed is a dancer, he was dancing gracefully to the music provided. It was no doubt that Eunhyuk immediately accepted the boy to the club. He soon found out that the boy’s name was Sehun (he took a look at the application form held by Eunhyuk). When Sehun made his way to the new recruits, Luhan couldn’t stop but follow him with his eyes. Their eyes met and he smiled to him but the other boy blushed and bowed his head. Adorable kid.

“So, you decided to join the club?” Luhan tried to strike a conversation with Sehun when the auditions were still going on. He went to the new recruits and sat beside him.

“Uh yes”

“I’m happy you did”

“Ummm, I’m happy I did too” Since then Luhan and Sehun were inseparable. You wouldn’t see the other one without the other. They’ve become the best of friends that sometimes they will be mistaken as a couple to which the two of them just laughs at. It was no big news to the whole school when the two finally admitted that they were indeed a couple.

“Hyung, I have something to ask you”

“What is it Sehun-ah?”

“D-do you h-have someone you l-like?”

“Indeed I have”

“Really? Do I know this person?”

“Yes, you know him. In fact this person is talking to me right now”

“Really hyung?! You mean it?!”

“Of course silly!, I wouldn’t lie to you, right?”

“Well, I like you too hyung”

2 years ago

Luhan’s family decided to Seoul since Luhan is already entering University. Luhan was glad at the news but eventually sad because he will be leaving Sehun. They’ve been dating for over a year and a half already and they were very happy with how their relationship is going. It would be hard to have a long-distance relationship but with Sehun, Luhan decided to endure.

Luhan-hyung, you’ll be back right?

Of course, Sehun-ah.

I’ll miss you hyung, can’t you just continue studying here?

You know I can’t baby, I’ll miss you too.

You’ll be calling me everyday right hyung? Or text? Or write?

I promise I will, Sehun-ah.

I’ll be waiting hyung, always.

Luhan went to Seoul and studied at Seoul National University. He would call Sehun every day, would write him letters at least once a week. A month later, he got so busy with his studies that he forgot to write or even call Sehun. He decided that he would call Sehun after his exams but he never did. Then he met Minseok at a party of a common friend, he immediately got attracted to him. They become close friends and eventually a couple. It was on their first anniversary that they decided to live together, they were like any couple out there, they would fight about little things but would reconcile immediately afterwards. Luhan was contented with his life.

It was a lie, Luhan was never yet contented, he only realized this when Sehun returned in his life. It might be unfair to Minseok to admit that he still loves his ex-boyfriend but it must be said. He promised Minseok that he would not lie to him, no matter what. He finished showering and went to his shared bedroom with Minseok, changed into decent clothes and went down to talk to the other boy. Minseok was sitting on the living room watching the television when he came to look for him. He sat beside him and the other boy immediately placed his head at Luhan’s shoulder. He cleared his throat and faced Minseok. The other boy was confused with his actions and also faced Luhan.

“Something wrong?”

“I have something to admit to you Minseok”

“Oh, this couldn’t be good I suppose” Minseok let out a nervous chuckle.

“Sehun, he was my boyfriend before. We never broke up, we only got separated when I moved here in Seoul”

“I don’t think I like where this conversation’s headed to”

“I’m really sorry Min, really sorry”

“You still love him, am I correct?”

“Yes, I still do”

“Haha, that hurt”

“Min, I’m sorry”

“Did you even love me Luhan?”

“I did, honest”

“That’s good to hear, guess I’ll be helping you pack then?” Minseok turned around and went to their shared room, wiping the tears that unconsciously flowed out from his eyes.


“You be careful guys, I’m going to miss you!”

“No need to sulk Kyungie-hyung, we’ll be back at the start of the semester anyway, right Sehun?”


“You better be, I’ll be all alone whole summer”

“Or I could get back here earlier”

“Really Jonginnie?! I’ll be happy with that” Then he kissed him on the lips to show his gratitude. Bastards, Sehun thought. Here he is, sulking because of his failed love life and then these two couldn’t just stop being greasy with each other.

“Come on Jongin, let’s go”

“Bye Kyungie-hyung! See you soon”

“Bye-bye, love you”

“Love you too”

It was an hour after the two boys had left Kyungsoo’s apartment when he heard a knock on his door. Who could this be? I’m not expecting any visitors now. He opened the door and saw Luhan carrying a bag in his right hand. Looks like everyone is leaving today.

“Is Sehun there?”

“No, he just left with Sehun an hour ago. They already went home”

“Crap!, Thanks by the way” Looks like a boy named Sehun will have his happy ending anyway. Kyungsoo couldn’t help but think.


At last, Sehun was home. He can start moving on peacefully. The comforting faces of his parents can help him with his troubles, he decided not to take it all to himself and accept the helping hands of people around of him.

“Welcome back Sehunnie” his parents greeted him. “Had fun there?”

“Good to be back. I had fun with Jongin, the place was beautiful but nothing beats home”

“Awww, really now?” His mother is being dramatic again.

“Anyways, I saw Luhan-hyung there”

“Woah, how’d it go?”

“Turns out he’s already got a boyfriend” He couldn’t help but be bitter again.

“It’s gonna be okay Sehunnie, we’ll always be here”

“Thanks Mom, Dad”

“No problem kiddo” Sehun went to his room and unpacked his bag. He honestly missed his room, the place he could call his own. He decided to take a little nap, he’s tired from the travel after all.

“Sehunnie” He rubbed his eyes open and saw his mother at his doorway.

“Yes mom?”

“Come down, let’s have dinner”

“Okay mom, be there in a minute”


“Your cookings really good mom, one of the things I missed!” He honestly stated while eating.

“Awww, thank you honey” They resumed eating when a knock on the door was heard.

“I’ll go get it” His father volunteered. Sehun just continued eating his food.

“Wonder who that is?”

“Must be the mail mom”

“Right” When his father returned to the dining area he had someone with him. It was Luhan.

“Sehunnie, Luhan said he wants to talk to you” His father said nonchalantly then continued eating.

“Sehun-ah, can we talk?” Luhan finally uttered a word.

“Uh sure, wait” He clumsily got up from his chair and followed Luhan to the living room. They sat down beside each other and played with their own fingers.They both don’t know how to start the conversation. Then Luhan decided to start. Finally.


“Uhhhh, yes?”

“Will you forgive me for the things I’ve done?”

“No worries hyung, I already forgave you a long time ago”

“Thank you very much, there’s still something else I wanna ask”

“What is it hyung?”

“Do you still feel the same way about me?” Sehun was surprised by the question. He doesn’t know what to answer, what if he’ll say the wrong thing?

“If I still do, what would you do hyung?”

“Then would you still accept me?” What? You’re lying hyung right?

“What do you mean hyung?”

“What I’m trying to say Sehun is I still love you”

“Is this a joke hyung? What about your boyfriend in Seoul?”

“I’m not joking Sehun-ah and I already broke up with him” There’s no reason for Sehun to decline his favourite hyung right? He waited for this all along now that his hyung returned he would gladly welcome him.

“I also still love you hyung” There, he said it. There’s no turning back now.

“Really Sehun-ah? I promise I’ll only love you from now on!” Luhan hugged him with happy tears streaming down his beautiful face.

“Don’t promise hyung, just do it”

“Okay, I’ll only love you from now on Sehun-ah. Please believe me”

“I believe you hyung, I believe you”

“Hey Kids, there’s still food here, wanna eat?” The voice of his father boomed from the kitchen.

“Yah, stop disturbing them. They’re still catching up you know” His mother spoke this time. The two boys in the living room could only laugh at Sehun’s parents. They keep on embracing each other and no one wants to let go.

“I really love you Sehun-ah, my baby”

“I love you too my favourite hyung” Then it was sealed with a kiss. After all, just like what Sehun heard on a movie he watched, “It doesn’t matter who comes first or later, what matters is whom you love”




a/n. thanks for reading this guys. i sincerely hope i didn't bore you with it ^^

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Chapter 1: I'm happy that they got together again but luhan got the easy way out. Sehun accepted him wayyy too easy ._.
Chapter 1: Awww~ sweet fairy-tale-esque ending ^_^
fyehxn #3
Chapter 1: I am glad it's happy ending and it's not a crap at all, I really live this story so much :)
Chapter 1: It was sweet and also I was happy with the ending! ^____^ thanks for making this story!