[Her Tears]

Nothing Lasts Forever
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But nothing last forever but be honest, babe
It hurts but it may be the only way


-Nothing Lasts Forever-Maroon 5






[Dara's POV]




 I am still sitting on the same bench that we suppose to meet a month ago...listening to this ing song....remembering the promise that we had.

Remembering the things the we use to do.

I thought that we were the exception on what they are saying...that Nothing Lasts forever....That I was just thought.













"Yah! Promise that you won't leave me just like my dad does with us"-I said as I  look at you. We are still sitting in this bench, looking at the sunset, our favorite spot. You look at me and smile.
















"I won't...Promise..."-You said and held my hand, you raised it with your hand holding it and look at our ring...our infinity ring...our forever...

















"Even if I want too, I can't...because your holding my heart...your my air"-he said. I slightly punch your arm.

















"Yah! so you planned to leave me then.."-I said whispering. You  let go of my hand and cupped my face...you look at my eyes.

















"I won't baby...I won't"-You said ang hug me.

















"Please Ji, you're all that I have right now..."- I said and hug you back.






We are a picture of a happy couple, even though we're figthing, you always do the way to make up to me.

You always make me Smile, Laugh, you made me see things on their good side, even the things that I hate in my past, like what my Dad does, you made me realize that everything happens for a reason, that I must forgive him. It will just make me miserable if I hide this grudge against him. You're right, I feel free and happy when the time comes that we talked, he is sorry for leaving us, you're rigth, even though he left us, that's not he doesn't love us, he is, and he will always be. Besides he is still my Father.
















You become the source of my own happiness, you become my protector, my light, my strenght.

In times that I feel down, and my self-confidence leaves my poor soul, you are always there to tell me that I shouldn't give up. That I must face my fears and fight over my insercurities. I did, and it make me a better one.
















All of me now is because of you, you teach me everything that I am now. Your became my everything, my reason to live, I depend on you. But I guess that I shoudn't do that.










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freckles #1
Chapter 1: Thanks for your update . . . ;-D
geekgeek #2
Chapter 2: Jiyong's POV first, then you can make what happens after that ;)
Pmshiiiiiiiiiii #3
Chapter 2: Jiyong's POV please :D
Chapter 2: maybe you can make it more longer...with Jiyong's POV then what happens after?
Chapter 1: i need more. this needs a sequel.
DaragonButterfly #6
Chapter 2: aishhhhhhhhhhhhh authornim update thanks
freckles #7
Chapter 2: Awaiting for your nxt update . . . Or perhaps a sequel? . . . ;-D
pinkandblue #8
Chapter 1: I think it needs jiyong POV.
DaragonButterfly #9
Chapter 1: yahhh you finish it...? to much authornim...its hurt, so much...make a sequel jiyong POV thanks