
Goodnight Kiss

It almost 2 A.M and the sleep don’t seem to be close. He looks at the laptop's screen one more time; the page was almost blank. Since they arrived to the dorm, he couldn't write more than three lines. The inspiration as the sleep seemed to not want to appear. With a loud sigh Ravi closed the laptop, leaving it next to him.


If he couldn't write something, at least he should try to get some sleep.


Though the promotions of ETERNITY had ended, they still have interviews and radio appearances; he needed to rest since tomorrow would be a hard day.


Ravi lied on his side looking at the door. It's weird. Hyuk didn't come to the room; he'll sleep alone again.


He moved, looking at the ceiling now putting his hands on his stomach and closing his eyes trying to sleep. Nothing. No matter how much he tried, his mind was on blank even to sleep.


He heard the door open, and turned around looking at this. He thought it was Hyuk; may be the boy felt sorry for leaving the older sleep alone for the second time in this week. But for the slight illumination coming from the corridor he found it wasn't him, that silhouette could only belong to one person. Leo.


May be his hyung felt sorry for him, knowing he would sleep alone... again, and volunteered to sleep with him. Yeah, maybe was that.


"Hyuk's mattress is over there." He pointed without even consider if the older could see him over all the darkness in the room.


Leo didn't reply either tried to move.


He remained motionless there for a few seconds, in the middle of the room. Then he walked some steps towards Ravi and bent down staying right next to him; putting his arms over his knees.




"Can I sleep with you?"


The question took him by surprise. Leo, his hyung, was asking him to sleep with him. Ravi thanked in those moments that the lights were off, because surely he had a really stupid expression. He gulped and nodded, face palming mentally later. 'The lights'


"Sure, there's no problem."


He pulled up the bed sheet, allowing Leo to come. Leo put a pillow that seemed to have bringing with him next to Ravi, lying next to his side. The older cuddled on Ravi, hiding his face on the younger's chest. They were really close, too close that he could feel the other's warm. Still confused, Ravi put the bed sheet down and placed hesitant his arm around Leo. They were very close, but somehow it felt nice.


Ravi closed his eyes and breathed deeply, inhaling by accident the elder’s scent. A smile appeared on his face. He smelled like vanilla.


He felt Leo moving and thought about removing his arm; though this didn't seem to displease him. Leo raised his face and kissed his lips, sweet and calm; the movement was too fast that even Ravi thought he imagined it. But the tickling on his lips told otherwise.


"Goodnight Wonshik"


Whispered the elder.


"Goodnight Taekwoonie hyung."


The smile on his lips didn't disappear, and he could bet Leo was smiling too. He closed the eyes and dived into dreamland.


That night finally managed to conciliate a good sleep.



Ta dah~ another one .-. As you know, English isn't my first language... 

In another news (?) I finished the prologue of my first serial, the name is "The Fallen Hours" and will be a Wontaek centric, the theme is fantasia and shala la la la~

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Chapter 1: Fluffy!! :)
Chapter 1: So adorable~!<3
Chapter 1: this is so cute im crying
Chapter 1: OMO I loved it it was great OMG ^^
jasminemaki #5
Chapter 1: Hope for your new story!