Stepping Out: Luna

Red Light: A Sense of Change

Chapter II



                As the day crept further into the later morning, the sun began to stretch across the room. First, it slid down the window pane, along the wall, all the way until it reached the middle of the floor. From there, it expanded upward along the ceiling. Soon, those slivers of light began to dance on the areas it touched. It danced as if it was trying to beckon everyone awake, to come and enjoy the beauty it could provide.

                But as I watched it, I continued to lay there in my bed. A small part of me wanted to go and see what the day would foretell, yet the other part of me knew what would happen if I left the confinements of my blankets. The moment I got up, I would have to step out of my closed room and face the day. I would have to go out and face the crowds of people clothed in outrageously priced designer brands. I would have to face the turned up noses; the narrowed eyes; the snide remarks. I would have to face all of that. And I wasn’t ready.

                Sullenly, I rolled over onto my side. Beside me, on top of my nightstand, laid my phone that was silently blinking, most likely trying to tell me about the alarms I had set for myself that I failed to turn off. A little reluctant, I reached over and picked it up. Upon turning on the screen, I saw that it wasn’t just my alarms. Alongside the missed alarm notifications were over twenty missed calls and text messages. Almost instantly, I slammed my phone back down on the night stand and let my head fall back to my pillow.

                Most of those notifications were most likely from the other students who thought it would be funny if they could use me as their target. I wasn’t like them. I didn’t own a single designer brand, I only owned things that were falling apart bit by bit, and most of all I didn’t have to pay tuition like the others. I wasn’t exactly what you would call a typical “scholarship student”. I never qualified for being the best academic-wise, or even in athletics. Neither of my parents knew anyone special who randomly decided to put me through college, and I didn’t do some great task to earn it.

                No, all that happened was that I was chosen while in high school to be the one that if I promised to go in to a certain degree program right away, then I would receive a tuition-paid education at one of the top schools in the country. At first, I thought I was extremely lucky to get this chance to have such a great education. I mean, I didn’t even have what I wanted to do in mind as I entered my last year of high school. So, receiving full tuition on top of a planned out degree for me was just the best thing I could ever think of.

                Once I entered the school, I didn’t think the same for very long. Due to my low status, the sign of wear and age on everything I owned, and my not-so-outstanding IQ, the students figured it out almost instantly. They quickly realized that I was what they would call a “parachute”. I just floated into their school, received all of the same benefits, but I didn’t have to work for anything to receive everything.

                Because I was a parachute, shoulders turned cold. The atmosphere turned stale and slightly hostile whenever I entered the room. My clothes disappeared whenever I took a shower around the other girls. Nasty messages were sent to my phone. I was framed for more than one thing that I didn’t even do. Things were stolen from my grasp. I was knocked down. They did everything that I never imagined would happen to me. Through all of this, my shoulders slumped a little more each day. The disgusting feeling of fear and anxiety began to fester at the pit of my stomach as I thought about what I would face that day. And before I knew it, it took me hours just to get the nerve up to get out of my bed, I hated looking at my messages on my phone, and it felt like my days extended tenfold.

                Pulling the blanket over my head, I tried to erase all of the thoughts that passed through my mind. I needed a break. I couldn’t handle this today. I wasn’t ready, and it was only a few minutes before my first class. If I got up now to get ready, I would be scolded endlessly in front of the class. I didn’t want that. I didn’t want to be within this school much longer. I just wanted to go where my friends were, to see the people who didn’t have designer brands, to feel like I belonged somewhere.

                Minutes passed with the blanket over my head until it got too stuffy and hot. Overwhelmed, I kicked it off and finally sat up. It was then that I decided that I would ditch for the day. For days, I contemplated such an act, but I always decided to go to class. I only decided not to go because I knew that the moment I stepped foot off campus would be the moment when I would never turn back. If I did that, then I couldn’t face my parents. I couldn’t face my friends who thought I was extremely lucky. I couldn’t face anyone. But the truth is, how could I face them after the treatment I was receiving now? I needed to leave before I went insane.

                Once I was packed up, I tied up my long hair and looked at the room for anything I would possibly leave behind. Seeing nothing, I sighed and glanced around once more to take in the memory. Such a room had been a safe haven for so long, and it felt weird to finally leave it.

                Taking in a deep breath, I clutched my duffle bag and turned toward the door. Just the idea of leaving was slightly imposing. I didn’t know where I would go, and what I would do. I didn’t know when I would actually tell my loved ones what I decided. There was so much I had to face at this aspect of actually leaving that I was tempted to set everything down and crawl back into my now bare bed.

                But as I stumbled back, the memories of all that I had faced appeared yet again. At that, I shook my head as if to clear myself of the horrid occurrences. With that, I quickly stepped forward and yanked open my door. This time, I wasn’t greeted with trash or a door caked in eggs. I wasn’t greeted with anything. A sad smile stretched across my lips as I carefully picked my way down the empty hallway. At least they were kind enough to give me a chance to leave without scarring me.

               Outside, there were a few students rushing in the direction of the campus buildings—most likely late for their class. No one glanced in my direction as I turned in the opposite direction. No one said a word as I crossed the street away from the dormitories. I was completely alone as I moved to the secret place I had found a week after the students started to target me. I didn’t want my car to get destroyed, so I spent all my free time scouring the grounds near the school for a place to hide it away from the others.

                There, I opened the door and shoved my bag into the passenger seat as I settled in behind the wheel. Once closed within, I glanced at my reflection in the rearview mirror and sighed. It took a moment before I put my keys into the ignition and let the engine roar to life.

                After I had been driving for a while, I had soon come upon a smaller suburb of the city. It was cute and something about it was slightly comforting. It seemed like it was the perfect place where I could spend time to take a load off of my shoulders. Without a second thought, I was soon parked and standing on the sidewalk. Across the road from where I stood was a small barbershop. Unknowingly, I was drawn to it—to the idea that I should change something. And what would be better than to change my hair in some drastic way? Before I could change my mind, I crossed the road and entered the little shop.

                “Welcome!” a woman greeted, rushing up to me. The inside of the shop was so small that there was only enough room for one chair. But it was cozy that way.

                “Hello,” I quietly greeted in return. Smiling warmly, the woman gestured toward the chair. Bowing my head ever so slightly, I moved to go sit.

                “So what did you want me to do today?” she questioned while I settled.

                “I don’t know…” I muttered. “I want something…different?”

                “As in really different? Or just slightly different?”

                “Really different.”

                “Have you ever colored your hair?” the woman asked while taking a hold of my long black ponytail.

After thinking for a second, I shook my head. Nodding in return, the woman dropped her grasp on my hair and disappeared. It wasn’t long before she returned with some supplies in hand. One was a pair of scissors, another a squirt bottle, and the other was a bowl filled with something I didn’t know.

                “I think it would be fun to cut your hair short and then color it. Is that okay?”

                “Yes, that’s fine.”

                “Great!” the woman gleamed and then set the supplies aside on a small stand. With that, she took out my ponytail and set to work. “Why do you want to look different?” she asked after she had been working for a little while.

                “Yes?” I questioned, shocked out of the silence I had fallen into. “Oh. Well, it’s a long story.”

                “Ah, I see,” she whispered. “You seem like you have a lot of worries,” she went on.

                “Doesn’t everybody?” I sighed.

                “Yes, but you’re so pretty. A pretty girl like you shouldn’t hold that many worries on your shoulders.”

                “Ah, well, I don’t think I can help it at the moment.”

                “Sometimes, as humans, we can’t help but worry. Do you know what I like to do when I feel overwhelmed with such emotions?”


                “I like to eat,” she laughed. Smiling, I watched in the mirror as my long hair fell away. “If you want, I can direct you to my favorite place to go once we’re done. You seem like you haven’t eaten a good meal in a while.”

                “I would love that,” I sighed.

                A couple of hours passed and she was finally done. It had been a matter of hours and I had been transformed completely into someone I didn’t know. Someone who looked like she could handle what life brought her way after the decisions she made. Someone who didn’t mind that she was a “parachute” or bullied for it.

                The corners of my mouth tugged up at the idea. It was that thought that made me realize that I wanted to become a person who didn’t want to be defined by what others thought of me. And it was that thought that made me realize that I wanted to find out how I could be that person.

                “So where’s that restaurant?” I questioned as I finished paying. As if she was waiting for such a question, the lady pulled out the business card and offered it to me with both hands. Accepting with a slight bow, I scanned it over.

                “Take care,” the woman called as I turned to leave. Bowing once more, I quickly exited and rushed to my car. I didn’t know what I would do in the long run, but what I did know was that I wanted to go to that café. I wanted to go so badly that my heart depended on it. And maybe that was what I should do at the moment. I needed to take life one step at a time until I get a better understanding of what I was destined to become.



Author's Note:

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you guys know that I absolutely love each and every one of you! Especially since you're so awesome that you decided to come and read this story of mine! I want to give those of you who subscribed a HUGE thank you! Along with the commenters! Those just made my day when I read them! Seriously! I don't know about other writers, but even just one comment, or one subscriber just makes me feel all warm inside. I don't know how to describe it. But thank you once more and I hope you're enjoying it! I'm sorry if you didn't want the story to be in different point's of view. Like I said, I'm trying something new. All of the girls are main characters. I can't just choose one, so they're all going to tell the story! :D So keep reading! Let's see where this story will take both of us! ^_^ Much love and cookies and all the awesome things in the world sent your way~




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Chapter 2: So glad I found a really good f(x)-centric story. :)
Now I'm really curious on how everyone meets.
Squiggles #2
Chapter 1: D'aww Jessica is really sweet towards Krystal, sacrificing herself to protect her sis. But the father seriously... ugh. Disgusting. And wow she met Amber and Luna!!! \O/
Amblhama #3
Chapter 1: Oh,Luna my angel *w*
Chapter 1: Aw~ i almost thought jess hate her. But no, she actually did it for her safety.....
I love this!
Tinski_Llama #5
Chapter 1: Do you write kryber fic?
Tinski_Llama #6
This is great!..please continue writing author!.