Four People, One Big City

Kai couldn't take this anymore. His heart couldn't, or wouldn't tolerate anymore heart breaks. Where had everyone that was precious to him gone?


Oh yeah, they had left him for someone better.

Now here was Chanyeol, telling him that he loved Byun Baekhyun.


Kai rushed home with tears in his eyes. He threw himself on his bed and sobbed into his pillow. Who was he kidding? Chanyeol obviously didn’t like him. They only had been good friends for one month.


But, wait.


Chanyeol had just met Baekhyun yesterday. The one day he was gone. Very convenient. How exactly did they meet? And what did they do?


The dark haired boy sighed and just decided to let it go. Let it go! Let it GO! Can’t hold it back anymoOore (a/a = author apology): sorry, just had to).


He decided to move on. It was only a teenage crush, nothing big right? Even though it was only his first one. ARrgghhh. That night was full of restless rolling and fidgeting before Kai finally fell asleep.


The next day, when Chanyeol greeted the waiter, Kai barely acknowledged him. Chanyeol stood there wondering what exactly had happened that had caused the boy to be in such a depressing state.


The tanned boy hurriedly got changed and proceeded to serve the customers. He decided to go back to his old ways for comfort, flirting and being the playboy. It didn’t help, at all.


Baekhyun and Kyungsoo had decided to go to the cafe again. Actually, it was more of "Baekhyun forcing Kyungsoo to go back to the cafe". Not that the black haired boy didn't enjoy it, he was just always tired.


When Kyungsoo stepped into the cafe; he noticed a guy in his early twenties, flirting with the ladies. Ugh. Kyungsoo hated playboys.


That waiter hadn't been there yesterday. They locked gazes with each other for a second, before Kyungsoo broke it. He followed Baekhyun to meet the person the brunette had been raving about last night.


"Hey Baekhyun!" chirped the cashier. Kyungsoo shot a glance at the new person. He was a shy person around new people. He preferred to observe, and then talk.


"Oh hey Chanyeol! I brought my friend with me today! His name is Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun had become much more confident when speaking to the cashier.


"Yah, Byun Baekhyun, I can speak for myself you know!" Kyungsoo said jokingly. He looked over at Chanyeol.


"It's nice to meet you, Chanyeol-sshi," he bowed slightly.


Chanyeol waved it off. "There's no need for formalities," he smiled.


Chanyeol and Kyungsoo got to know each other better over the course of five minutes. Listening to the way they talked to each other, anyone could have imagined that they had been best friends for years. Kyungsoo realized Chanyeol was a really great person, despite his craziness. That is, until Chanyeol decided to call a certain someone over.


"AYO Kai!!!!!!!" Chanyeol yelled across the shop. "Come over here now!!!!!!!!"


Kai obliged and slowly made his way towards Chanyeol, who was standing there with the known as Baekhyun and-


Hold on, there was someone else. He had wide, innocent eyes and cute heart shaped lips. In that moment, Kai decided the male was the epitome of perfection. Kai needed that boy to help him forget Chanyeol. Kai had found his new distraction.


Kyungsoo eyed the boy Chanyeol had called Kai. He was the same person he had seen earlier. That playboy at the table. He really didn't want to meet him.


"Hey, Chanyeol," Kai started, "What's up?"


"I want you to meet Kyungsoo, he's friends with Baekhyun."


Kyungsoo looked up at Kai. Why was he so damn short compared to the waiter? Stupid genetics.


"Nice to meet you Kai," he smiled politely. Kyungsoo was surprised. He had managed to choke out a few words to someone he disliked.


Kai didn't reply. Instead, he stared at the floor, suddenly interested in the decorative tiles.


"He's really shy Kyungsoo. I'd be surprised if he initiated conversation during the first meeting," Chanyeol informed.


Kai took Chanyeol's words to heart. He couldn't afford to lose another person he liked. His first distraction had already slipped out of his grasp. Despite what his parents said, he had to talk.


Kyungsoo observed the tanned boy. It looked as if he was struggling. Not struggling to talk though. Kyungsoo felt as if Kai was struggling with himself.


However, he shrugged it off. It was probably girlfriend troubles. Kyungsoo didn't need to waste time worrying over something like that.


Kai finally spoke up.


"It's n-nice to m-meet you" he stuttered.


Kyungsoo was in awe. Not the "you just did something amazing" type though. How was this playboy stuttering? He had just witnessed Kai talking with numerous girls, without one single s-s-stut-tter.


How in the world was this possible? Playboys don't suddenly transform into shy guys. It just didn't follow the laws of the universe. Playboys get the girls. Others just live in jealousy.


However, this behavior was somehow familiar to Kyungsoo. It was like what happened before. A memory flashed in Kyungsoo's mind. Cute stutters and subtle glances. No way was he falling for that again.


Kyungsoo needed to put up a wall. No more heartbreak. He was done with it. When he was around genuine friends, he took the wall down. But a certain playboy seemed to have crawled into his territory. Time to defend.


Kai was standing there waiting for the wide eyed boy to respond.


Kyungsoo thoughts continued to swirl around his head. The tension in the air was apparent. It became awkward, with no one willing to shatter the silence.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol watched as Kai and Kyungsoo squirmed in nervousness. Neither was speaking, which was driving their best friends insane.


Kai stared at Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo stared at Chanyeol.


Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun.


Baekhyun stared at the scene that was unfolding in front of him.


Trust Kyungsoo to make this the worst day possible. Baekhyun wasn’t trying to be mean. It's just that Kyungsoo would become expressionless at times.


Baekhyun understood why, but Kyungsoo should still make an effort and speak with people. It wasn't as if everybody in the world was out to get him.


The owl eyed boy, suddenly surrounded with too many floods of memories, desperately wanted to get out of the cafe. The place was suffocating, and it reminded him too much of what had happened before. He tried to calm himself down, but his attempts were futile.


Kyungsoo was reliving the past in his head, and it wasn't helping with the current situation. The pain and the sorrow were too much to hold in. He attempted to stifle a whimper, but it just ended up making more noise.


Everyone turned to stare at him. Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo worriedly. The glazed over eyes symbolized pure terror. They screamed for someone to save him.


"I'm gonna take him out of here," Baekhyun whispered to Chanyeol. Chanyeol nodded. He didn't know why Kyungsoo was acting this way, but it was clear that Kyungsoo was too vulnerable at the moment.


Kai and Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun took Kyungsoo's hand and led them out of the cafe. Kyungsoo was visibly trembling as he walked out.


Kai was beginning to have second thoughts. Something bad had happened to Kyungsoo. He didn't know if it was comparable to him, but it still had made a huge impact. If Kai used Kyungsoo as a distraction, would he just hurt the boy more?

A/N: Hey readers! So chapter 4 is up now! I hope it was ok......Anyways, the plot (what plot?) is just starting to develop. This author has lots planned. Cake and I are working pretty hard with the next chapters. Get ready for more!
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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 22: I really enjoy ur story...hope u update soon...peace:
Chapter 21: Can't help but wonder… Is Sehun making an entrance soon? It'll interesting to see! ^^
Kevinlover123 #3
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: omg Baeksoo kiss <3 lol the otps kisses would've have been sooo awkward
Chapter 20: O_O ermagosh
Chapter 18: OMG I LOVE THIS FANFIC<3 shoot me. (not literally)
LoveloveloveExo #6
Chapter 16: Owww *^* Maybe debut of Xiuchen? *^* Please update soon....Can't wait the next chapter *^* love love love ;)
SoshiFan313 #7
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The dog!!
Chapter 13: I love this story! More kaisoo please:) looking forward to your next update :D
SoshiFan313 #9
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: HAHAHA poor Kai.