Four People, One Big City

The draft. The stupid draft coming from the air conditioner. It blew throughout the room like the breath of a blizzard, even though it was summer. One figure shivered, indistinguishable in the dark.

Kai woke up coughing. His body was cold to touch and his eyes were crusted. His nose was red and full of snot. He couldn’t breath properly. Kai shook Chanyeol awake, ”I dbtink I ave a cold or thomething. I dan’t preath broperly, and I’m sthiivering.” 

Chanyeol rolled his eyes. Kai got sick very easily, “I’ll go wake Baekhyun and Kyungsoo up and tell them about your cold.”

The giant got up and dragged himself over to the sleeping pair’s shared room.

 Kai curled up in his blanket, trying to preserve body warmth. He glanced up at Chen. The troll was sound asleep, droll peeking just slightly out of his mouth. 

“You have a COLD?” Baekhyun rushed over with extra blankets. Kai thanked Baekhyun before wrapping himself up in a cocoon. He resembled a caterpillar, wriggling in the sheets.

"I'll tell Kyungsoo to get some medicine, ok?" Baekhyun told Kai worriedly. 

Kai nodded his head feverishly. 

"Yah! Do Kyungsoo! Go get the medicine now!"

A very grumpy voice responded.

"Why? I'm trying to sleep here!"

"Just get the damn medicine! Kai's sick!"

There was a thumping of footsteps down the hall, and there appeared Kyungsoo, carrying some cold medicine. 

"Here." He tossed it to Baekhyun, who just barely caught it.

"Uhhhh, the thing is, I don't know how to administer this."

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and groaned. Stupid Baek. He grabbed the medicine back and went to the kitchen. He came back with a glass of water, and a small cup of purple liquid.

He walked over to the lump of blankets, and pried Kai's hands out.

"Drink this." He handed the cup of medicine over. "And then this." The glass of water was put into the sick patient's trembling hands.

Kai downed them gratefully. 

"Thank you." He said, hoping for some response.

However, Kyungsoo fell short of his expectation. He gave a simple shrug of the shoulders and walked off to the bedroom. Baekhyun shot Kai a sympathetic glance. Chanyeol rose up, "I have to work at the cafe today."

Baekhyun bounced up,"I'll go with you. Chen you should come too. Kyungsoo, could you stay and take care of Kai?" He shot a wink to Kai and mouthed "go get him tiger."

Kai attempted a feeble smile. A groan could be heard from the other room. Baekhyun dragged Chen off the couch and he landed with a thump,"We'll see you guys in a bit."

The door slammed shut leaving Kyungsoo to nurse a sick Kai back to health. Now that Kai had actually been left alone with Kyungsoo, he wasn't sure how to "go get him." It worked out pretty well in his head, after Baekhyun said it, but now not so much. 

Surprisingly, Kyungsoo started the conversation,"Hey, Kai, I have a favor."

Kai's eyes widened, enough to rival the doe eyes in front of him. Was Kyungsoo going to finally stop denying everything that came out of Kai's mouth? Nah, that was too big of a step.

"Could....could you not mention yesterday to anyone else?" The quiet words escaped Kyungsoo's mouth, and Kai fervently nodded his head. Wait. He had already mentioned it to Chen. Oh well. :P

"Of course! Anything to make you happy." Kai gained a sudden rush of confidence to push these daring words out. Kyungsoo lowered his head. A blush crept up his face, and his ears were tinted a light shade of pink. Kyungsoo stole a glance at Kai who shot him a gleaming smile.

"Okay...just call me if you need anything," Kyungsoo left to his room, embarrassed. 

Chanyeol tied the apron around his waist, then fit the hat snugly on his head. Baekhyun stood leaning on the other side of the counter, chin propped in his hand. Chen on the other hand was back in the kitchen brewing coffee, he learned how to from Xiumin. However, it didn't taste as good as Xiumin's. In fact, the coffee Chen made was horrible. A surprisingly good beginning taste, a quite pungent middle taste and scorching after taste. Let's just say that this coffee was made for Chen.

Baekhyun drummed his fingers on the counter, bored, "Hey Chanyeol, can you make me a frappucino?"

Chanyeol didn't hesitate before answering, "Of course! On the house!

Chanyeol bustled over and began making Baekhyun's favorite flavor frappucino. He had remembered from their previous chats. He was in deep love now. He had remembered Baekhyun’s favorite flavor frappucino. 

Chen watched the conversation from inside the coffee brewing area. His matchmaking was going well for one half of the couples. Now, what was going on with Kai and The Soo. A call to Kyungsoo wouldn't hurt right?

Chen pulled up his contacts list and found Kyungsoo's number, which was put under the name The Soo. No matter how serious he could be, a troll is always a troll. 

Kyungsoo picked up and the first sound that reached Chen’s ears was pitiful crying. 

It calmed down a little, and then started once more. 

Ragged breaths could be heard over the phone. Chen blinked. He hadn't expected this to happen. A panic attack already? It was simply too soon. The shallow breaths quickly escalated to heavy pants.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" Chen was frantic.

"It's K-Kai."

"Did he do anything to you?" Chen was already scrambling into his jacket, "I'll be there in a minute."

"No, no, no. I have everything under control. Just.....give me a minute."

Chen waited for his friend to finish his self-therapy. He heard low murmurs from his phone.

"It's ok. He's not here. Breathe.”


Chen hung up the phone, knowing Kyungsoo could handle himself. 

He continued to spy on the last minute puppy buyer and the giant tree. Their relationship was blooming beautifully. Matchmaker Chen was on the right track. 

In the apartment, Kai was sitting on the couch huddled in blankets, while watching useless junk on the TV. A commercial for slippers, a show about polar bears, and a video of a cat falling into a pool. Under normal circumstance, he would’ve found them slightly entertaining, but being alone with Kyungsoo was consuming all his thoughts. How was he going to have a normal, everyday conversation with him? How was he going to approach Kyungsoo? How was he going to get a few syllables out of his own mouth? Too many things to think about in one morning, while he was sick.

Miraculously, Kyungsoo walked out of his room, with slightly puffy and red eyes. Should he question it? No, that wasn’t a smart idea.

“So, what do you want for breakfast?” Kyungsoo said shakily. He walked over to the kitchen counter and looked over his shoulder at Kai.

“Umm, anything is fine I guess. Just something warm.”

“Something warm. Ok…… about oatmeal?”

“Sure I guess.”

And with that, Kyungsoo began his breakfast making journey (even though it was just simple oatmeal). Kai observed, in a non stalkerish way, and he decided he enjoyed the cooking Kyungsoo. This Kyungsoo was humming a tune and his eyes lit up. Interesting, Kyungsoo likes to cook. Noted, Kai thought.

Kyungsoo pulled a ladle overflowing with the gray, dense oatmeal and dumped it into a china bowl. It looked unappetizing. Kai scrunched his nose in disgust, but quickly became stoic again when Kyungsoo whipped around, a smile adorning his face. Woah. First time it was actually pointed at Kai, and he stared in awe. Kyungsoo was actually happy. It was such a huge change from the normally blank faced stare that Kai jumped up and cheered. If only he wasn’t so sick. Instead, he ended up falling over and knocked a good sized bruise on to his temple.


Kyungsoo placed the bowl in front of Kai. The sick boy smiled up in appreciation. He looked a bit funny wrapped up in a bundle of fleece blankets along with a bag of ice nesting on his head. Kyungsoo simply rolled his eyes, and pointed to the bowl, “Eat.”

Kai picked up the spoon. He twirled it around in his fingers eyes settling unwillingly on the gray mush. He honestly didn’t want to eat it, even if it was made by Kyungsoo. The little flakes drifted on the bleak mix of slime and goo. Revolting.

Kyungsoo noticed Kai’s hesitation and pulled the spoon out of the pale hands.

“Come on. Eat up now, you must be hungry,” Kyungsoo feigned ignorance, pretending that he was unaware of Kai’s lack of enthusiasm for his food. 

“You know what? I’m not that hungry anymore. Actually, I feel like throwing up,” Kai desperately attempted to make up an excuse, but Kyungsoo saw right through it.

“But Kai~ I made this just for you,” Kyungsoo pouted.

“Yeah. About that, I’m actually allergic to oatmeal due to certain medical issues concerning the fact that I’m glucose intolerant as well as allergies to food that looks like it was made from mud.”

What exactly impelled Kai to say such monstrosities to his beloved Kyungsoo? Well it was either a burst of confidence or the fact that he was nervous to the point that he allowed his tongue to slip.

“What did you just say?” Fire eyes. Not a good sign. Kai looked for the right words to cover up his mistake.

“Um. I said your oatmeal looks like mUUUUShroooomssss………?” Da just came out of his mouth?

The next thing he knew, a spoon was jammed down his throat, gagging him. He flailed his arms, the blankets fell to the ground.


Kai had tears spilling from his eyes. The spoon was really causing his gag reflex to kick in, choking him.

“I’m….thorry,” He managed to garble out.

“You should be.” Kyungsoo grumbled, and continued to empty the bowl into Kai’s stomach.

Once the bowl was completely devoid of any oatmeal, Kai sat down on the couch, his stomach full from the food that was shoveled down his unsuspecting mouth. Unsurprisingly, he began to think about Kyungsoo. There was so much to learn about the angelic looking boy. Why did he have panic attacks? Why was he so cold? Why did Kyungsoo not like him? Why was he so erratic? He only insulted his cooking once. Maybe that wasn’t the reason.

“Hey Kyungsoo.”

Said boy perked up from washing the bowls from this morning’s breakfast. 


“Oh, you answer me now!”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I could always talk.”

Kai mentally slapped himself. Ooops. He already made himself look like an idiot. 

“So,” Kai began, “Uhhh, what do you want to do?”

“Kai, you’re sick. You can’t go anywhere or your condition will get worse.”

“Ohh yeah. I forgot about that.” Kai sneezed. 

“See? Now, stay there and I’ll get some medicine.”

As Kyungsoo walked out of sight, Kai did a fist pump. Yes! Kyungsoo was finally talking to him! Score!

He quickly repositioned himself when Kyungsoo walked in with the cup of purple liquid. Kai quickly took it, remembering the oatmeal from before. It was probably better to drink it himself. 

 “Thanks. The medicine kinda helps. I guess.”

“Y-y-your welcome.” Kyungsoo stuttered. 

Kai was getting Kyungsoo to open up more. Big accomplishment, considering Kyungsoo had despised him, and probably still reserved a little hatred for him. But nonetheless, Kai felt like he was finally getting somewhere. It had only taken him two months or so. Another two months and Kyungsoo and him could have, wait for it, longer conversations! Gasp!

Kai could just imagine it. Him and Kyungsoo together. Holding hands, sharing walks, laughing. And even though Kai was extremely sick, he found the sense to smile in his happiness. 

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 22: I really enjoy ur story...hope u update soon...peace:
Chapter 21: Can't help but wonder… Is Sehun making an entrance soon? It'll interesting to see! ^^
Kevinlover123 #3
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: omg Baeksoo kiss <3 lol the otps kisses would've have been sooo awkward
Chapter 20: O_O ermagosh
Chapter 18: OMG I LOVE THIS FANFIC<3 shoot me. (not literally)
LoveloveloveExo #6
Chapter 16: Owww *^* Maybe debut of Xiuchen? *^* Please update soon....Can't wait the next chapter *^* love love love ;)
SoshiFan313 #7
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The dog!!
Chapter 13: I love this story! More kaisoo please:) looking forward to your next update :D
SoshiFan313 #9
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: HAHAHA poor Kai.