
The Fault In Our Stars

It's finally our day off after our hectic schedules with our concert and variety shows mixed together along with the Kris hyung's lawsuit and Baekhyun hyung's scandal. Everything has really taken a toll on me and I'm just tired. I haven't spent that much time with my princess, cough, I mean dancing machine. That's right ladies and gentlemen, I, Oh Sehun is dating Exo's one and only dancing machine. Jealous? You probably are. Speaking of our day off, I've wanted to take Jongin to a film he's wanted to watch for a while now. The fault in our sky? No what was it? Ah yes. The fault in our stars. Jongin has been telling me how he really wants to watch it but never got the time to, so being the amazing boyfriend I am, I will take him to watch it. He will be thrilled. I checked the time it will be showing in the cinema's website and made a mental note to get ready an hour before the film starts. I turned my laptop off and made my way towards Jongin's bed. I pushed him to the side gently and wrapped my arms around his waist while putting his head in my chest. I kissed his forehead before catching up on some sleep.

I don't know what time it was but I was woken up when I felt someone hitting me with something. I told the person to go away and pulled Jongin closer to me but the person just kept hitting me. I opened my eyes and glared at the person who just so happens to be Kyungsoo hyung. He was hitting me with a spatula while wearing a pink apron. He gave me a death glare and continued to hit me. I tried protecting myself with my arm but it was no use. 

"Hyung stop it!" I growled but he just gave me a death glare.

"Why the hell are you in my baby Jonginnie's bed? And without a shirt on?! Oh Sehun I swear down if you try to do anything to my poor innocent baby then you won't live to see another day. Now get out of Jonginnie's bed so I can ask him what he wants for breakfast." Kyungsoo hyung said and stopped hitting me. I rolled my eyes at him as Jongin snuggled closer to me. If only he knew that his 'innocent baby' wasn't so innocent at all. 

"Yah hyung. You can't do that to me. I'm the maknae remember? Plus I know what he wants for breakfast." I said. 

"Maknae my ." Kyungsoo hyung muttered while rolling his eyes. "And what does he want?"

"More like who." I replied smirking at him. His eyes widened even more and I just chuckled. "He wants me for breakfast." And just with that said, he started hitting me again. Jongin squirmed in my arms and opened his eyes. He looked at me then to Kyungsoo hyung then to the spatula in Kyungsoo hyung's hand then back at me again. He chuckled cutely and kissed my cheek and muttering a silent good morning.

"Kyungie hyung, please stop that. I don't want my Sehunnie to have bruises because you keep on hurting him." Jongin said cutely and Kyungsoo hyung stopped. He sighed before smiling sweetly at Jongin. 

"Go get ready Jongin. We're going to have breakfast." Kyungsoo hyung said sweetly. The way he said it made me want to puke. Wow, he really is a devil in disguise. 

"Actually hyung, Jongin and I aren't going to have breakfast because we're going out." I said making Kyungsoo hyung raise an eyebrow and Jongin sit up.

"We are?" Jongin asked and I nodded.

"We're going to watch that film you've always wanted to see." I told him and his eyes lit up straight away. He jumped on top of me and hugged me while burying his face in the crook of my neck. 

"Thanks Sehunnie! You're the best! I didn't think I'll ever get to see The fault in our stars because of our schedules." he exclaimed and hugged me tighter. I looked at the clock in the wall and realised we only have 2 hours to get ready.

"Babe I think we should get ready now. The film starts in 2 hours." I told him and he just nodded and kissed me in the cheek before skipping out of the room dragging Kyungsoo hyung with him. I just chuckled at his cute actions before getting my clothes ready.

After being ready and having to listen to Kyungsoo hyung giving Jongin his usual 'If Sehun decides to do something to Jongin' speech we finally arrived at the cinema just in time to buy the tickets and popcorn. We sat at the very back and thank goodness nobody recognised us. I had my arm around Jongin's shoulders while he had his eyes glued to the screen. The movie is about to start so I turned my gaze to the screen. Turns out this film is not that good in my opinion. I got bored and ended up falling asleep when the girl who's name I forgot and the guy who's name I also forgot were in this country. When I woke up, I looked at Jongin and saw that he was crying. I sat up straight away and turned Jongin to face me while wiping his tears away.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked and he just sniffed. I looked around and noticed that the cinema is nearly empty and the credits were rolling. 

"He died. I can't believe it. I should've listened to Luhan hyung when he said this movie is sad." Jongin said and I sighed in relief. Thank goodness it was nothing serious. 

"Gosh Jongin. You scared me. I thought something bad happened." 

"Something bad did happen. He died!"


"Oh my gosh Sehun. Were you even watching?" 

"Uh yeah?" 

"Liar. Then tell me what happens." 

"Uh. Well. The girl uh Grace falls in love with a guy call August. Then they go to Amsterdam and live happily ever after?" 

"Really Sehun? Really? You are unbelievable. How can you say that they lived happily ever after when Gus died? How can you not get their names right? It's Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters. Gosh Sehun." 

"Okay okay. You don't need to get mad okay? It's just a film. Plus you're acting like such a girl. If the fans know that the y and manly dancing machine Kim Jongin is actually like a teenage girl then they'd be quite shocked." I . Jongin stopped crying and he crossed his arms across his chest. 

"I am not like a teenage girl. I am manly because I'm a man."

"I think you're spending too much time with Luhan hyung." 

"Shut up." 

"You're cute Jonginnie." 

"I'm not cute! I'm manly!"

"Now you're starting to sound like Taemin sunbae."

"No I don't. Now let's go. I'm hungry."

"Okay princess." I said and he glared at me before getting his belongings and walking out of the cinema, leaving me behind. I chuckled at his cuteness before standing up and walking towards to exit. This is why I am the man in the relationship. Jongin may look manly but he's such a girl on the inside. He doesn't show it to anyone else apart from the members and SHINee since he's quite close to them as well. Even though I slept through most part of the film, it was quite interesting in the beginning. Also, I don't think this would be the last time I'd be watching this film because I know that Jongin would want to watch it again since he seemed to love it. I stopped in my tracks and my eyes widened at the realisation that I might have to sit in the cinema watching the film all over again because I can never say no to Jongin. Oh man. I'm screwed.

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Chapter 1: LOL I know how you feel SeHunnie, I hate those kind of movies too haha
They are so boring ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
JongIn is a cutie pie tho <3
Chapter 1: Hahahaha awsm story luv it!!!!!