Chapter 1: Leaving you guys

There Is No More 'Us'


( back in 2008)


Jaejoong, Junsu and Micky is discussing about if they should tell Yunho and Changmin to leave with them.  But Jaejoong know the consequences if they left the company,


 So he told the 2 members, " i don't we should tell Yunho and Changmin to go with us. Junsu didn't say anything because he knows that his hyung is doing the right choice, but Micky replied to Jaejoong," hyung why cant we tell them, they are our brothers! 


Jaejoong sighed, and answered," that is the reason that we shouldn't tell them to leave with us,  the consequences of suing SM Entertainment is really bad, and I don't want them to suffer with us, its our choice to sue them, so we need have to responsible. 


Then the 3 of them became silent because they don't have anything to say but to think of the consequences of suing SM Entertainment.


Minutes past, Junsu asked," hyung, if we are leaving without them, do you think we will survive without them, we are together for like 9 years already, in my view, we can't survive without them.


Micky then said," Junsu is right, we can't survive without Yunho hyung and changmin, they are our  beloved brothers and we have been in so much pain and 5 of us have over-gained the hardships, and we can definitely push this battle with them. 


Jaejoong didn't say anything, just stared at the photos on the wall, in the photo, it shows that 5 of the members has a smile on their faces, but now they are like faking a smile to make their fans happy and they won't worry about. 


And he replied the 2 questions of his 2 members," Junsu, yes you are right, we can't  survive without them, they are aport of me, but think about it if Yunho and Changmin left with us, Lee Soo-man will blame Yunho about this, and for Changmin is really young and I don't want him to have experienced this situation, and Micky, yes we have been so much of hardship in the past years but this is like a war that can never end, do you want 5 people to suffer, isn't the best thing is 3 out of us suffer but not them, and they haven't done anything wrong, it's us that made this thing, and this is the best way to end pain between us, do you know Micky?


Junsu and Micky is crying softly and Jaejoong wants to cry but he can't, because he the oldest, and he needs to protect them, Junsu said," Jaejoong hyung, i will listen to you but, don't you think Yunho hyung and Changmin will hate us because of leaving them and what if they forget us and the memories have been through, i don't want that to happen. And Junsu didn't say anything afterwards, Micky then ask Jaejoong,'' Hyung, when are we leaving? Jaejoong signed because he knows that they will asked him that, he then answered them," Junsu, I don't want that to happen too but Yunho and Changmin have their choices to hate us because they will think we betrayed them but think positive,they having a good future in SM Entertainment and Micky, i don't want to say this, but i don't have a choice, we are leaving tonight. 


Jaejoong then get a letter and he wrote the letter to Yunho and Changmin, inside of the letter, only said sorry and have a good future without us. He walk out of the room and he put the letter in the main table of the house, and he told Junsu and Micky ," we should pick our stuffs and go until Yunho and Changmin comes back. Half an hour had past, and they are ready to leave the place that they don't belong to anymore, Jaejoong, Junsu and Micky said, goodbye to the house that they used to live in. Jaejoong closed the door, 


When Yunho and Changmin came back to their house, the house was silent, dark, cold, and weird. Changmin went to Jaejoong, Junsu and Micky rooms, but they were both empty, so he ran to tell Yunho," Hyung, where did they go. But Yunho didn't say anything, he was crying, he was holding the letter that Jaejoong wrote to them, then Changmin reads the letter. He was shocked, and he asked his hyung," this is not real right hyung ! They won't leave us noway and Changmin cried. Yunho just stood there and tears were flowing inside of his eyes but he didn't say anything.


Minutes past, Changmin was still crying, he was inside of his room but Yunho was standing in front of Jaejoong, Junsu and Micky's room and softly said," why did you guys leave for, didn't we promise each other to never leave each other huh? Why did u guys became so greedy for huh? You guys had changed, you will regret leaving us and leaving TVXQ, 

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