
Playing Cupid

“Do you think they suit each other?” Dara asked in a low tone as she rested her head on Youngbae’s shoulder and blinked her doe eyes at him searching for approval.

Youngbae stifled a short, amused laugh as he looked at the subjects of Dara’s question from across his roomy lounge. Chaerin and Jiyong were sat in the couch, both deeply engaged in a conversation about a vintage clothes shop Jiyong found in Harajuku when he visited a few days ago. “Yeah, they could totally be a couple”

Dara’s face lit up, “They’re beautiful together, right?” she asked excitedly.

“They’re alright, I suppose” Youngbae shrugged.

“Alright? They’re perfect for each other!”

“I get where you’re coming from. It would be nice if they got together. I mean, they have tons in common and both of them have been single for too long. But I don’t think they see each other that way” Youngbae dismissed.

“For now, that is” Youngbae raised his brows upon sensing a bit of deviousness in Dara’s voice. He watched as her soft expression stiffened ever so slightly in determination.

“Dara, what are you thinking of doing? Their dating life is none of our business…”

“What? Nothing! I’m not gonna do anything” Dara waved her hand.

“Dara….” Youngbae squinted his eyes in disbelief.

“Look, I’m not gonna force them to date each other. That’s manipulative…and wrong…” she reasoned defensively.

Youngbae looked at her suspiciously, “Then what’s with the face? It seems as if you already have something planned. Like I said, their dating life -”

“Is none of our business, I know! Sheesh, grandpa. I’m just going to make them realise that they’re perfect for each other!

 “…In utmost subtlety” she added. “I’m not gonna ask them to date each other straightforwardly…”

“How are you gonna do that?”


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dotsuu #1
Chapter 1: ooohh i cant wait to find out what Dara is going to do ! update soon !
scissorslee #2
Chapter 1: ★-★ UPDATE PLEEEAAAASE ★-★
Queenchae #3
Please update next chapter soon ^o^
i like it!!