Death God Apprentice

Black Butterflies Of Death

“You’re a Death God Apprentice. You’re suppose to take life, not save life!!! But what did you do?!?! You save that kid’s life!!! Why did you do that?!?!” A Death God scolded Death God Apprentice # 7184. As Death God Apprentices, they don’t have names. Just numbers. Only when they become a Death God, will they be allowed to have a real name.

“I don’t know.” DGA # 7184 replied honestly. “But the kid had the ability to see people’s deaths. It’ll be such a waste to let the kid die with his abilities.”

“That’s not a reasonable excuse. Do you think you’ve given the kid a favor by saving his life? Do you think that kid will be able to save lives in the future because of his abilities? You’re wrong!!! People with abilities like that are called freaks!!! They’ll never be accepted in society. They’ll be treated as an outcast. It doesn’t help that his mother died from the incident too. This kid will only experience suffering and whose fault is that? YOURS!!!” The fellow DGA was taking deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down.

“I…I didn’t think of that…”

“Don’t start regretting. What’s done is done. You only have to face the consequences now. I passed the test and you didn’t. I’m a Death God now and I’ve taken the name Kibum. It’s sad that my first job as a Death God is to deprive you of yours powers and turn you into human.”

“Is that all?”

“The high level Death Gods had a meeting. They decided to give you a chance. Within ten years, if you manage to kill the kid named Sungmin, you’ll return to being a Death God Apprentice. If you don’t succeed, then you shall go to hell and work there instead. You’ll have no chance of being a Death God and you will not be permitted to visit Heaven.”

“Why 10 years? Why not just 1 day as time limit?”

“Because the humans will get suspicious if the kid will suddenly die in just a few days after the incident. Besides, it won’t exactly be easy for you to find Sungmin without your powers. Remember, you will just be an ordinary human being.”

DGA # 7184 became an ordinary human being named Kim Jongwoon. It took him 9 years and a half to be able to find Sungmin. It’s not like Jongwoon had forgotten about his memories as a Death God Apprentice but he had to pretend that he didn’t know anything so he could get closer to Sungmin. He wondered why he bothered befriending someone who is going to die in his hands anyway. But there was just something in Sungmin that makes him illogical, irrational, inconsistent and defy all the rules.

Everyday was like a push and pull between him and Sungmin. Some days Sungmin would be kind and friendly towards him. Most days Sungmin would ignore him and give him a cold shoulder. He never thought it was hard to gain a friendship because he never needed any friends as a Death God Apprentice.

“What’s this?” Sungmin asked as Jongwoon suddenly slipped a ring on his finger.

“Friendship rings.” Jongwoon showed off his hand, which had the same ring that was on Sungmin’s finger. Unconsciously, Sungmin smiled as he looked at their friendship rings. That was when Jongwoon finally found his reason for befriending Sungmin. He was the reason and the cause of Sungmin’s suffering so now, he wanted to make up for it. He wanted Sungmin to smile and feel happy.

Since Sungmin received the friendship ring from Jongwoon, he never tried to push the other away anymore. Sungmin started to smile a lot, act cute, talk more freely and laugh once in a while. But all these things were only reserved for Jongwoon. “If I die, will you cry for me?” Sungmin suddenly asked and interrupted whatever Jongwoon was currently talking about.

“Huh? Why are you asking that sort of question? It’s such a wonderful day!!! You shouldn’t be thinking of such things.” Jongwoon acted as if he was scolding Sungmin.

“I just thought that since nobody cared for me then nobody would cry for my death. Grandma can’t seem to wait for me to get to college so she could get rid of me from her house. I don’t have any friends because they all seem to be scared of me so naturally, I thought that nobody will shed a tear for my death.” Sungmin smiled bitterly to Jongwoon.

As a Death God Apprentice or any Death God for that matter, they are not allowed to show emotions or shed tears to the person they will kill or take life from. “I don’t know about crying. I’m not the kind pf person who easily cries.” Jongwoon replied honestly. “But if you die, I will be very sad and I will miss you badly.”

Sungmin looked satisfied with Jongwoon’s answered. “I’ll miss you too.” He hugged Jongwoon close and whispered. “I think I’m going to die soon.”

“What makes you say that?” Jongwoon’s human heart was beating fast from the mixed emotions he felt as he hugged back Sungmin.

“Because I have the ability to know that death is near.” Earlier that day Sungmin woke up and did his usual morning daily routine. When he finally got to look at himself at the mirror, he saw a black butterfly above his head.

Jongwoon had enjoyed his time on earth with Sungmin too much that he forgot his time limit was almost up. “You won’t die, Sungmin. I won‘t allow it.” Jongwoon already made up his mind. He would rather be banished and punished to hell than kill Sungmin.

“I can’t avoid death.”

“You avoided death before. You can avoid it again.”

“You can’t keep on protecting me. You can’t keep on saving me. Isn’t that against the rules of a Death God or whatever you are called?”

Jongwoon stared at Sungmin. “You knew?”

“Just because I was just a kid back then, you think that I might not be able to remember this beautiful face of yours?” Sungmin said as he cupped Jongwoon’s face. “I recognized you since you entered the classroom. You also had black butterfly wings sprouting out of your back. However, you pretended to not know anything so I decided to just go with the flow.”

“I wish I could explain but I would be breaking the rules if I do that.” Jongwoon held Sungmin’s hand that was on his cheek. “I already broke the rules when I saved you back then.”

“But if you save me again, you’ll also break the rules right?”

“Only because it’s you. I’ll do anything for you.” Jongwoon closed the distance between them. He was already breaking the rules again by falling in love with Sungmin.

The next day, Sungmin looked at the mirror again. He did not see any black butterfly above his head. He knew that Jongwoon had something to do about it so he tried to look for his best friend or should he say boyfriend? Well, they didn’t really talk about what their relationship had turned to after the kiss they shared. But now is not the time to think about that, he needed to find Jongwoon…but he couldn’t find Jongwoon anywhere.

“Time is up. You’re really a fool for wasting your chance to be a Death God.” Kibum, the Death God, said.

“I know but I don’t regret anything.” DGA # 7184 had a determined look on his face. “I’m ready to face the consequences now.” He closed his eyes. He felt his own powers being returned and the black butterfly wings sprouting out of his back. He snapped his eyes opened in surprise. “What’s the meaning of this?”

“Sungmin saved you this time. He died for you. He committed suicide and successfully did it one minute before the time was up.” Kibum explained. “Why don’t you go and collect his soul? That’s your first job now that you’re back to being a Death God Apprentice. Congratulations and don’t do anything stupid again, okay? I want you to be a Death God the next time we work together.” Kibum said sincerely and disappeared.

DGA # 7184 quickly made his way to Sungmin’s death site. He performed the spell that would release Sungmin’s soul from the body. “Why did you commit suicide?!?!” The question instantly came out from the Death God Apprentice’s mouth.

“I have a lot of reasons for committing suicide.” Sungmin’s spirit retorted. “Because I wanted to correct your past mistake. Because I don’t want you to break the rules again. Because nobody will care if I die. Because Jongwoon is not here anymore.” Sungmin’s ghostly lips touched against DGA # 7184. “Because I can’t go on living without you, Yesung”

DGA # 7184 thought that Sungmin was talking about somebody else until he remembered their conversation years ago. “I shall take that name when I become official a Death God. When I become a Death God, I will be able to visit you in heaven. Until then, wait for me.” He caressed Sungmin’s cheek.

“People who committed suicide won’t be able to go to Heaven.” Yesung knew that the person who suddenly appeared was a Death God Trainer based on the clothes the guy was wearing. “They’ll be isolated at Purgatory for who knows how long? But Sungmin here, has special abilities. I will take him as an apprentice but I have to erase his memories from living.”

“Then I will decline your offer.” Sungmin instantly said.

“No. Don’t make any rash decisions, Sungmin.” Yesung said sternly.

“I don’t want to forget about you.”

“I know but if you successfully become a Death God, you’ll regain your memories. The same goes for me. I love you right now but I don’t know if I’d still feel the same way when I become a Death God and regain my memories from living on Earth. Maybe I loved someone else in the past.”

The words really stung. “So what am I suppose to do?” Tears were welling up on Sungmin’s eyes.

“For now, take his offer and become a Death God Apprentice. We’ll just have to wait and see what the future holds for us once we regain our memories.” Yesung wiped the tears on Sungmin’s cheeks. “But for now, I love you.”

They shared one last kiss before Sungmin’s memories was erased.


A/N: It’s not exactly a happy ending, is it? But it still is in a way and I somehow like it the way it is. ^_^ Please don't ask for a sequel.  Even though I really want to make one, it has been years and I couldn't come up with anything ^^;; Comments please?

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402 streak #1
Chapter 3: beautiful story with a happy ending, worth to read <3
ayawani #2
Chapter 2: “I have a lot of reasons for committing
suicide.” Sungmin’s spirit retorted. “Because I
wanted to correct your past mistake. Because I
don’t want you to break the rules again.
Because nobody will care if I die. Because
Jongwoon is not here anymore.” Sungmin’s
ghostly lips touched against DGA # 7184.
“Because I can’t go on living without you,
Yesung”....TT_TT Sungmin..your reasons..ok,u can die on Yesung if that is your reasons..
Chapter 2: I really liked this!
Chapter 3: What a unique idea! And with the second chapter the plot just thickens! Gah XD So sad, yet hopeful at the same time. Great story! So complex.
CheonByeol #5
Chapter 3: How could I not notice that you finally made the sequel I was waiting for? Gosh, I'm so stupid. And you, you're trolling on us, still with an uncertain ending. XD
Chapter 2: sucha a great story ! omg maybe not happy ending but im totally in love with that history. you really have talent. im your big fan i will read every single your story <3
Chapter 3: good story!! It's match my taste: hehe
Chapter 3: I like it! :) I wonder who's the Cupid Kibum is interested in?