I don't know what to do

What Am I To You?
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"Where's Chanyeol?...he should be here." Luhan said as he crossed his arms over his chest and leant on the side of the sofa. "He's filming Roommate, he said he thinks that he's back tomorrow night." Chen replied. "What are we going to do? He won't come out of his room..." Luhan sighed and fell back onto the  sofa. He rubbed his face in frustration.

The atmosphere turned silent as Luhan, Chen, D.O, and Lay gathered around the living area contemplating what to do about the boy who hid away in his room for the past two days. EXO had a few days to chill with all the news still circulating around and the SM staff basically ordering them to stay low and just get on with their schedules..which means stay at the dorm, don't go out, behave. "I guess we can break down the door..." Lay piped up. Everyone looked at him. "I'm serious. Baekhyun has been a Zombie for the past week and a half. He only comes out for the bathroom and i swear my crisps have gone missing..."

"So has my Chocolate stash." D.O added as he took off his outer shirt and threw on the side of the sofa and sat next to Chen who ran his hand's through his hair. Quietly Suho came strolling into the kitchen and shrugged at the boys. "Any luck, Hyung?" Suho shook his head. "No, you know how he is, he's so stubborn...i tried to get him to come out since Sehun, Tao, Xiumin and Kai have gone to get some food for us, but yeah, he said he wasn't hungry and he'll eat later." Luhan sighed.

"What do we do hyung?" D.O asked. "We can't let him stay in there for god knows how long!" D.O stood up and went to storm towards Baekhyun's door. Suho grabbed D.O's arm. "Kyungsoo..."

"I'm worried."

"We all are...but we can't just start banging on the door, demanding him to come out, he doesn't want to get shouted out- he's been shouted enough by people already."

"what do you mean?" Chen raised his head that was in his hands and turned to face Suho. "What do you mean, hyung? who's been shouting at him?"

Suho sighed and took a seat in the sofa chair. "Look, he didn't want me to tell you guys...hell, he thought i didn't hear anything and pretended everything was fine but i knew..."

"Knew what?" Lay eagerly asked. "At Inkigayo, he got shouted at..a lot. 'fan's' calling him a 'traitor' and all sorts...."

"what. are you serious?" Luhan whispered. "yeah..it was bad guys. like really bad....i looked at him and all i wanted was to get him off stage so i can protect him. Guys, you should've seen his face...he looked broken, hurt...i feel like i couldn't protect him."

"Hyung...." D.O went over to Suho and put a hand on his shoulder. "That little bugger is so strong though, he just did his part but i knew he wasn't himself, i saw Kwanghee tell him to smile on camera because it just wasn't there....i grabbed him after we got off stage and i asked him if he was okay, he just nodded and ran off...i didn't see him until i got home and now stuck in his room." Suho continued

 "He's embarrassed and upset and probably feeling guilty that this has happened but we need to remind him that we are his family and that whatever happens we get through it together, that goes to all of you, He's bottling it up in there and i feel frustrated that he's letting his pride get in the way off that."

"i can't believe that people can be so horrible especially to a person like Baekhyunnie who smiles 24/7, one of the happiest people i know and people that DOES NOT know him can take it away so easily...it makes me so angry." said Chen while closing his hand into a fist. "that's why -"


Sound of the door unlocked and in came some loud maknaes and U-min Hyung. "Did you get the pizza, Hyung?" Tao said Sehun, Kai, Tao and Xiumin came in the front door carrying loads of shopping bags filled with food. The other members got up and helped them and placed them on the table, The slowly started unpacking and placing it in their correct spots.

"The answer to question for the millioneth time, is YES, I got the pizza, 6 boxes of them." Tao grinned. "Well, since we are stuck here for a few days, we had to stock up." Sehun and Kai sneakly did a low five. Suho looked through the bags and grabbed multiple snacks out and looked at Tao. Tao shook his head furiously and pointed at Kai and Sehun. "It was HIS IDEA!" They both pointed at eachother and Sehun slapped Kai's arm. Suho raised an eyebrow. They both raised their hands in surrender. "We got them for Baekhyun Hyung, look, it's his favourite snack."

Suho sighed and threw it back in the bag. "Speaking of Baek, has he come out yet?" Xiumin asked. "Nope." D.O replied. Xiumin slammed the fridge door shut. "that's ridiculous, he can't stay in their forever."

"Well he's attempting to by the looks of things."

"Does anyone know if he's spoken to Taeyeon noona?.." Kai asked cautiously. Everyone shrugged or shook their heads except for Tao.

"I heard him on the phone last night, there was a lot of crying...it was quiet, but he kept apologizing..."

"I don't think she's com

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MimieyPotter #1
oh my godddd.im glad you update..pls update more plsss
Chapter 6: This story is so good please update really soon.
Chapter 6: ;-; me so late but still ... ;-; chapter 6 ... It was like a rush XD ><
Chapter 6: Baek jihye is going to hate you more if you visit her.
MimieyPotter #5
update please...Please !!
MimieyPotter #6
Chapter 2: can you update this please?I love your story.I hope that u can make one of exo members fall for her.Then baekhyun get jeaolus.
MimieyPotter #7
Chapter 5: I need your update I love this story .
MimieyPotter #8
Chapter 5: please update!!PLEASE
Chapter 5: I hope you'll still be updating.... ^^ I read this over and over and is waiting for an update! <3 ^^