Zlp sdrawkcab eltit eht daer.

Sirk fo efil eht

Kris had been fighting SM Ent.s troops all night..
HansolChwe was rescueing some bunch of flowers. 
Suddenly it bumped into JYJ. 
"Whoa I didnt expect to see you here at this mysterious abandoned ancient cavan." 
"Yes I come here every year." 
Suddenly, there was a slow creapy, scary noise.
They stared ahead . 
But they tripped over a deep dark scary Star Of David. 
"oh no You have have been damaged " said HansolChwe. 
"I believe SM Ent. is behind this!"
"He is behind an physco crazy organisation to enslave Htrae." 
By stealing a powerfull deathray and overloading it. 
"can we stop him?" 

Yes, by finding the holy shield of doom. 
In the magical castle , hidden in the ocean of doom , opposite the spatula from nania.
"Come now, Hero, we must find and seak our quest to do!" 
"Indeed thee must hasten to hawk yonder!" 
And with that they left 
"Btw, I think HansolChwes Blah would be better simplier or is that just nonsense?"  said JYP Ent..
"Dunno, but it is ier than some spatulas." replied YG Ent..
"I never thought of that."
"What ARE you talking about?" said Kris.
And they all laughed.

Draco walked past at that moment in his leather pants. He looked depressed.
We are almost there I..I can sense it" 
He walked around, stopping where it hurt the most, turned, and moved forward."You are in great pain, must you do this to yourself?" said sidekick."Yes, I must. I must endure it. I must head towards the pain, its the only way of finding him"
So they proceeded. This went on for sometime. 
They walked about for a bit, stopping outside a tall building. 
"SM Ent.....he is here", said Kris
As they entered, it was bezirely and creepily abandoned. 
A cold wind past, filling them with dread 
"Come on" said Kris
"Right behind you" said HansolChwe bravely steping forward

"Quick! Lets steal some guards uniforms, so we do not arouse suspension." So they knocked some gaurds out that were near the tree. (but none were hurt)    
"Ok, he is sure to be in the big room at the top " said JYJ pressing the correct elivator button 
The elivator went up a few floors. SUDDENLY there was a bang on the roof! 
"look out!" shouted JYP Ent..
And they did. Which is just as well, because seconds later... 
The hatch opened and a couple of ninjas with hand granades ninja leaped down. 
"oh god! What are we going to do!?" said HansolChwe
"We gota think fast" said JYJ.
"I know you dont like violence, Kris, But you have to do this. Do it for me. please.." Said HansolChwe

"Ok, your right, I know we have to fight them" said Kris who did a massive mighty super kirate kick just as the first soldier landed 
 but it missed!. Fortunatly HansolChwe was there to catch Kris. And did a arse kicking ninja kick in return which knocked them unconscious. 




I should stop...BTW the title means the life of kris backwards...

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idgi man