Loving You Always

Pink Ribbon

I'm Sorry Sehun-ah... }



Let me tell you a story about my bestfriend and my lover and how his story inspired me to keep living life without having strings tie you down.

His name was Luhan. He was really understanding and would listen to my troubles. You see he was always happy and very laid-back, and that's what I like about him. Though there's always that one bad thing about each and every person has, though his is not really something that could be helped.

Luhan has a disease, a disease that was rather difficult for doctors to cure and treat. It was already to the point where it would worsen when Luhan grew up. 

To save his life, the doctor had tied a pink ribbon on his left wrist. He told me that it would keep him breathing perfectly and kept healthy. His ribbon was not to be removed at all. It will cause serious harm to Luhan or maybe even worse, death.


I, Oh Sehun promised to be by his side and not let anyone or anything hurt Luhan.



10 years later...


It was when Sehun is a Senior at SM Academy, a prestigious school in South Korea. And Luhan a Sophmore. Even though one is two years older, doesn't mean they won't hang out with eachother. During break and Lunch, the two would always be together. Though good friends has that point where one will start fading away from the other.

It was when Sehun is finishing up his last minute assignments and that Luhan had came over to spend time with his boyfriend. They were both laying down on the bed while Sehun had one elbow prompt up to hold his chin and one hand moving a pencil, scribbling notes and answers.

Luhan was just laying down, looking up at the ceiling playing with his fingers. He never knew that he was too close to Sehun that the elder had nudged him on the side to move away. Luhan pouted and cuddled some more to Sehun. The other put his pencil down and let out an exhausted sigh. "Luhan, I need to finish this last assignment or else I won't be able to graduate..." Sehun scolded Luhan and Luhan simply just turned they other way with a sad expression.

Luhan knew it was important but they hardly had been hanging out together lately and he had miss Sehun's kisses and hugs. There had been a new student came maybe around two months ago and she had been clinging on Sehun this whole time. Her name was Krystal Jung, a transfer from Daejun. Everytime him and Sehun are walking down the hallway together, she would always go in between them an dshove Luhan out and she and Sehun would continue walking and talking.

Luhan had enough patience to not tell the girl off and saying that he's Sehun's boyfriend but sadly he couldn't, he was meerly a sophmore and it would've been really rude to say those things to a elder. So he had to it up and just bare with it till maybe when all the seniors graduate, which was this week friday.

The student body is rushing and finishing up the football field where the ceremony will be held. That also means that Sehun would be rushing and hurrying finishing up his few assignments.

For Sehun it was hard because his history teacher decided to throw a last minute partner project which is due in two days before the ceremony. And if he doesn't turn it in by thursday, he won't be able to go to the ceremony and graduate because he has a D+ in history and this project will atleast bring it up to a passing B+.

Unfortuantly, Krystal is his partner for the project so Sehun would stay in the classroom or the library with Krystal doing the project together.

It kind of made Luhan sad and lonely because throughout his two highschool expierence, Sehun is his only friend. It was hard for Luhan to make friends because of his personality. No, he was not a mean person but he was always shy so he couldn't really approach anybody. Couple of times people had greeted him but it would always be awkward after.


So, in Sehun's room is just quiet. One person who is studying, without acknowledging his lover's presence. And the other, having plenty of thoughts running through his head.


The next day


A normal day in school, other than seniors shouting and fooling around in the hallways, but hey, one more day and no school. But the other kids do, so hahahaha. 

Luhan was just walking to his locker to get his language books but from the corner of his eye, he saw Sehun and non other Krystal. He can't really hate the girl because she hadn't done anything bad to him. So he helplessly stared at them, conversating and laughing together. 'That could be me..' Luhan thought to himself and hurried off to his next class.

Throughout the whole lecture he didn't really pay attention to what his teacher was saying, he already knew all of these anyway. And just a split minute, the bell rang indicating for lunch. All the students rushed out of class to meet friends. While he, slowly packed his belongings and dragged himself to the cantine.

He saw Sehun sitting at their spot already, waiting for him. He waved at Luhan and Luhan smiled back and walked towards the table putting his bag and books down. "So, how was class?" Sehun asked, "It was okay." Luhan replied. And their conversation ended just like that until a certain person came.

"Hi Sehunnie~!!!" Krystal sing-songed and sat right next to Sehun, a little too close. "Hello, Krystal-sshi." Luhan said, "-So Sehun, you wanna come over and hangout?!" Luhan pouted but just shook it off. "I-I uhhh," "Great! Meet me in the front of the school and we'll be off! Seeya later~" and with that Krystal left. "You two got real close huh?" Luhan said with a sheepish grin. "Yeah..." Sehun replied. And soon it got awkward so Luhan just left and went to the school's rooftop and decided to skip the rest of his periods and took a nap.


At home, Luhan took a shower and fixed himself some tea and a book on the living room couch with some music playing in the background. While he was reading, his doorbell rang. "I wonder who that could be..." Luhan put his book down making sure he left it on his page he was still reading on. 

He opened the door revealing Krystal, "Oh Krystal-sshi, what brings you here?" "Just here to tell you, stay away from Sehun alright? He's mine only." With that being said she her heels and walked away. Luhan jsut stood there at the front door re-thinking what she had said to him just now. He only shrugged it off and went back inside.


It was maybe around 9:00pm and his parents were working late, so he decided to go to bed. While he was just getting under the covers, he played with the pink ribbon tied onto his wrist. After a moment, he turned off his lamp and fell into dreamless slumber.




The next morning he got ready to go to Sehun's graduation ceremony. There wasn't school anyway because of this event anyway. He decided to make a letter to Sehun and a present which had a ring.

Once Sehun's name got called up, Luhan was clapping and cheering for Sehun like any bestfriend would do. After that, all the graduates threw their caps in the air and the band started playing those cheerful songs.


There was an after party that all the seniors could go to and they could atleast bring one guest over. Sehun invited Luhan to come and he agreed and got ready before seven. After Sehun picked him up, they headed off to Jongin's place where the after party was being held.


It was when they were in a group playing spin the bottle. It was Krystal's turn and the bottle pointed towards Sehun. Everyone'd ooed amd did whistles. Then they started to chant "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" and before Krystal's and Sehun's lips met, Luhan left the group and left the place as he could not bear it anymore.

Tears cascaded down his flushed cheeks. He found himself in a park, situating himself on the bench. He cried in his hands and thoughts ran through his head.

He didn't notice that there was a group of bad men coming towards his way. "Hello there beautiful~" one of them purred. "How about you come with us and we'll have a good time tonight aye?" "No! Leave me alone! "Ah-uh-ah~ Not today pretty boy". All the men started grabbing Luhan and tearing his clothes apart.

"Sehun! Sehun! Save me!!" Luhan cried out but no one can hear him. Luhan felt something fell and loked down seeing the pink ribbon on the ground. Heavy breathing took toll onto Luhan and just in time Sehun came and beat the living hell out of those men.

"Luhan!? Luhan?" Sehun cried out to his beloved. "S-Sehun...." Luhan whispered as he was nearly dying. Sehun picked up his hand and kissed it and craddled Luhan to his chest. "It's going to b-be alright X=Xiao Lu." Sehun's voice cracked while he kept Luhan close while waiting for help to come.

"I-I Love Y-You Seh-un.." and that being the last breath Luhan had took before god had took him away from Sehun. "I'm sorry for not being t-there for you...love you too, L-Luhan.." Sehun whispered and kissed the cold lips one last time.


I will always love you Sehun.





yayyayayaya im done~ i hoped you liked it!

subscribr, comment and maybe upvote? thanks yeah!!!

1,644 words   



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Chapter 1: Please regret for not being there oh Sehun.
downekim #2
hi! i love this story ^^
tks for writting a beautiful story
would u mind if i translated it in Vietnamese.
I think Hunhan's shippers in VN will love this story as much as I.
Looking forward to hearing from u.
Love <3
Chapter 1: So sad! How come they ended like that *cries
authornim! this is so good ^^