
missing you

I looked if kris had texted me or if he left a letter on our fridge. But no there was no sign of message. I tried to call Kris but he ignored my calls, usually he would immediately pick up his phone when I call him. I began to worry because he never left without saying a word. I woke up the other members and asked them if Kris texted him or told him that he would be going out that night. They said that Kris didn’t text them and that he didn’t told them that he would be going out. I tried to call Kris multiple times but still he didn’t pick up his phone. I thought maybe he will come back to our dorm later this day. So I just put my clothes on and got to the SM building with the other guys to practice but when we arrived at the building I also felt a strange tense because the staff was looking anxious at us if they were hiding something. I asked them if there was something going on, they answered “uh.. no there’s nothing”.  Okay I thought maybe I’m just seeing weird things. We got to our training room because we had a long schedule that day for our upcoming first solo concert. It was weird that Kris didn’t come after an hour of training because he also had a long schedule for that day. So I asked one of the staff where Kris was he answered “well.. uh.. I.. uh .. don’t.. uh.. know”. That’s weird most of the time the staff answers in short sentences. now I knew that they were hiding something. So I asked another person of the staff were Kris was he answered “uh.. uh.. okay guys I’m going to tell him we can’t hide this any longer” the other persons of the staff grabbed the guy of the staff I just talked to and shut his mouth. I said “WHAT THE HECK STAFF WHERE IS KRIS,WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOING SO HIDIOUS AND WEIRD” they looked at each other for a minute and then they called the rest of the members to come and sit. We sat down and one of them began to speak. “guys we have bad news, Kris had betrayed the company today he has full filed a lawsuit against our entertainment. He said that he felt he was getting treated as an object and that his health was weak because we didn’t gave him enough sleep according to him”. I knew that they were hiding something, but why did Kris full filed a lawsuit against our company. Why didn’t he told us what he was doing. A lot of question were filling my head. Then I remembered something what happened in the past. 

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