Mental Breakdown

Rythm of the Night
I got back home at 2 a.m. "Then fight" - this words stuck in my mind and couldn't get out. I stoped thinking about it once I got a text message on Line. "Get ready for tomorrow night, it's going to be hard" it said. How come he got my contact? Oh no, Hoon-ah. Don't tell me it was you who gave it to him. "Sorry, JJ" said Hoon when I called him in the morning. " I had no idea you'll get that mad". Aaalright, you freak. Thanks a lot. "Aish...okay. " I sighed. "Just ask me first next time". All day I was cleaning my house. Since my friend Sunji moved out I was left alone with loads of empty beer cans and soju bottles in every single piece of the flat. Now I was even drinking more, drawning the empty feeling of drinking alone. Funny but sad. I thought I had to do some was always Sunji's duty...what to do? I have to make everything on my own. I cleaned up everything what were possible to clean. Then I dressed up and went to shops. After that all I was totally exhausted so I ate something in a rush and fell asleep. When I woke up it was already 9p.m. "Gosh I'm gonna be ing late" I said to myself and started to get ready for work. Oh how I hate Tuesdays...
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