Trying To Remember and The Impossible Phone Call

One Twist After Another

Rachel POV:

I woke up in Amber's room, in her bed, right next to her. Her head was on my shoulder when I tried getting up slowly. I felt a gigantic knot in my shoulder blade. "KYYYYAAAAHHH" I yelled at the sharp pain when I totally forgot there was a sleeping human being next to me. Surprisingly, she didn't wake and I took in a long sigh of relief.

While walking to the kitchen to eat breakfast, I slowly remembered what happened the night before. Amber couldn't sleep so she asked me to tell her stories of my years in Seattle. Some made her laugh, some made her feel sorry for me. She seemed like a little sister to me. Sooner or later, she fell asleep and I stayed up reading, but obviously fell asleep afterwards. That's all I could remember.

While I ate breakfast, our phone rang off the hook, And so did my cell phone. For some reason, I had no motivation to talk to the outside world. I just wanted it quiet. The phone calls got out of hand and I turned off my phone. Before I did, I checked every caller ID. I got a calls from all the members of SHINee, F(x), Super Junior, U-Kiss, B2st, SNSD, my friend Vicky from the pharmacy, my manager. Pretty much everyone I've met from our label and then some, a couple new outside friends I've made, and my boss. While on our landline, I got calls from my aunt Sheryl, my uncle David, my aunt Sylvia, my cousins, Nicholas and Alyssa, all my old friends from back home, even one call from my brother. In the time that I ate my breakfast, I had rejected almost 45 calls, and 50 unread text messages. The one thing that caught my attention is that while all this was happening, I got an extra 20 rejected calls from an unknown number. and 2 text messages from a number with Seattle's area code  and a numbet sfkjbkjugkjhgkjhgkgljkhljkh

I never picked up my phone again and I unplugged our landline, thinking I was going crazy. But this way when Amber wakes up, the phone won't disturb her. When I finally got done eating my breakfast and my headache went away, I headed for the shower and started my day. I woke up at 9am.

Onew POV:

"Did she answer your call?" Jonghyun asked me from across our living room

"Nahh" I sighed

"She didn't answer mine either" Taemin pouted

"Mmkay guys don't get your in a bunch. It's early, maybe she's still asleep" Key reassured us.

Key has gotten better recently. He's been more social with us and slowly starting to move on. I hope I can say the same for Amber. Though right now I have no idea.

"I just called Rach. My call got sent right to her voicemail. She turned her phone off." Minho said confused walking down the stairs.

She turned it off? When I called, the phone rang for a while. Why would she turn it off? Well that must mean she's awake. But why ignore all of our calls and then turn her phone off?

"Maybe she's busy?" Key suggested

Something in my mind told me there was something wrong. But then again, when isn't there something wrong?

Rachel POV:

I wallked into the dance room without Amber by my side. I felt

Only Victoria and Luna were there talking in the corner

"Look who it is!!!" Luna lit up as she twirled towards me and gave me a bear hug

"Uh... Yeah it's me" I said, confused

"Why didn't you pick up our calls?" Victoria said in her sugar-coated voice

"Ehhh, I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. Probably because it was just too early" I sighed "Though I did get a phone call from almost every person on this planet this morning"

"Why are you so surprised?" Luna asked tilting her head

"It's not normal that I get a phone call and text message from everyone I know" I giggled

"Do you not know what day it is?" Luna asked again, a little louder this time

"Uuuuhhh, Thursday?"

"WHAT??? It's-"

Luna got cut off when Sulli walked in and shot me a huge smile and gave me a hug

"Heeeeey! How's your day been going? Probably very well" she laughed

"It's been actually really slow" I sighed once more.

"I'd thinking it would be POPPING!!" Sulli yelled. "You gunna go partying?"

"Would you excuse me you guys?" I asked, more confused then ever, walking out the door towards my manager's office

"I think she forgot" I heard Victoria say sympathetically behind me

"What am I missing here?" I whispered to myself

I was then on my way to my manager Unni's office. But not before I was stopped by someone tackling me from behind. In fact, it was two people. "Yahhh! Make sure you don't break her back!" I heard Yesung's familiar voice yell behind my back.

"Rachel, did I really kill you?!?!" I heard an alarmed Sungmin

"Heeeey guys." I smiled "I actually think you got the knot in my shoulder out" I laughed

"You're in pain? Not on a day like this!" Sungmin said concerned

"Stay strong, kid. Have an awesome day" Yesung smiled and ruffled my hair, leaving with his dongsaeng

"On a day like this?" I questioned Sungmin's words. "Again, what the hell am I missing? What does everyone know that I don't?!?!" I yelled out loud


I continued to Unni's office, when I was again stopped by Jessica. She saw me from the other side of the room and smiled. She started to walk over. A little scared of what she'll say. "How's your day been going, lovely?" she giggled and gave me a tight hug, a little higher in her heels. She was exactly my height now since in reality, she was shorter than me

I didn't say anything, I just hugged her back and choked a little laugh.

"Something wrong? I'd hope not. Not today at least" she asked

"No! There's nothing wrong! I'm just confused!" I snapped at her, then feeling sudden remorse.

"I'm sorry. Poeple have been telling me today is a special day for me, but I don't know what today is.. But don't tell me, I wanna find out on my own" I smiled and gave her another hug and walked away. Before I left the room, I looked back at Jessica, who had the biggest sympathetic look on her face that I've ever seen

"Is it really that bad?"


After remembering why I was going to Unni's office, I stopped and decided not to. My intention was to ask her what was so special about today. But now that I'd decided that I'll try to remember by myself, I turned around and went home to get my work out clothes and anything I needed to work out. I then drove back to the SM building and spent almost 3 hours on my exersise and thought the whole time on what today might be. I checked the calender almost twenty times, made sure the date was right, and thought... So hard, my brain started to turn fuzzy. So I stopped running around the building and sat down. Everytime I saw someone or anyone that called me this morning, I'd avoid. It was really cruel, but I was determined to find the truth on my own. I tried my hardest, but at the end of the day, I came up with absolutely nothing.

I finally came home at 6pm, Amber was up and dressed, better than she regularly is, while I was in my gym clothes, covered in sweat, my hair tied up as high as it could go.

"Hey unni! Where have you been? Aren't you ready to go out? After all, today is-"


I smacked my hand against Amber's mouth to shut her up

"NOT ANOTHER WORD!!!" I exclaimed

I gently lowered my hand and started pacing the room.

"The guys are on their way right now, should I tell to wait?"

"Yes, call them now and tell them-"

Before I could finish, there was a knock at the door.

"DAMMIT!" I screamed

I ran up to the door and opened it as fast as I could

Minho, Jonghyun, Key, and Taemin all stood in the doorway smiling, first time I saw them today.


Their smiles all suddenly faded. I couldn't notice because I was so focused on making sure they'd stay quiet, that they were all dressed up nicer than they do on a normal day. This day must be special.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you--"

"No!!! Be quiet!!" I shushed Key

While they walked in slowly, I again started to pace until I could feel mysefl standing in a rut.

"Rachel? Are you okay? This is a terrible day to be not okay. Especially for you" Taemin sighed

"OKAY I GIVE IN!!!! WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT TODAY?!?!?! WHAT IS TODAY!!?!?!?!?!" I yelled for miles

Before any one of the members of SHINee of Amber could respond.....

"HAPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYY!!!!" Onew barged in, smiling, holding a stuffed black and blue teddy bear, wearing a necklace with a purple and blue gem in it.

I froze, I couldn't speak. "Yeahhh..." Jonghyun sighed with his head hung low, along with his dongsaengs. Onew's smile slowly faded. I ran to my phone and turned it on. As soon as it was on and all my settings were loaded, my phone revealed that I had an additional 40 missed calls and another 20 unread messages. While my phone continued to blow up. I ran to our landline phone and listened to my family's voicemail.

"Hey honey, Happy birthday! We hope you have such a good day"

"Hey, there's my favorite neice! Happy birthday. I know you'll-"

"How is our cousin?? How old are you now? 23? Dang you're old!-"

"Hey sis. How's the special day going!? Your favorite brother is holding up well. Happy birthday Rachel. I love you. I'll say happy birthday for mom and dad for you"

After listening to all the voicemails with my friends, I walked slowly back out into the living room and sat on the couch and sighed

"..... I can't believe I forgot..." I felt shocked

"It's okay, Rachel.. It happens to people" Jonghyun sighed

"It's not the end of the  world" Minho said

"And it's also not the end of the night.. We were planning on bringing you out to dinner and a movie" Key smiled

I looked up and smiled

Onew sat next to me and silently gave me the teddy bear.

"... I love the necklace" I giggled

"I knew you would.. I picked it out" he smiled. "I still have a question.. I heard you went to the SM building today. How did you go all day without someone telling you?"

I thought for one minute.. "Huh... I don't know. After a while, I told people not to tell me cause I wanted to figure it out by myself"

"Can we go out and eat? I starved myself all day today so I'd have an epic appetite tonight" Taemin moaned. "Yeah, I'm hungry." Minho complained

I giggled, "Can I go get ready first?"

"Make it fast" Taemin snapped.

Key and Onew pushed the maknae away and smiled. "Take your time"

After almost an hour, I was finally ready to go. I felt really bad for making them wait, but I felt way better. We went out to the nicest place to eat. I got all my gifts from Amber and the rest of SHINee. Since I took forever to get ready, we missed the movie, so we went dancing, which made my thoughts finally melt. Afterwards, I felt like I had made up for all I forgotten. I was happy

Amber POV:

It was 2am and I came out of the restroom and into the kitchen to find Rachel at the table on the phone, in sweat pants and a tank top.

"Yes Chris, believe it........ It's fine....... I promise you I'll remember next year...... I actually had a nice day...... Everyone was in such a good mood....... Thanks again for you call...... Aha, watch me forget your birthday!......... AHAHA..... Just kidding, I won't...... Bye.... I love you"

Rachel hung up the phone and looked over at me and gave me a small wave

"What are you doing up so late?" I asked her

"Should I ask you the same thing?" she yawned

"Touche, but you should sleep. What have you been doing?"

"Returning everyone's calls and texts"

"WHAT?!? Are you insane? You've gotten like thousands of those today!"

"Well that's what I've been doing this whole time" She yawned again "But I just finished, so let's sleep"

"Yes let's" I giggled. That does sound like something she'd do. We both slowly started trudging to our bedrooms when our landline started to ring.

"It's almost 2:30am. Who would call so late?" Rachel asked.

I looked at the caller ID 'Restricted'

"Unknown number. It could be a friend of yours back home, should I answer it?" I asked

"Yeah sure.. But that's the last call for the night" she yawned

"Amen" I caught her contagious yawn

"Yobseyo?" I answered quietly

All I could hear was static

"Yobseyo??" I repeated

I was about to hang up, when I heard a voice


"Hello. Who is this?" It sounded like an old man

The other end was really hard to hear. There was so much static, much was inaudible

"Can I speak to my daughter?"

"I'm sorry, sir. You have the wrong number"

"Rachel. My daughter, let me talk to her, please. It's her birthday today"

My eyes widened. I looked over at Rachel, who was looking at me rather confused. I started to feel uneasy

"Please don't call and say that. If this is a joke, it really isn't funny. Anyone who knows us knows that this isn't funny. Goodnight sir"

I hung up the phone

"Who was that?" Rachel asked

"P-prank call" I stuttered

"How rude" she smirked

Suddenly, the phone started ringing again. Again, unknown number.

I swiftly picked up the phone again and started to shake "Yobseyo?"


"Can I t--talk to my dau---shhhs-- daughter?"

"Sir, I'm prepared to call the poilice. If you call us one more time, I'm calling 911!!!!' I said, the second I hung up the phone again.

"What the hell are they saying that's making you like this?"

I looked at Rachel, feeling frozen, and sweaty.

"I...I think y-you should pick up th-the phone next time"

"You think they'll call again??" she said with wide eyes.

With that, the unknown number called a third time. Rachel hesitantly went for the phone, beginning to shake herself


Rachel POV:

"Yobseyo?" I answered the phone, as Amber recommended.

All I could hear was static...


The static lasted for a little more, but then it all came clear.


"Rachel? Rachel honey, it's your mother"

I almost dropped the phone.. But saved it before it shattered on the floor.

"........ M-mom?"

"Yes Rachel, it's your mom" I hear in my ear before more static interrupts the call

".... Mom..." Tears started to naturally flow from my eyes "How are you calling me?"

Static... "Rachel?".....


"Rachel, it's us" Static

"Mommy, daddy..... I-I miss you" I cried into the phone

"We miss you too honey. We ---shhshshsh- ish we could be with--shhshsh- ou on your special day.."

"Mom...." I tried to speak.. but only God knows it was so hard to do.

"Rachel... Happy birthday..." I hear my dad whisper

I dropped to my knees, and sobbed with the phone still up to my ear.

Amber came over to my side and took the phone and put in on speaker phone. "Hello?" she asked


"This isn't possible...."

"Amber, I know you remember me" my mom said into our phone

"I wanted ---shshshhssshshsh--say I'm sorry"

I could see Amber didn't want to believe it. But it was hard since she knew my mom's voice well enough to know it was her..

"..... I forgive you..." she sighed, before starting to cry herself

"Rachel?" my dad said

"Dad?" I replied.

".....ssjshshhshshs--- We love you....."
The call was disconnected




Sorry I haven't been on in forever! But now it's summer. So I have plenty of time to write :D

Hope you liked this chapter.

Sorry, my computer was being a little female dog and I have a bunch of typos that my laptop won't let me fix..

Hope you like what you understand though :]

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Yeaaa I like this!!
mellie93 #2
AWWWWWW!! Minho is finally getting along with Rachel! :D<br />
and i hate my prolonged silence more than you do..but i have been really busy lately with school.. :(
starpaints #3
mellie93 #4
seriously "One Twist After Another"<br />
mellie93 #5
Good Luck~<br />
it's okay to have a life! ;)<br />
Enjoy your drama club activites! :D
update sooooooooooooooooooon please!!!
mellie93 #7
i have been kinda busy with school and you're such a quick updater, which is honestly a great thing!i always get to read 3 chapters at a time..! :P<br />
Thank You! Great Story!! :D
Purplish95 #8
Nice story! i almost cried at chapter 2, especially when her dad came! >< Subscribed! ^^
mellie93 #9
Sounds like a great plot line..just read half of the forward and decided to subscribe.. :D<br />
I'll comment again once i finish reading! :)
Your story is so awesome! Keep it up >.<