
Home is where your heart is

Home is where your heart is


“What are your plans for the next month Tao? With your tour being done there’s word of you going to take a much deserved break…?”

She was absolutely stunning, tall and slim exactly Tao’s much discussed type but unlike the picture that popped in his mind when he thought of the word ‘ideal’ and ‘lover’, she wore too much make-up, too bright and tight clothes and was, in his modest opinion, too darn pushy.

The interview had outstretched the initial 45 minutes planned and sadly, as it was a live show, he couldn’t quite get up and claim he’s done so he gritted his teeth and tried to answer her never ending questions as honestly as possible.

“Actually yes, I’ve been looking forward to a long trip and some relaxation” he answered, smiling brightly at the camera and peeking cautiously at the audience in the studio. The majority were young and he even saw some familiar faces of the girls that ran some blogs about him, it was kind of comforting.

“Oooh.. then I suppose you won’t be going alone? Is there a special someone in your life?”

Again this question. If Tao had a dollar for each time someone asked him if he was in a relationship then he would be very very rich, well.. richer.

He didn’t quite realize that his pause in answering was longer than usual as his eyes strayed from the interviewer’s crimson lips to the side of the stage where his manager sat. The young man’s eyes widened and he subtly gestured to the lady trying his hardest to make Zitao focus on the task at hand without giving anything away, in this world you had to be weary of everyone.

But it wasn’t that Tao wasn’t focused… no, he was very much in tune with the atmosphere.. how the woman, Miranda something if he recalled well, was studying him with too much interest, how the audience had shushed and some were even leaning forward on the tiny plastic chairs, as if the extra centimeters would make them hear his answer better or realize if he would lie.

He wouldn’t, because he was tired of lying, tired of answering the same question again and again so maybe it was time to change the tone, to add something new. His world tour had just ended, barely two days ago and that meant that it would be quite some time before he got back out there with something new, something that needed promoting…

It was high time for a change, his fans had matured, when he first began his career most of them were teenagers but now.. now at each concert he could see older faces, people in their twenties enjoying a good show, sometimes even older folk.. he owed it to them to at least not lie.

“Yes, there is”

The silence in the room was deafening. One of the cameramen, an older gentleman, was obviously thorn between keeping the camera focused on the singer or take a swipe around the room to record the reactions of the fans gathered there.

Miranda was surprised as she internally thought of the questions she had personally discussed with Tao’s manager. She knew them by heart and it was the same with his answeres. Confusion was set on her face as she did not know how to react… should she play this as a joke? No, Zitao looked quite serious, a hint of a smile present on his face, nothing betrayed a joking air.

She masked her feelings in a tight smile and did what made her get the best timeslot in the day for this type of show, she improvised.

“Ah so this is why you’re so eager to get out of here. You have someone waiting for you, what can you tell us about this?” she asked happily before adding “That is, of course, if you can tell us anything at all”

This was going to bring high ratings.

Tao arranged his hair, or more like he messed it up further, before smiling to the audience “It’s part of what makes me happy these days. I’m sure you’ll hear much more in the future” he concluded, signaling the obvious ending of the show.

Cameras turned off, lights dimmed slightly and he shaked hands with the interviewer mostly by habbit. Okay so maybe it was not a bright idea to do this without the approval of his manager.. and friend …

What were the odds of making it to the bathroom before said upset-looking boy could catch up with him again?

“I can’t believe you did that!” he shouted as the door to Tao’s cabin closed.

“Well, you see..”

“You cannot do this without asking me! You know what’s going to be in the press tomorrow? Actually you know how many calls I’m bound to get in hours asking for appearances and photos and events? I thought after years you would trust me more than this!”

Tao’s eyes widened and suddenly his throat felt dry. Right, he did kind of mess things up a bit.

“I just wanted everyone to know… I’m done hiding. I know I should have told you before but please don’t be mad at me?”

Apparently that did not do the trick as all the way to the car there was nothing but silence. The fans had yet to leave, they would’ve usually done so but probably his confession made them linger. Tao watched them fondly from the car, waving his hand and smiling for photos.

They left the venue little after 11:30, Seoul at night was restless, there was always noise and people on the streets. It was the city that had adopted him, the place where he had made it big and also the city which he called home. The city in which he had fallen in love..

“I’m still mad at you”

“I know.. and I am sorry” Tao replied as he glanced at his house, the lights to the living room were still on which meant he was awake.. awake and waiting.

“We’ll talk about this tomorrow. Do not think you’re going to get away with this because you are most certainly not! You’ll work extra”

Tao chuckled at the empy threats. They were both tired, more than a little bit annoyed by the last few days and he knew that once his friend had gone home, took a long bath and met his other half for the first time in weeks he’d be less cranky.. but then so will he.

The air was clean, slightly cold but he wasn’t bothered. He was home..

Thankfully no fans showed up here, they knew him well enough to know he didn’t like that, he was prone to hissy fits if they invaded what he called his ‘personal life’ and as time went on they learned to respect that.

He unlocked the outer door and almost got pushed out and well, down, on the grass as a heavy weight landed on his chest. He tried to stiffle his laughter and talked lowly.

“Shh girl, I want to surprise him” he said as he petted the black fur of the puppy. Well she was no longer a small puppy but rather a pretty large dog. She wagged her tail and looked up at him, face almost smiling.

Tao petted her for a moment before making his way to the door and unlocking it silently. He slipped off his shoes and put them neatly side by side knowing he was going to get scolded if he left mess behind. The house was silent and it made him frown slightly.

Taking off his coat he advanced in the house, opting to check the living room first since light from there poured in the hall.

The sight that met him was as heartwarming as it was endearing.

The boy was sitting in a large, green armchair and was fast asleep. He didn’t look more than 19.. maybe 20. Sitting in an awkward position, with his hands hanging off the side and one leg trapped under himself while the other was thrown over the side it was clear that he struggled with sleep before the latter had won.

Tao advanced silently, blue fluffy socks making no noise against the wooden floor and went on his knees in front of the armchair. He couldn’t help but raise his hands to caress the flawless white cheeks of his lover.

The boy frowned slightly before slowly prying his eyes open. Tao almost melted from cuteness. He blinked once, twice before realizing that this wasn’t a dream and that Tao was indeed in front of him. It took all of two seconds for him to throw himself at the older boy causing them both to thumble down to the warm floor.

“You’re home!”

Tao smiled, a honest warm smile, and raised his hands to play with the boy’s blonde-whiteish hair.

“I’m home Sehunah”

Sehun laughed and the sound, together with the feeling of Sehun’s skin on his, made Tao feel like he was finally where he belonged, not on other continents in posh but unfamiliar hotel rooms, not with staff and fans.. home with his family.

Sehun ended up dragging Tao to their room and got him out of his shirt in no time. They were both on their sides, facing each other in complete silence. Eyes just scanning each other’s features, filling the gap that appeared in their souls each and every time they couldn’t see each other for more than a day.

Tao raised an almost shaky hand to run it up Sehun’s neck, caressing the skin lightly before running his thumb over the younger boy’s jaw, his eyes locked on the pink lips in front of him and his patience was at it’s limit, he felt like he needed this more than air so he leaned in, stopping barely centimeters apart.

Their breaths mingled for a second before the tension was too much. Tao was unsure who made the final push but it didn’t matter now, their lips were touching for the first time in weeks and the tingle that ran through his body made him feel alive. He pulled Sehun’s lower lip in between his, lightly, the familiarity of the feeling and the way Sehun opened his mouth willingly made him smile into the kiss.

They parted minutes later, Sehun’s eyes still closed while his hands were around Tao’s neck, caressing the sharp cut black hairs at the back of his head. Tao’s long fingers were teasingly tracing the thin stripe of skin where Sehun’s baggy t-shirt did not quite reach his cotton pants, low on his hips.  

“I missed you so much” he whispered in Tao’s neck, inhaling slowly as if to reaquaint himself with the particullar and sweet smell that always made him feel light headed.

“We won’t split ever again” Tao mutterd into Sehun’s hair as he pulled the boy closer to his chest.

Sleep found them like that, cuddled into each other’s embrace and for the first time in weeks at complete peace.

~ * ~

“You outed us on national television?”

Sehun was stading there, in the kitchen doorway, with a spatula in one hand while the other was resting on his hip with a rerun of Tao's late night interview  playing loudly on the living room tv, there was a lingering bacon and eggs smell in the air but regardless.. he looked mighty pissed.

“Well, baby…”





Holy muffins I'm writing again! Not thinking of writing, not struggling to put ideas together but actually posting stuff. I'm surprised.It's summer and even though I have a job to worry about, an extremely important exam to study for .. well nothing can take away from me the summer burst of inspiration.

This being said I take the chance to say that I'm writing a full length fic. You know, proper story line, chapters and characterization and all.. Not entirely sure when it will be posted but it will be kind of based on this AU. Accent on 'kind of'.

I get a bit intimidated when I see subscribers from the foreword -waves from behind desk- Not sure if this is what you guys expected but I hope you've enjoyed it.

Thank you for stopping by! <3

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190806-68 #1
Chapter 1: hahahah the ending tho, well somebody is pissed!
nerdychanyeolism #2
Chapter 1: Ohhh the ending lol tao you're in deep XD!!!!