

Sulli’s POV

Heaving a deep sigh I pressed the button of elevator, suddenly I felt a light tap was on my right shoulder. Jerked my head to the sideward of that person, I smiled brightly at him.

“Morning Jongin.” I greeted him cheerfully as he gave me back his sweet smile which almost melted all my disturbed thought since the morning.

“Morning giant baby.” He responded with one arm flying and clung around my shoulder, instantly my eyes widened as my heartbeat began to pace. Before I could reach, he pushed me and him into the elevator. I then elbowed him on his stomach and slapped his hand away.

“Yah! We’re in the company, okay?” I scolded him and sighed of relief. “Glad that no one saw us, if so I don’t know how I will face with those bunch of gossipers in the office later.” I said and leaned on the wall, looking down on my foot I tapped my shoe on the floor in irksomeness. Feeling annoying yet so mad at those people I mentioned earlier. Pesky at this burdensome thought, I clicked my tongue harshly.

Jongin laughed. “Is it that hard working as a CEO’s Executive Assistant? C’mon Ssul you were once used to work in higher position and look, I bet EA is nothing compare to the load of works you used to be in charge 4 years ago. Not to mention those people which you easily handled. I wonder where is the confident Choi Sulli who I used to know.”

“Oh please! You’re not in my shoes, Kim Jongin.” I rolled my eyes as if I so damn satisfy working here. Urg … only if I have the other better choice.

“I guess our smoking hot CEO is really giving you a hard time.” Jongin continued which I needed to agree 500 percent.

“Yes as hell.” I added on his sentence and again he suddenly grabbed my shoulder. Okay I’ll let it past since we are alone now. I then felt he grinned cunningly.

“You really hate him to the bone cut through the core right? But can’t blame him entire though, it’s should be his parent’s fault to produce such gorgeous creature.” Jongin said. I glared at him as he burst out his laughter but he didn’t stop there as he continued to test my temper. “Oh Sulli, why being so hard to yourself? Look at me! Why don’t you consider ……..” There he goes again, playfully trailing his question with a seductive wink and lopsided smile. I knew what he meant by that and before I could kick his , the elevator reached our office department as the door was wide opened. He quickly snatched the chance and ran away from me.

Yeah, aside from those useless people in the office, do I need to face this puckish guy everyday as well? Oh great!! I many times asked myself how came I find him so attractive and ended up to be his bestfriend? If he’s my husband, surely I’ll squeeze him in my grasp until he begs for my mercy. I shook my head thinking about my single best friend. When will he decide to settle down? Jongin should have someone to lecture him.


I sighed deeply again before dragging myself out of the elevator and found my way to my desk. Like my expectation, a group of the useless staffs I mentioned earlier now started to dismiss their unconstrained conversation and back to each respective job. Thanks to the Marketing manager aka Kim Jongin my bestie’s arrival earlier. Okay at least he’s helpful a bit. His presence is so useful when it comes to this kind of thing happen in the office. But to my dismay once he was vanished into his office room, those people started to gather again.

I shut my eyes, totally in irritation.

“Awww he’s so freaking handsome today.”

“You see his outfit today? Wow, damn hot.”

“His smile almost drowned me swimming in heaven just now.”

Here it goes again. The bunch of these maiden ladies was swooned over my devil best friend. Although I totally agree with them that Jongin is handsome and one of a best catch fish in the company but please, do they come here to work or have a nugatory confab? Like every second, they never tired to jabber only about the guys.

“He’s handsome but definitely he will never beat our hot CEO. Damn! He’s extremely attractive and mainly ually.”

My blood rushed over when another girl switched their topic from Jongin to this person. I quickly grabbed a file and shot up from my seat. I sneakily made my way toward them. Okay, it’s not that I interested to involve with this kind of annoying conversation but it really burnt my nerve when they praised this person more even perfect than Jongin.

When I neared them, I cleared my throat. “I don’t find he’s attractive at all. He’s old already and Mr. Kim Jongin is still in his 20s.” I commented one and pretended to read a file in my hand.

I heard another staff groaned. “Old? Seriously, he just turned 30 last month. And I bet that even if he’s already in his 30s or 40s, he’s still as perfect as this way.”

I hung my mouth opened. How come they even know about his birth date? OMG! These scary single women!!

“Yes I agree with you. Choi Minho, a CEO of BI Corp. Who are in this company or even in this whole branding Industry doesn’t admit that he’s proportioned everywhere and just plain appeal. Guys, he’s so damn perfect.”

Another staff added, instantly made my jaw dropped. OMG!! They’re totally crazy.

“No, I don’t think so. Kim Jongin is still the best ideal of a hot guy than Mr. Choi.” I butted in again and then secretly gulped down when many pair of eyes looked at me, no they were apparently shot me the shape glare.

“Choi Sulli, just closed you mouth shut when you have problem with your eyes. Tsk!! Don’t you know that your position is a dream job that everyone wishes to have? I don’t understand why you hate Mr. Choi that much? Whenever we talk about him, you always burst out from nowhere and comment negatively about him and praise Mr. Kim. Spill out! Are you by chance in a relationship with our Marketing manager?”

“W-What?” I uttered. “No I’m not but I just stated the truth. Mr. Kim is handsomer than Mr. Choi hundred times.” I said, mentally wish they go along with me but instantly I only earned many eyes rolled away from me as if they were annoyed.

Okay, it should be me right who was supposed annoyed right now?

I then saw their gazes were shot to the direction behind my back. Rolling my eyes, I guess I know who they were ogling right now. I heard the sound of door in his office was closed as then I needed to cover my ears when these lecherous women suddenly squealed.

“OH MY GOD!!! I think I cannot survive a day if I don’t see him.”

Here they’re again, I right now really want to shout out loud at them in order shut their mouths. To control myself, I angrily spun around and went back to my desk but not before another sentence was dropped. And it was totally like a bomb to me.

“He’s so damn hot. I’m wondering how so good he is on bed.”

That’s it!!! I dropped the file in my hand on the floor. Seriously?! What is their illness?? OMG OMG OMG!! I am so so so angry by now. I quickly glowered into his office with my dead glare shot at his figure on his bureau table. This man……Grrrrrr……… Until when I can free from this stupid thing? Okay, is this considering as my sin or what?

AISH!! I hate it. I really hate them.



Finally the long tiring day had almost ended. Only an hour left. I stretched my arms and fell my back on my chair. I looked around and a small smirk appeared on my lips, at least those people knew how to work at some time and stopped with their part time job as tittle-tattle and drooling over men.

“Sulli! Let’s go. Prepare corporate document right now. We will have a meeting in TC Company later.” Mr. Choi Minho, set his foot in front of my desk and ordered. He looked around before cracked a smile down to me. “I’ll go ahead and wait for you at the car park.”

Wait!! What meeting? Why I have no idea about it at all? And before I could ask him, he already walked away. I shot a glare from his back but for full of my awareness I felt many pairs of eyes were on me. I sighed at the realization that I was under a threat of enviousness. If just a look could kill, I really don’t know how many times I died already within this minute.

Prepared ready, I went to elevator and when the door was about to close, I realized that I forgot my phone on my desk. Quickly, I ran back inside to the office but again, these useless people!

“I really hate her. I wish I can switch my position with that dumb girl. Until now I actually don’t understand why she was selected to be his EA?”

My expression turned grim when I overheard their talking. How could she say that when we just a co-worker for only a week now? Heck, she doesn’t even know how professional I am in the past. Hey woman, I used to work a higher position than you but because of some reason I ended up as an EA. And dumb girl?! Seriously I really wonder how clever you’re.

“Yes you’re right. She’s tall but not really pretty. Ugly, I suppose.”

What? Ugly? You crazy girls don’t even know what I’ve caught and have here? God! I really want to declare it into the world only if I can. I then fanned myself irritatingly with my hand. They really got on my nerve now. Then I heard they laughed.

“Have you noticed her figure?! Although she still has a slightest hot form, but I don’t think she’s anymore.”

I widened my eyes more even bigger. Moved my head down and jerked around to observe over my body.

OH DAMN!!!! God! I really wish I can sew their mouth shut ….. No no!!!! It’d be better if I can pull out their eyes and make them all blind at this right moment. How could they secretly ogle my body? So outrageous!!

“Anyway she’s in’ lucky that always closed with Mr. Choi. I bet, she countless time even trying to seduce him as well but act like a cheap in front of us. Hate him this, hate him that. Urg!! I really hate her.”

Okay, my temper was erupted now. I stomped my foot toward them and I wanted to laugh my off seeing their eyes almost popped out guiltily.

“What? Cheap ?! Well I don’t even remember when did I act like that?” I said loudly to them with a mocking tone, eying them one by one, then I continued. “Reflect yourself first before accuse the other nonsensically. Every day is like the hungry devils, shamelessly swooning and drooling over guys and now even badmouths me behind my back. So what we call that then? Crazy wolfs or a bunch of conniving spinsters?”


“Me what?! Or I’m saying it right?!” I cut her. “And yeah!! One thing I cannot deny and I’m very pleased to hear that. Definitely I’m lucky and perhaps I’m a luckiest human alive in this company as well. Something you don’t know and when you know it surely beyond your imagination. I doubt you will still alive after learning about it though.”

I burst out my anger into their face with my loudest voice. Damn, it caused me now having a hard time to breathe normally now. I breathlessly glared at them but when I was about to continue poured out my leftover temper, Jongin out of nowhere came between me and them. He caught my arm.

“Ssul! What are you doing? Your voice is as loud as a whistle. What happened?” Jongin asked in a worried tone. I guess he saw my face was so red by now.

“Nothing Jongin, I just teach these people some of lecture. You stay out of this.” I replied him in unkind manner, making most of them gasped in surprise. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that they don’t know that Jongin and I are best friend. They might think that I’m completely crazy who doesn’t know her place, acting rudely toward the superior. This was just a small scratch dude, I sometime more even worse than this when I used my physical strength against him. I somehow want to feel how much I feel damn good when I use it with these women? God! I really want to do it now.

“She is crazy.”

“WHAT??” I barked when I heard one of them murmured.

“Enough Sulli. You’re selling your face now.” Jongin stopped me again.

I groaned and clicked my tongue. He was right. I shouldn’t waste my precious time with this useless people anymore.

“Be careful next time. Don’t ever try with me again or I will throw away my pride to deal with all of you.” I warned with a dead glared at them for the last time before leaving.

I rolled my eyes on my way when I heard Jongin started to do an explanation to them.

I know after today onward, surely many difficult roads are awaiting me ahead. But I don’t care, at least a lesson to make them have some slightest respect and behave when they see me.


I went out from elevator and saw my Mr. CEO’s car was waiting for me. Again I felt me inside started boiling, this guy also one of my reason I erupted my anger. Because of him I made myself this hard. Because of him, I sold my face.

Especially because of him I felt very insecure and I hate this feeling damn much.

I entered his car and found out that he was not in the driver seat. Suddenly I almost die because of startle, when he popped out from the back seat. My eyes caught a bouquet of flower as my nose was tickled with its fragrant scent. Before I could reach for it, a soft yet light thing pressed on my left cheek.

He kissed me.

“Happy 6th anniversary, wifey.” His cheerful voice was ranging into my ear, instantly made my lips stretched a bit as I tried hard to purse it from spreading wider.

Yes, Choi Minho, a smoking hot CEO of BI Corp. Everyone dream guy is my husband. Surprise!!! Sorry, but he’s already taken and like I said the one who luckiest in this company is me. I own this man for almost 10 years already started from the first day he asked me out. No one in the whole company knows that I’m his wife … well except my one and annoying bestfriend Kim Jongin.

 “Tsk! I thought someone forget it. Since this morning I intentionally dropped some hint but turned out that he ignored it and acted so oblivious.” I hissed and crossed my hand over my chest.

“No, I don’t forget. How could I forget the wonderful day where I gained a very special person into my life?” He said and held my chin to press his lips on mine.

I lost to him again. This husband of mine really knows how to melt my anger away.

“Let’s go home then.” Minho said after released the kiss.

But home?

“Aren’t we supposed to have a meeting at TC Company?” I asked him with creased brows as Minho moved into his driver seat.

“Nope!! I lied so we can leave early today to celebrate our sweet anniversary at home.” He replied and flashed me his mischievous smile. “Only the two of us.” He leaned toward me about to kiss me again when I stopped him with my both palms held his cheek.

I pouted while studying my husband’s feature. He’s drop dead gorgeous. His handsomeness never once let my heart rest in peace. I heaved a deep sigh and dropped my face down. Instantly making him let out his chuckle, his hands made its way to hold my face and pulled it up to meet his eyes.

“Is this really making you so hard, Ssul?” He asked me softly and I nodded my head.

Not only so hard but I’m extremely afraid every single minute even if I’m with him right now. He brushed his thumps on my cheek and I so love this feeling.

“Do you think Oppa is going to cheat on you?”

“No, I trust you dearly Oppa but whenever I see those girls are crazy over you, the damn insecure feeling just easily emerges.” I said.

I guess my broken voice was very enough to make my husband surely felt bad but I couldn’t help myself. I’m really afraid that one day when I wake up, he’s no longer sleeping beside me.

I became his EA, only for the reason that I want to guard him, trying to prevent my husband to stay away from every woman around him. And when I talked bad about him, I really really meant it. I want those women seeing him in disgusting way so I’m no longer afraid that I might lose him anymore.

“Oppa …. Can … Can you quit your job?” I asked him hesitantly. I knew he strived so hard to reach in this position but I just couldn’t help myself to be selfish. “You don’t know how your subordinates are so scary. They even have dirty imagination about those things with you. Urg!!! I hate it. You’re mine and only me who have a full right to do those things with you.”

Minho laughed and pinched my cheek. “Wow! I don’t know that they’re this bold to imagine that thing. And please don’t worry and believe me Ssul, I’m all yours and only yours same goes that you’re only mine forever.” He touched my hand and caressed it. “Oppa is not going anywhere. No one can snatch me away from you. I love you and only you, my beloved wife.”

“I love you too Oppa.”

He smiled sweetly at me as he stared into my eyes. “Quit my job is not a solution, Sulli. But I have an effective way to make my wife leaves in peace.”

“Really? What is that Oppa.” I happily jumped in my seat.

“Declare to the world that I’m yours.” He answered me and grinned widely. “Tell them that I already settled down with the most beautiful woman here.”

OMG! Really? Isn’t that going to affect his career? Husband is a CEO as his wife is his Executive Assistance!

As like my lovely husband could read my mind. He then nodded with a big smile at me.

“Minho Oppa!” I squealed and because of my joyfulness was overload, I immediately moved from my seat and crossed the distance to sit on Minho’s lap. I saw his eyes widened in quite surprise but I knew that he loves it as well. I then wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips, repeated it again and again. “I love you so much, hubby.”

“Are you that happy?” He asked as his hand tightened around my body, pulled me down to press our forehead together.

No need to ask, I’m so damn happy here. Those women, I can’t wait to see their dead expression when they know about this.

“Let’s do it tomorrow then. So now I’ll take my reward first.”

Minho almost couldn’t finish his word as his lips enveloped mine and kissed me passionately, in response I gave all of me in. We caressed each other with our lips as a sign of our deep loves that we were showering for each other until it turned strong and barely controllable.

While we still enjoyed each other in impetuous passion, suddenly a few knocks on the window jolted us back to reality.

And it’s none other than the er, Kim Jongin. I groaned in annoyance and Minho let out a chuckle before he rolled the window down.

“What?” I snapped at Jongin.

“Chill girl!” Jongin said and shook his head, at the same time the desire of smacking his head was born in my mind.

“Please I’m begging you guys, you’re still in the company’s territory. At least for my sake okay, my car is parking beside yours. Gosh! My innocent eyes.” With that Jongin shook off with a light laughter before turned around and went to his car.

I rolled my eyes later but only turned soft when it met with my husband’s affectionate gaze or love lust maybe.

“Let’s resume this at our paradise, wifey.”

“My pleasure, hubby.”



The end.

Thank you so much my beloved readers for reading, subscribing, upvoting and your precious feedbacks. And sorry for the load mistakes I’ve made in the story also the crappy ending. Anyway hope that you still enjoyed it although it wasn’t that well written.

I love you all.

Let’s love Minsul forever <3


Guys!!! The teaser images of Sulli, I almost lost my breath each time the picture came out. She’s so sizzling hot and gorgeous. I’m wondering, how comes Minho able to survive .... lol

Gosh! I really really can’t wait for their comeback next month. SO EXCITED!

f(x) fighting!





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zangsia1 #1
love love it
jhanehojas #2
Chapter 1: again this short fic needs also sequel authornim pls tnx authornim
sooyeonah #3
Chapter 1: i love the twist really surprising me hahaha
Hannawu88 #4
Chapter 1: Kyaa..how cute they are
This story is just,ahh love it
Keep writing authornim,n
Sequel phuwesss XD
Chapter 1: haaaaa so sweet
i like how the way sulli want to protect her smoking hot ceo XD
i want a sequel please can u?
enjoyed this one shot :-) good job, authornim.
momomimu #6
Chapter 1: aahhh this is sooo sweet author-niim
i love thiiis
sequel please <3
ddy_smarties #7
Chapter 1: oh sweet story xD
MiracleMinSul #8
Chapter 1: Thr best story .. thank you authornim for this amazing story ..
Chapter 1: Why I feel you fooled us all along authornim? They're already married and seriously 6yrs. Lol, I thought Sulli and Minho are enemy but turned out that they're this sweet. Love it♥

Thanks authornim. Yeah, loving Minsul forever. And teaser pic!! Sulli kills us. Minho might feel very insecure now, kekeke

Good luck and take care authornim :)
kimipuys #10
Chapter 1: I love this story kekekek....thanks and ill be waiting unconditional love heheheh. Gomaweo